21| Exams

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After the bell rang, students came outside from their classes. The girls were already waiting for the boys. After some time boys also came from their classes.

Lisa: Hi guys!
Jk: Hi!
Jennie: Why were you late today?
Tae: The teacher wanted to talk with us about the exams.
Lisa: Huh!
Jimin: They wanted us to give our best in our exams Nothing else.
Jen: Ohhh!
Jimin: Yah we are getting late! Rosé must be waiting for us come lets go.
Lisa: Coming!

* Skip time*

They reached at the restaurant, they saw rose already sitting at their spot. they went towards her, and sat down.

Jimin: Sorry we got late!
Rose: It's okay. I also came here a min ago.
Tae: So, What do u guys want?

They ordered their food.

Jen: So are you guys now in relationship or not
Jimin: Of course! But Rose wants me not to call her till the exams are over!
Tae: Why is that so?
Rose: Well i want him to give proper time to his studies, so he can do well in exams. And same goes for me. 
Jen: Well that's cruel.
Rose: I think it's better for you four to also follow this. It's for your own good.
Jk: Let's change the topic. Shouldn't we.
Rose: 😅
Tae: So what are you going to do after exams?
Rose: I'm probably going to help my father by working in his company. What about you Jimin?
Jimin: Well i didn't think about it.
Jen: Of course you are going to take over your father's company right?
Jimin: I....i Umm.... i will think about it.

The girls were about to say more when the waiter came and placed their dishes infront of them. They started to eat their food and talk about their life's.

* Skip time*

Days kept passing by and their exams also started. Just like they promised, Nobody tried to call each other during exams. But still their relationship got stronger day by day. Just like this, there exams were about to finish. 

One day, everyone were sleeping except for Rose, as she was studying for her next exam. she was the only one awake in her house. She was studying when her phone started to rang. She answered the call after seeing the caller name. 

* On call*

J:  Hello Rose! How are you?

R: I'm fine. But Jimin di.......

J: I know its very late and i broke my promise, but i couldn't do anything, I was missing you so much.

R: I miss you too.

J: Btw what were u doing?

R: Just studying for the next exam. What about you?

J: Well I'm waiting for you outside your house.

R: What! you are here? outside my house?

J: If you don't believe me, why don't check yourself.

* Call ended*

Rose quickly wore her slippers, and went downstairs. She quietly went outside without making any noise. Without making any noise, she opened the main gate, and saw Jimin standing infront of her. Without wasting any time she quickly hugged him and Jimin hugged him back.

Rose: What are you doing here?
Jimin: I was missing you, so I came here. Than i saw your room light was on so i thought maybe you were awake.
Rose: 😊
Jimin: Well tomorrow is our last exam why not hang out.
Rose: And where should we go?
Jimin: Well its up to you. Where do u want to go?
Rose: Hmmm...... Oh yes! I know a place where we all can go.
Jimin: Again bringing those third wheelers.
Rose: Jiminnnn. They are your siblings, and it would be fun to go with them.
Jimin: Fine! but where are we going tomorrow?
Rose: Amusement park! 
Jimin: Umm.... Amusement par..rk. 
Rose: Yes! But why? Is there any problem?
Jimin: N..nothing! Okay then we will go their. And i will come to pick you. Okay
Rose: Fine but don't be late like last time. okay!
Jimin: Fine! Now you should go inside, and stop studying and take some rest. Understand!
Rose: Fine! Goodnight!

Rose turned around to go back, but stopped at her place. she turned back again facing Jimin.

Jimin: What happened? 
Rose: Actually I forgot something.
Jimin: What?

Rose went towards him.

Rose: This!

She placed her hands on his neck to match his level and kissed him. Jimin smiled and kissed back. The kiss was short but yet sweet and full of love. After the kiss both smiled at each other.

Jimin: I love you Rose!
Rose: I love you too my mochi!
Jimin: You remembered my nickname!
Rose: Of course! It was so funny when i heard this for the first time.
Jimin: Haha very funny.
Rose: Ok sorry! but from now onwards i will call u by this name.
Jimin: I'm all yours ma'am. You can do whatever you want to do.
Rose: 🥰
Jimin: Okay now stop fangirling over me, and go inside its getting late.
Rose: Ohhh. Me Fangirling over you Huh! 😄
Jimin: Yes!
Rose: Okay. then I'm going. Bye! You should also go back.
Jimin: I'm going to. Bye.

Rose entered her house while jimin was sitting on his bike. Rose was waiting on the gate for him to go so she also go inside. Both of them waved at each other and went to their places. Rose quietly closed the door and went inside.  she was going back to her room, but stopped after seeing her father standing infront of her. 

Rose: D..dad! What are u doing here?
Mr. Park: I was going to drink some water. But what are you doing at this time?
Rose: I...... umm i went to get some fresh air . Yah!
Mr. Park: You should take some rest, instead walking late till night.
Rose: Yes Dad!
Mr. Park: Go! and don't study, Just take some rest.
Rose: Okay!

she quickly came back to her room. Her heart beat was beating really fast. She thought her father caught her with jimin. Anyways She put her books back in her bag, and was about  to go to sleep when she got a message from Jimin.

J: Reached!
R: 👍
J: Best of luck for your tomorrow's exam.
R: U too. 

She closed her mobile and placed it on her side table and went to sleep, same goes for Jimin.

* Next day*

As usual all six of them got up early in the morning Got ready, ate their breakfast, and went to their uni to give their exam. 

The boys were as usually waiting for jennie and lisa to come so they can go to give exam. The girls came and they all said hello.

Lisa: So who is excited?
Tae: Of course! Lisa we all are.
Jk: Why don't we all go somewhere to have some fun?
Jimin: Well we are going.
Jen: But where?
Jimin: We are going to Amusement park. 
Tae: Wait hyung are you sure you want to go to Amusement park?
Jimin: Well Rose wants to go, so i couldn't deny. But she wants you all to come too.
Lisa: But Jimin oppa, what's the matter with Amusement park?
Jk: Yah Chipmunk! The problem is that Hyung is scared of those rides.
Jen: Ohhh! Then why don't we go somewhere else.
Jimin: No! It's okay. I will manage.

Nobody could say anything after that. Everyone could see how much Jimin loves Rose.

Jimin: Anyways guys! Best of luck for your last exam. I hope we all do good.
Jen: Thanks oppa.
Lisa: It means a lot.

After giving wishes to each other, Five of them went inside the exam hall. 

* End of chapter

Next Chapter: Amusement Park

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