Chapter Twenty-Six - Mom?

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"When are they going to come back?" Tsovey questioned, sadness painting her face.

"I don't know, right now they want to stay away." Tatal replied, in kind. "To keep us safe from their leader." She added with a tinge of frustration prevalent in her voice.

"This is ridiculous. They should have come back by now!" Vialo growled. "You said a few days! It has been more than a few days." She continued, turning her head to meet Tatal's gaze.

"Vialo, I know you miss them and that you are angry...I do not blame you for feeling that way, but they are doing this to keep us safe." Tatal reminded her irritated sister. "They don't want us to get hurt." She finished, placing a hand on Vialo's shoulder.

"I know." Vialo conceded. "I just want to see them again." She admitted. "Before it is too late." Vialo choked on the words as they came out.

Tatal took in a sharp breath, and squeezed her sister's shoulder. "We all do." Tatal agreed. "And we will!" She added with a smile, as she brought Vialo into a hug. "Tsovey, you too! Come on!" Tatal laughed as she held her left arm out to the young girl. Tsovey grinned wildly as she happily joined in the hug. "Everything will work out. Mom and dad should be home tonight or tomorrow. Once they get home we will work everything out." Tatal promised. The three girls stood there in silence for a moment and took a few deep breaths. "There, do you feel better?" Tatal asked softly.

"Yes, I feel better." Vialo chuckled.

"Good, now go help Solko with lunch!" Tatal playfully ordered. "You promised her you'd help her today." Tatal added, and jokingly started pushing Vialo towards the house.

"Alright, alright I'm going." Vialo exclaimed in a dramatic tone as she walked into the house.

"I hope mom and dad get here tonight!" Tsovey cooed, hugging Tatal tighter. "I miss them." She whined.

"I miss them too, I'm sure they will be here by tonight but if they aren't then it will be a treat to wake up to them in the morning wouldn't it?" Tatal asked with a smile.

"It would be! Okay I hope they get home tomorrow then!" Tsovey giggled.

Tatal couldn't help but laugh along with Tsovey. She would be lying if she said there wasn't a part of her that was nervous for her parents to come home. She knew how her father would react finding out about the boys, but she wasn't sure if her mom would react the same way. She was going to have to start that conversation and she was scared.

"Tatal, can I go with Henilo to get firewood today?" Sakire asked enthusiastically.

"Firewood? Really?" Tatal exclaimed in slight shock, as Sakire's question had brought Tatal out of her anxious thoughts. "That is out of character for you Sakire. Are you sure you want to go?" Tatal questioned with a smirk. "It can get very tiring." She added.

"I can do it! I am strong." Sakire fought.

"It is true, she has gotten much stronger these days." Henilo exclaimed with a proud smile, gaining a proud chuckle from Sakire in the prosses.

"I see." Tatal stated, looking at Sakire who was visibly very eager.

"Please Tatal!" Sakire begged, as she entangled her fingers together.

"Alright, yes you can." Tatal caved. "But if you get too tired, come back." Tatal ordered.

"Okay, I will!" Sakire groaned.

"Be back quickly, we don't need much so don't overdo it." Tatal requested.

"We won't don't worry. We are just going to get enough for tonight and tomorrow." Henilo reassured his sister. "We will be back soon." He added, before motioning Sakire to follow him.

"Tatal lunch is almost ready." Solko called out. "You two hurry back before we eat it all." She taunted.

"Whatever, you are so mean." Sakire whined.

"Just go and be quick!" Solko barked, before disappearing back into the house.

"Come on, the longer you two fight about it the longer it will take." Henilo groaned, and started walking towards the forest. Sakire caved and just followed behind her brother until the pair faded away into the tree line.

Tatal watched them disappear, before bringing her attention back to Tsovey. "Alright, Tsovey let's go eat! I'm starving." Tatal chuckled.

"Yes! Let's go! Let's go!" Tsovey cheered. Tatal slowly made her way towards the house, but was abruptly yanked by Tsovey who was trying to run  towards the house, dragging Tatal along in the process .

"Tsovey stop pulling me! You are going to make me trip." Tatal joked in between giggles.

"No way! I am hungry!" Tsovey exclaimed with a smile. "And you are walking too slow." She added.

"Is that so?" Tatal scoffed with a smirk. "You are just to fast." Tatal laughed, lifting Tsovey off the ground and throwing the young girl over her shoulder. "This will be easier." Tatal exclaimed jokingly.

"Put me down!" Tsovey screeched in between her laugh attack.

"No, I don't think I will." Tatal replied in kind. As the girls slowly made their way into the house, movement caught Tatal's eye. She turned to look and her eyes grew. "Mom?" Tatal whispered.

"Hi sweetheart." Lìyìnuk replied with a warm smile.

"Mommy!" Tsovey shouted in excitement, as she struggled to get out of Tatal's arms before running full speed into her mothers arms.

"Hi my love! Oh my, you have gotten so big! Let me get a good look at you!" Lìyìnuk cooed, lifting Tsovey off the ground and into her arms. "Yup just as I thought!" Lìyìnuk giggled. "You are even more beautiful than the last time I saw you." She smiled.

"You are too!" Tsovey smiled widely, as she softly cupped her mother's cheeks in her hands.

"Where's dad?" Tatal asked, as she walked over to her mother.

"We overheard Sakire begging to go with Henilo to get firewood." Lìyìnuk exclaimed, as she placed Tsovey back on the floor. "He decided to follow them." Lìyìnuk continued with a chuckle, before pulling Tatal into a hug. "He was afraid Sakire might have a hard time so he wanted to help." She added.

Tatal let out a content sigh, as she melted into her mother's arms. "I think she could've done it, but I'm happy he went to help them." Tatal laughed as she returned her mothers hug. "I'm happy you're home." She added with a soothed smile.

"I am too." Lìyìnuk replied in kind.

Tatal stayed in her mother's embrace for a few moments, before swiftly retracting and looked into her mother's eyes. "Did you find them?" Tatal questioned frantically, as for the reality of her parents long journey came flooding back to her all at once.

Lìyìnuk giggled at her daughter's expression. "Let's wait for them to get back, there is a lot we have to go over." Lìyìnuk stated with a large grin.

Tatal couldn't hide her excitement. "Solko and Vialo just finished lunch, let's go eat and talk about your trip." Tatal exclaimed happily.

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