44| Meeting

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Jimin: This can't be. We.... we have to do something.
Jk: Should we call Eunwoo hyung for some opinion?
Tae: Ani Kookie! Its already 1am. And hyung lets just follow the plan, and do this meeting professionally, how appa taught us.
Jimin : Okay i guess. Btw you both should sleep now especially you taehyung, cuz its your day tomorrow.
Taekook: Okay. Good night hyung!
Jimin: Yeah good night!

And they all went to sleep.

Next day

As usual the three of them, got up on time and got ready. Ate their breakfast and went to their office.

They did some work, and now it was time for their meeting. Jimin, Taehyung, jungkook and Mr. Hong were sitting in the meeting room already waiting for the other.

The three of them were a bit nervous and Mr. Kim couldnt came to their meeting as he had an appointment with doctor and the three of them made him go over there instead of coming here.

Not after a min, three people entered the room, making the four of them stand up from their seats.

As soon the they all looked at each other they got shocked. Well they were none other than Mr. Park Callum, Rose and Eunwoo.

Mr. Park: Oh boys! How are you?
Jimin: We are fine uncle how are you?
Mr. Park: Well im good too. But tell me about your father. Is he better now?
Jk: Much better. He wanted to join but he had an appointment with the doctor thats why.
Mr. Park: Oh yeah. Btw you probably remember them, my daughter Rose and he is Rosé's soon to be husband Eunwoo. He was also at the wedding.

Listening this Jimin felt like someone stabbed him, just like before when he heard this news for the first time.

Tae: Hi guys! And congratulations to u both.
Eunwoo: T..thanks.
Mr. Hong: Well it means you all know each other then.
Tae: Yup Mr . Hong! So should we start the meeting.
Rose: Sure!

Rose, Mr. Park and eunwoo sat down while the boys also sat on their seats. And taehyung went and stand infront of them and before starting the meeting he said,

Tae: Before starting the meeting, i would just say that Mr. Park we know each other, so dont pick us on this basis. Just do whatever you think is correct.
Mr. Park: Dont worry kid!
Tae: Okay then...........

And the meeting proceeded till 2. Them discussing every single thing, taking out conclusion. After 15 mins of break and of discussing with each other.

Mr. Park: Since when did you both started doing work?
Tae: Well probably 2-3 weeks. But why?
Mr. Park: Cuz you did a great job today. And i have a feeling that three of you will succeed in life.
Tae: Ah.. thank u so much uncle... i.. mean Mr. Park.
Mr. Park: Its okay to call me uncle. And about this, i will be more than happy to work with u three.
Jk: REALLY... i mean really!

At which Mr. Park just nodded. Soon Mr. Park, rose and Eunwoo left, but while leaving, Eunwoo gave them a note. As soon they exit the room accompanied by Mr. Hong, boys open the note and it was written that
' lets meet at the same xxx cafe we met yesterday, at the same time'

Skip time
At cafe

Jen: You WHATTT! ( She said while spitting all the water on Taehyung who was sitting infront of her.

Jungkook who was sitting right beside taehyung, gave him a napkin while controlling his laugh.

Jen: Im sorry tae! But can u guys plz tell me from the STARTT! Like why did dad went to yur company?  And are u guys really going to work together now?
Eunwoo: Okay first of all you have to stop raising your voice, and about that there is nothing to worry about. We all acted like we didnt met after coming back from NYC, and kept it all simple.
Lisa: U all must be shocked.
Jimin: Well not us, but Eunwoo and Rose were.
Rose: Well cuz we didnt expected u guys.
Jk: Well then Suprise Noona!
Dahyun: But Wont u all will have some problems now?
Jk: What do u mean Noona?
Dahyun: According to Eunwoo, your step mom would probably have done research on us. So she'll know about us all. 
Jen: She's right oppa! What if she says something to our dad about this.
Jimin: Shit!......... Then We are probably doomed!

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