30| Engagement

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The engagment cermony started. Bride and groom's parent went on the stage besides their children. While the others came down from the stage. First Jin's parent gave jin the ring which he then placed it in Jisoo's finger, while saying those beautiful words.....

Jin: I gave this ring as a sign of love ❤️❤️.

And everyone started to clap & hoot. Jisoo's parent also handed her the ring, and she placed it in Jin's hand. Both smiled at each other, while the others clapped and hooted for them.

Not after that, picture session started, first family photos, then solos.  There time flew by taking  some pictures.  Then bridal and groom's photoshoot began.

* skip time*

Jisoo and jin were sitting on the stage while meeting some guest. On the other hand the boys and girls were sitting at the tabel.

Lisa: Okay guys, I'm getting bored.
J-hope: Well to be honest I'm also getting bored.
Namjoon: So what can we do for you both 🤨?
Jimin: Why don't u.......

But he was cut off by a voice, and everybody looked there and got shocked. Because Momo and jungkook were standing on the stage holding mikes.

Momo: Good evening everyone!.....
Jk:  Yah unnie  its already mid-night.
Momo: Whatever Jk! Anyways so today I.....
Jk: Ahmmmm
Momo: I mean me and jungkook are going to make this engagement abit more fun.
Jk: Cuz we all know how boring this engagemant is?
Jin: Yah what do you mean?
Momo: Jin hyung whatever you say, but it is acutually true.

Everyone just giggled at their comments.

Jk: So as we were saying, to make this cermony a bit fun we will play some games?
Jisoo's aunty: What type of games kid?
Jk: Different types of games.
Nayeon: but still, what?
Momo: Well the first game is 'the couple dance.'

Everyone were just waiting for them to explain them further about this game, so they just did.

Momo: The game is simple, we are going to have a couple dance but the twist is we cant let the bride and groom dance together. In simple words our mission is to not let them dance together and vice versa.
Jk: and one more thing, the song will change time to time, so whenever the song change we also have to change our partners. So.....
Jk & Momo: Who's in?

Skip time

Now many couples were standing on the dancing floor. The order was jin and momo, jisoo and j-hope, namjoon and nayeon, seungcheol and jennie, jimin and hawasa, yoongi and lisa, taehyung and wendy, jungkook and rose. There were some other guest too. The elders didnt took part in this game.

The first game started. Jin and jisoo were very far from each other. After 5 mins the song again changed. Just like that 4 times the songs changed but still they didnt met.

Now jisoo was with jimin and jin was with rose. And this time they were right next to each other.

As soon the song changed, jin quickly turned around and grabbed Jisoo's hand, while jimin also did the same.
The spotlight was now on jinsoo and they started to dance peacefully while smiling at each other.

After a beautiful performance they all started to clap.

Once again went back to their seats while jungkook and momo again went to the stage.

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