49| Police station

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At Police station

After the call, the boys quickly came to the station. It was 12 and here they were at the station rescuing their girlfriends.

Eunwoo: Umm sir! Four girls came at your station and we also got call that they are here. Can u plz tell us where they are?
Officer 1: Are u their guardian?
Eunwoo: Yes! I am boy.... i mean husband......

But before eunwoo could finish the officer said

Officer 1 : you are husband of four of them?
Eunwoo: Ani! U are getting it wrong sir. Im husband of one of the girl.
Officer 1: oh okay. Come i will take you there.

Four of them followed the officer and soon they entered a room where the girls were behind the bars. Seeing this boys eyes got wide and they got shocked.

Officer 1: Sir they are the guardian of those four girls?
Officer 2: Oh finally you came just plz take them away from here.
Eunwoo: but sir can u plz tell us what happened?
Officer 2: Some boys started to irritate them and some other things, but no physical touch and.......

But the officer 2 was cut off by dahyun.

Dahyun: We already told u that they were touching us.
Eunwoo: WHATT??
Officer 2: First plz listen sir. Anyways, i dont know what happened excatly but from the boys prespective the girls hit them.

And the whole room went silent. Nobody spoke after this. Boys were looking at the officer 2 in confusion. Looking the reactions of boys, officer 2 continued.

Officer 2: That girl ( pointing to jennie) Who is she to u guys?
Tae: She is my wife, why what happened?
Officer 2: Well sir your wife punched a boy, breaking his nose.
Jen: He deserves that sir! And if anybody touches me or my girls i will do that again.
Officer 1: She is saying this since she has arrived. Infact she gave a threat to him too ( officer 2) .
Eunwoo: Well she does this everytime.
Jen: Whatt 🤨🤨?
Tae: Nothing jen.
Rose: listen sir! Do u really think we did a wrong thing? Huh. Tell us.

Rose asked the officer and the other girls were giving glares to him making the officer gulp in terror.

Officer 2: Its not like that.....
Lisa: Then what huh?
Officer 2: Ah.... ye... yeah what are u doing, open the gates let them go.

Officer 2 said that to officer 1, and he quickly open the gates.

Officer 2: Im really sorry, we misunderstood u girls. U all are always right.
Jen: good and next time tell those boys to be careful. Lets go guys!

And with that the girls left from their.

Officer 1: How are u even married to her?
Tae: Well its abit difficult but i manage it. So no worrie sir.
Eunwoo: And we apologize on their behalf.
Officer 2: Ani its okay, just go from here otherwise they'll come back.
Jimin: Okay. Lets go boys.

And they all went out from the station. The girls were standing beside the cars, so they also went towards them. Before any of the boys could ask them what happened jennie said

Jen: its not much of a story, the boys came and started to flirt with us, but we ignored them. But when they started to touch us, i couldn't resist so i punched them. The end of the story now u can ask your question if u have any.
Eunwoo: I still dont get it that why were u all outside alone at this time?
Rose: Bcoz we wanted some fresh air.
Jimin: well u know there is a place called terrace or lawn where we can have fresh air.
Dahyun: Why are u all being sarcastic?
Jk: Dahyun Nonna! Cut me out from it, i didnt even spoke a single word since i came.
Lisa: Anyways can we go somewhere.
Tae: at this time?
Dahyun: Oh c'mon it would be fun.
Jen: Yes.
Rose: And besides im hungry too.
Eunwoo: U are alswaus hungry Rose
Dahyun: Im hungry too, so lets go.

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