52| Problem

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After coming back from lunch, they all went back to do their work. Taehyung was doing his work on laptop when he got a message from nancy.

N: Can we meet? i found some information.

T: Where?

N: At xxxxx. I'll be there in 15 mins so, see you there.

Without wasting anytime he quickly got up from his seat and was about to go when his brothers stop him.

Jimin: Tae! Tae! Where are u going now?
Tae: To do some work. Dont wait for me. Maybe I'll be late, so i will go directly back to house.

And without listening their answer he went out.

Skip time

Taehyung was waiting for nancy for 2 mins, when he entered the cafe.

Nancy: Sorry for being late.
Tae: Its okay i just came 2 mins ago.
Nancy: Can we order something before talking. Actually i didnt ate much in lunch thats why.
Tae: Sure go ahead.

Nancy ordered herself a sandwich and a matcha latte while taehyung ordered himself a fresh juice.

Tae: So what was so imp u wanted to tell?
Nancy: Well i got know from whom she is asking all the information.
Tae: And who is he?
Nancy: Do u remeber Jackson?
Tae: Umm....... yeah. Why what happened?
Nancy: Well it turns out that he is helping her.
Tae: okay. So it means she also got to know about our relationship too, and the engagement picture of Rose and eunwoo, he found it.
Nancy: Yes.

For a min both of them didnt said anything. The waiter came and placed their food on the table and left.

Nancy: Today when i was coming i heard Uncle Harrison was talking with her, and was saying something like we should go somewhere.... but i didnt heard it correctly.
Tae: he was talking about going to london with her. Cuz we told appa to take her for a week.
Nancy: Oh. But u know that she is not going to go.
Tae: Yes and thats why, i made a plan.
Nancy: and what is it exactly?
Tae: u will know it soon. Dont worry.

Nancy nodded and took a bite from her sandwich.

Nancy: Btw what are u going to do with Jackson.
Tae:  I dont know.
Nancy: If u want i can help u, by talking to him.
Tae: And what will u talk exactly with him.
Nancy: Nothing much, just going to tell him the main reason why she is asking him for all these information. And im sure that he wont work for  her if he'll know the truth once.
Tae: Well it will be very helpful if u do that.
Nancy: Hmmm.

Skip time

It was 10 when tae enterdd his house, and saw his brothers were sitting in t.v lounge watching a movie.

Jk: Ah finally you are back. But where were u hyung?
Tae: For some work.

He said while sitting in the middle of them and taking off his shoes.

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