61| Accident

38 4 1

At restaurant

They all were sitting on a huge table. As soon Nancy and Jackson came they did a little Introduction, and Now everyone were silent. Only the soft music playing was heard.

Jin: So nancy and jackson how are u both?
Jackson: Great.
Nancy: Good.
Jackson: Btw when did u got married?
Jin: Two months ago.
Jackson: It must be late, but congratulations to u both.
Jinsoo: Thank u.
Nancy: So........... are u all going to come at the Birthday party?
Wendy: Well yes we just got the invitation today.
Nancy: Well then that's very bad Jimin. U should have invited them before.
Tae: U are talking about them he didn't even told Rose about this party?
Nancy: Really? Very disappointed.
Rose: Thanks tae, otherwise i would've never think about it.
Jimin: Ah guys lets just talk about something else, should we?

He said with a nervous smile. Soon the waiter came and took their order.

Wendy: So what are u all going to do? At least give us some hints.
Eunwoo: Its nothing to worry about. As we already told u about Ms. Amelia and her work......... Umm so we are just going to expose her true self.
Seungcheol: And do u think she will accept it that easily? 
Jimin: Well its true that she wont accept her mistakes and all, but when we have enough proof, then nobody can save her. 
Nancy: And besides we have a major proof which is enough for us. 
Momo: What.... Major proof?
Jackson: Her mothe....... I mean Ms. Amelia was one of the reason Mr. Kim got a heart Attack.

Everybody got shocked. I mean who wouldn't. 

Tae: Now we have only one thing left. Kick Ms. amelia out of our lives and..........
All: Live our lives peacefully.

They all said in union while raising their glass in air. They took a sip from their soju, and soon their food arrived. They all thanked the waiter and digged in their food. While eating, Nancy glanced at Taehyung and saw him feeding Jennie, she heaved a sigh and looked down at her plate. Jackson who was sitting beside her, saw her watching the couple infront of them. to cheer her up he bring a spoon infront of her

Jackson: Yah! Try if it is good or not? 

he said while placing it infront of her. Nancy opened her mouth to say something but he shoved the spoon in her mouth. She gave him a death glare while chewing the food while he waited for her to answer

Jackson: So how is it?
Nancy: First of all dont u dare do this ever again, i could have choked the food. And secondly, It is very good. Gimme some. 

she said and grabbed his plate. Jackson smiled in victory and shared his food with her. The rest of the day they talked, spend their time and had fun.

Other side

??: Good Evening Ma'am!
Ms. Amelia: Good evening! Did u found it?
??: Yes Ma'am. It seems like both of them have been on their side.
Ms. Amelia: *Chuckle* I knew it. Where are they right now?
??: They all are together. Some other people are also with them.
Ms. Amelia: Who are they?
??: According to me, They were with them on the New York Trip.
Ms. Amelia: Oh so we have alot of guest to meet. Dont we?
??: Ummm... yes Ma'am.  
Ms. Amelia: Hmmm. Right now do what you are told to do. I will tell u the rest when i will come back,
??: When are u coming back Ma'am?
Ms. Amelia: I will be back till Tomorrow. Dont let anyone know especially the boys otherwise my plan will be ruined. Got it.
??: Yes ma'am.
Ms. Amelia: I am counting on you. I hope u wont betray me like they did. and if u even did i, then better brace yourself. Because i dont leave anyone like this who betray me. Get It.
??: Umm.... Ye..s Ma'am.
Ms. Amelia: Good.


She put her mobile back in her bag and looked beside her at Mr. Kim's sleeping face. She smirked and thought,  ' Just some more time Harrison, and then everything will be mine. Just some more days and then you can sleep as much as u want.' and sipped her wine while looking outside the window. 

Next Day

Everyone were sleeping peacefully at their home. It was 5 in the morning. They all came back home late night. And were too tired. At boys house, as usual jimin was sleeping in his room, when his phone started to ring. With half open sleepy eyes he looked at the person  who is calling him at this time. It was an unknown number. He sighed, and answered the call.


Jimin: Hello?
Girl: Umm is this Mr. Jimin who am i talking to?
Jimin: Yes. Who are u?
Girl: Sir i am talking from xxxxx hospital. Your friends got into an accident......
Jimin: Wait.... wait. Whic..ch friends? Their name?
Girl: Jackson Wang, and Choi Nancy.  They met in an accident. Plz come to xxx hospital.


He was shocked whatever he heard right now. Few hours ago everyone were alright, happy. He quickly got up and woke his brothers and they went to the hospital.

At hospital

The entered the hospital, there were not much of people as it was early in the morning. Jimin went to the reception and asked

Jimin: Umm we..... we are here for Jackson wang and Choi...Choi Nancy. I just got a call few mins ago that they met in an accident.
Receptionist:  Ahh wait a min................ Umm they are still in operation theatre.
Tae: Can i plz know how..... i mean when did they came here?
Receptionist: They came here 45 mins ago in ambulance.
Jk: Who called the ambulance?
Receptionist:  I think it was a man. Um excuse me!

And she went to do her work. While they ran towards the operation theatre.

Other side

She entered the house, followed by her assistant.  Her heels clicked on the marble floor. Yes she was Ms. Amelia. She came at the boys house. As soon their flight landed, she made an excuse to  Mr. Kim and came here. She sat on their sofa and gave a nod to her assistant. He nodded and ran upstairs.

Mr. Josh saw her , so he went towatds her

Mr. Josh: Oh Good morning Ma'am.
Ms. Amelia: Good morning Mr. Josh. Where are the boys?
Mr. Josh: I....i dont know.
Ms. Amelia: Hmm. Can i plz get a cup of tea?
Mr. Josh: Ahh yes Ma'am .

And he went inside. As soon Mr. Josh went inside the kitchen, Ms. Amelia's assistant Mr. He came with a laptop and some papers. He placed all the things on the table infront of Ms. Amelia.

Mr. Oh: All the proofs are in these things. I checked yeh rest of teh room but there was nothing else.
Ms. Amelia: I will look into it. For safe side, once again check their rooms.

Mr. Oh nodded and again went upstairs. While Ms. Amelia started to see the papers first. Seeing it, she let out a chuckle.

Ms. Amelia: These two..... i cant believe they hacked my mobile. Thesee.......... Aishhh Amelia! Dont stress over such people. And besides, they will be out of the film so whats the problem anyway.

She said to herself. Soon mr. Josh came and gave her the tea and again left to prepare the breakfast.

Mr. Oh:  Ma'am i looked thoroughly. There is nothing as an evidence left.
Ms. Amelia: Good. Here, burn these papers. I have already removed everything from the laptop.

At which he nodded.  She took the last sip from her tea and then got up. She dusted her clothes, grabbed her bag, and started to head towards the door. But suddenly stopped in her tracks when saw him standing infront of her.

Ms. Amelia:  W....what are u doing here?

End of the chapter
Next chapter: Birthday

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