65| Rain ☔

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After few hours everyone went back to their house except for the kids. They all decided to have a sleepover at their house. Mr. Kim also left giving them some alome time, as he also needed some. Anyways they all were now sitting in couples, talking.

Jimin: It feels so good. I dont know if any of u is feeling it, but right now i feel like i am free. Like i was caged by someone but now i am finally free.
Rose: Its just ur inner feeling telling u that u are happy.
Jen: Okay unnie thats ridiculous 😐.
Rose: Yeah yeah whatever 🙄😅.
Jisoo:  Now when everything is completed. So who is going to get marry first.
Jin: Jisoo? Whats wrong with you.
Jisoo: what do u mean what wrong with me. I just asked A simple question that when and who is going to get married first. And dont u all dare say not now. Because i want to dance, get dressed and click so many pics at your all weddings and have fun too, just like u all did at mine.
Jin: i think she is getting crazy.

But she just ignored him and looked at them waiting for their answer.

Eunwoo: Dont know about them. But maybe our number can come firs... 
Dahyun:  Woah woah! Hold down Mr. Forget that we are going to get marry first. Because right now we have alot to do. So give someone else the chance to do the honours. 

At which eunwoo made a sad face, making jhope who was sitting on his left side pinch his cheek, at which eunwoo gave him a glare.

Wendy: maybe Hawasa unnie and Namjoon oppa can.
Namjoon: Um yeah no.
Seungcheol: Why? What happened?
Yoongi: Dont u dare say that you two are breaking up. Because if you guys are then i will first break your bones.
Hawasa: suga its nothing like that. Its just that i want to find a good job and then think about this marrige thing.
Momo: And oppa is okay with it?
Namjoon: Yup.
Nayeon: well then thats good.
Jisoo: So it means, noboady is going to fulfil my wish.
Jk: Umm yeah no Noona.
Jen: But maybe u can.
Jin: Yah. She is already married. What are u talking about?
Jen: Oppa i am not saying her to get married again, i am saying that give us a good new so we can hold an event for that.

At  first jisoo didnt grt what jennie was trying to say, but when she looked at everyone faces, she got their point and started to blush damn hard. Jin beside her also started to laugh with others whole saying

Jin: Well i have no problem in it. If jisoo wants then we can start it from now.

Making jisoo blush even harder while the rest again burst into laughter.

Jin: What do u say darling?
Jisoo: Shut up prevert!

Like that they talked and had fun with each other.

Skip time

It was 6 in the morning. Everyone were sleeping except for jimin. He was sitting on the roof, looking at the sunrise. It was a peaceful moment. He closed his eyes, cold morning breeze hitting his face. Suddenly he felt someone sitting beside him. He opened his eyes and saw Rose also sitting on the chair beside him. She was looking ahead at the beautiful scene while Jimin was looking at her. Rose looked back at him and they made an eye contact with each other.

After few mins she finally broke the contact and again look ahead, while picking up the mug. She also handed jimin him his cup.

Rose: I saw u coming up, and i was also not sleepy so i made coffee for us.

Jimin didnt asked her, but smiled when she explained everything without him saying a word. The were drinking their coffee, while enjoying the weather. 

Suddenly it started to rain, both Rose and Jimin were shocked. In instinct jimin grabbed Rose wrist and pulled her under the shades. But when he turned around, he saw rose was in the rain laughing, twirling around with a playful smile on her face. There she was smiling in the rain and here our lover boy was looking at her with love in his eyes and smiling.

Rose looked at him and gestured him to come join her at which he refused, folding his arms on his chest and still gazing at her. But Rose didnt stopped and went to him and grabbed him arm and was about to take him into the rain when he stopped her

Jimin: Rose no. U go, i am okay here.
Rose: Oh c'mon jimin. Whats the fun when you dont even enjoy a bit in the rain.

She asked him tilting her head abit. When jimin didnt replied back, she smiled and took him. Now they were all drenched in the rain.

Rose: Have u ever danced in rain?
Jimin: Ummm no.

But then his eyes widened when he got a hint what they were about to do. He smiled and shook his head.

Jimin: Hey! No. Thats not going to happen.
Rose: Yes it is.
Jimin: Rose no....and..... beside i dont know how to do it.
Rose: Liar.
Jimin: I am not lying. Its true.
Rose: Oh really then who did the dance with me, when there was a party held at ur uni. Hmmmm!

His lips formed in a thin line when she reminded him, probably his best and fav day. He didnt said anything, just grabbed her hands in his and they started to dance. Their feets were in sync, so were their bodies. It was like they were doing a performance or something. Jimin twirled her around, and soon she came and bumped on his chest due to twirling alot, but still managed to smile after seeing him smile which was reaching his eyes. This was maybe the cutest she had ever seen. Her thoughts were interepted by jimin's lips crashing on hers. Now his hands was around her waist, pushing her body towards his finishing the gap between them, while hers around his neck.

There moment was stopped by the sudden lightning at which both of them got scared, looked at each other and again laughed. Rain drops were still pouring on their bodies as both of them rested their foreheads on each other with their eyes closed, having their own moment.

Jimin: I love u so much Rosie posie.
Rose: *Chuckled* I love u too my mochi.

End of the chapter
Next chapter : Epilogue

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