48| Girl's day out

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Tae: So u are telling me that Ms. Amelia is keeping eyes on us?
Nancy:  yes!
Tae: But why? And how is she doing it?
Nancy: I dont.. know the reason. And about how is she doing this. Well she has a person who gives her all the information.
Tae: What is his name?
Nancy: I dont know his name.
Tae: Shit ( he cutsed in his mouth, but nancy couldnt hear it) .... um nancy can u do me a favour?
Nancy: um sure. What is it?
Tae: Will u plz find out who is this person and would u tell me about Ms. Amelias plan when ever u meet her? Plz!
Nancy: Tae u know its risky. And she wont like it.
Tae: But nancy what she is doing isnt right too. Infact do u know that the heart attach appa got was because of her, and when one time our co.pany was in loss it was also her.
Nancy: But why is she doing this?
Tae: Because she wants to take over our comapny and all our money. She dosent love appa instead she just loved his money and nothing else. So now will u help me?

For a minute she remained quiet but then she said

Nancy: Yes i will help you.

She said and a victory smile was formed on Taehyung's face.

Skip time
At girls house

Everybody were sitting on the table, eating dinner except for Jennie.

Mr. Park: Lisa, where is jennie?
Lisa: Appa she is sleeping.
Rose: At this time. She never sleeps this early.
Lisa: I dont know maybe she had a headache, thats why.
Rose: Oh okay....

And everybody again went to eat their food. After eating when Rose and lisa went to their room, Lisa locked the door, and told Rose everything what happened earlier today.

Rose: What? Are u both crazy?
Lisa: Ani! We are not crazy. But appa is making very stupid decisions these days.
Rose: But with whom?
Jen: We dont know. But i dont want to do this Rose.
Rose: This really needs to be stop. He cant do this with you too. I think we should talk with him.
Lisa: And what are we going to tell him, that jen unnie likes someone else, and dosent want to marry a stranger.
Rose: Well...... ( and she bites her lips in frustration)
Jen: Leave it guys. Maybe we don't have any other option, i guess.

Soon silence was engulfed between the sisters. They didnt know what to do now. Instead of getting rid of these problems, they kept on increasing for them.

Rose:  Girls lets go!
Jen: Where?
Rose: Lets go for a drive.
Lisa: Do u think appa will give you his car?
Rose: He already did.

She said while showing them the car keys. Soon the girls wear their shoes and went outside, of course they told their parents and they gave them the permission. Three of them were now sitting in the car when lisa said

Lisa: Rose unnie if we are having girls night out, then why dont we add dahyun unnie too?
Jen: Not a bad idea right.
Rose: Yeah. Wait lemme call her

And Rose dialed her number and soon after two to three rings she picked up

On call

R: Oh hey dahyun!
D: Hi! How r u?
R: Im fine, what about u?
D: same here gurl.
R: Well are u free right now?
D: Um yeah. But why?
R: Well me and girls were going for A drive so we thought why not have a girl day out. So what do u say, you're in?
D: Ummmm............... okay.
R: Thats great. Send me your location.
D: Sure. Wait a min........................... here send it.
R: Good i will be there in 15 mins.
D: Okay. Bye
R: Bye

Call ended

Rose: Lets go girls!

Skip time

After picking up dahyun they went on a long drive. The music was 0lay8ng and they all were jamming on the music and also were singing.

They were still listening to the music when they got the group call which they usually do. So dahyun attended the call.

On call

Eunwoo: Finally dahyun is here, but why others are not picking up.
Jk: Dont know hyung!
Tae: Maybe they went to sleep early.
Jimin: Maybe.
Girls: Hey guys we all are here, on call.
Eunwoo: What??
Jimin: U all are with...
Taekook: Dahyun unnie.
Dahyun: Ani! Today we girls are having our girls day out.
Eunwoo: At 11. Are u guys crazy or something?
Jen: maybe we are. But oppa, are u saying crazy to dahyun unnie?
Lisa: Omo!
Eunwoo: Ani! Thats not what i meant Dahyun....
Dahyun: Then what did you meant? Huh.
Tae: Seems like somebody is in a big trouble.
Rose: Tae u should also give jennie an explanation.
Tae: But for what?
Lisa: Why were u not attending her calls, when she called u?
Tae: Ahh........ jennie its.... just that.... maybe i was busy or something
Jen: Stop making excusing tae!
Tae: Aishhh...
Eunwoo: Welcome to the gang bro!.
Tae: Ah thanks hyung.
Jimin: Where are u right now Rose?
Rose: Why?
Jimin: cuz we are coming there too.
Dahyun: Ani! U guys can't,  cuz Eunwoo said that we cant meet each other. So sorry boys.
Jk: Hyung you need to stop making these type of rules.
Eunwoo: Oh c'mon i did that because of your step mom.
Tae: Oh c'mon girls plz tell us.

But nobody spoke from girls side. It was like they were not speaking. Eunwoo was about to speak, but got queit when they heard some random voices and girls shouting voices.

Boys got panicked and started to shout their girls names, but got no answer, and soon the call got ended from their side.

Jk: What the f**k was that?
Jimin: I dont know but we have to go wherever they are, cuz they are in danger right now.
Tae: But whats their location?
Eunwoo: Found it. Lets go.
Jk: But how hyung?
Eunwoo: Well me and dahyun have downloaded find my location app, and we use it only in emergencies like this. So now get up and come to the location. And jimin I've send u the location so come their quickly.
Jimin: Okay. Lets go boys.

Call ended

Four of them quickly went to their cars and went to their location. After 20 mins, they arrived the location, but there was no one, not even the car. Boys hot more worried.

Jk: Should we call them again?
Eunwoo: Yeah wait lemme try it again.

Eunwoo dialed every girl number but nobody picked it up. Which made boys more tense.

Tae: Where are u girls?
Jimin: who even told them to go out at this time? Aishh..... now what?
Eunwoo: I dont know man.

Four of them were standing in the middle of the road, thinking but nothing was coming in their mind. When suddenly Eunwoo got a call from an unknown number,  so he quickly picked it up

Eunwoo: Hello?
??: Are u Eunwoo? Dahyun's husband.

Eunwoo's phone was on speaker so he was stunned to speak for a moment. Same for the other boys.

Eunwoo: Ah..... yeah. Yeah im Dahyun's husband.
??: Good. Your wife is with us, and with her are her three friends, we are talking from xxx police station, u can come and pick them.
Eunwoo: Ahh yes officer we are coming.

Call ended

Tae: What are they doing at police station?
Eunwoo: We'll get our answers once we go there. So lets go.

End of the chapter
Next chapter: Police station

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