54| Comfort

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The next day went by wind. Atlast Ms. Amelia agreed to go to london as she thought the half of her plan have succeeded.

Meanwhile the boys were getting ready, as today the were going at Mr. Park's house.

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Junkook knocked the door, and stood beside his brothers again.
Btw their clothes

Lisa opened the door with a huge smile

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Lisa opened the door with a huge smile.

Lisa: Finally you are here. Ohhh kookie u look hot.

Listening this jungkook showed his bunny smile while getting shy, while the other two looked at them with discust.

Jimin: Lisa?
Lisa: Yes oppa!
Tae: Are u letting us in or should we leave?
Lisa: Ani! Come inside...... i literally forgot. Sorry.

At which they let out a chuckle and entered the house.

They greeted Mr. n Mrs. Park. Soon Eunwoo also joined them as Mr. Park invited him too. They did some talk, some about random stuff, then about work while the girls started to set the table for dinner.

 They did some talk, some about random stuff, then about work while the girls started to set the table for dinner

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After eating dinner, Mr. Park told them that he wantex to talk something imp with them

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