The Rescue? Or The end?

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Alisha couldn't even move. She was still scared about the fire engulfing the forest and herself. Alisha felt the breeze behind her. She felt so numb that she didn't know what to do. Alisha needed to calm down but couldn't. Everything spiraled out of control. Alisha didn't know how to stop. Maybe she couldn't stop, she wondered. Was she meant to feel this way forever, with no chance of ever feeling at peace? Alisha's tears flowed down her face even more now, only to be either blown away by the wind or dried up by the scorching heat of the flames in her wake. She wanted more than anything to scream for it all to end. She wanted something, anything, anyone, to make this stop.

Eddie could barely contain his panic as he sped through thickets of branches and fire. He wasn't even sure if he was in the right direction anymore, but Eddie kept going, hoping he would find her. "Please answer me!" He yelled as the rush of wind blew past his face, almost blowing his hair into his eyes, blinding him. "I need to know you're there! Please say something, anything!"
Branches began to fall, raining splinters across his path, throwing ash and charred bark around in the wind. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on with this rush of energy.
"Alisha!" He howled, hoping he was loud enough for her to hear. "Please! I need you! Why won't you answer!?! Please!" Suddenly a blur runs past him. It was Anaka, possibly trying to find Alisha as well. However, the poor hatchling would have to focus hard on her connection to her human companion to have even a slim chance of leading Eddie to her.

Alisha had to move, but how could she? Everywhere she looked was on fire. The smoke filled the atmosphere and lifted toward the sky. She coughed a bit and heard a creak. She looked up to see a nearby tree about to collapse. She jumped toward the path just before the tree fell on her spot.
Alisha coughed more as she tried to get up. She thought she heard someone yelling in the distance, but the fire around her roared louder.
"Eddie! Where are you? Please! Help me!" she cried.
Alisha felt the heat nearby and looked down to see her bag was on fire.
"No. No. No!" the princess panicked as she threw it down and tried stomping out the flames. She drew all those sketches with her father whenever she came out with him. She never imagined they'd disappear by the heat of the fire. "Please be okay," she whimpered. She carefully picked up the burnt satchel and burned herself. "Ow." She cradled her burnt hand and dropped her bag. "Eddie!"
The memories of Alisha's father flashed before her mind. The times they've spent together of their happy and comforting times after her rescue from her kidnapper. The sound of his voice, screaming out of worry for her. There was the same worry as the voice she heard for her same safety. "Alisha," a voice yelled. She opened her eyes, and Alisha could've sworn she had seen her father coming to her aid like before. Instead, the vision of her father was replaced by Eddie, coming to save her.
"I'm here," she screamed to him, for dear life, hoping he could hear her cries.
"I see you," he called out as he saw her through the flames. He had officially had enough of this fire. "AAAGH! GET OUTTA MY WAY!" He raged at the flames. Then suddenly, almost as if sentient. The fire parted ways, giving him passage to rescue her.
As he flew at her, her mind was shocked. Did he just-? Before she could finish her thought, he grabbed her tightly as he zoomed through the flames. Now the smoke was the only issue. He could barely see his path now.
Don't let it happen, don't let it happen, Eddie thought.
He then opened his eyes to the smoke and yelled, "It won't happen!" He took a deep breath and began breathing in the smoke?!? His wings began to glow, so much so that they burst into flames, increasing his speed. Eddie flew out of the forest and accidentally firebombed into the ground, creating a massive crevice in the hill. They were safe, dirt-covered, and their clothes had burnt spots, but they were safe.
"I'm sorry," she apologized. She repeated that phrase several times as she clung to Eddie. She nuzzled herself into his hold and trembled. "I've been angry with myself for not doing anything. I have been miserable since I came home. I miss him so much," she cried her tears. "I never thought I could trust anyone, and yet," she shook her head, unable to speak anymore. Why did her life become plagued with the rivaling kingdom? What did she do to deserve such a fate?  "Just who do you think you are, Chermonoan?"
Alisha's voice filled with venom in her mouth the way she said his origin.
"Are you okay, Princess," she heard him ask as if he didn't even hear a word of her cries. "You looked like you got burned. It looked pretty bad too."
"Did you not hear what I said," she cried as she looked up at him. "Who do you think you-" Her words disappeared as soon as she saw his face. His eyes had gone red, with no pupils to determine if he could still see. His face looked charred, despite not having been touched by the flames. As he breathed, she saw the smoke from the fire expelling from his mouth. But the part she could not stop looking at was that he was smiling at her as he asked his question. A gentle yet sad smile, as though he was smiling at a passing loved one for the last time, with tears streaming down the left side of his face. "What the hell happened to you," she asked, slowly reaching to touch him. "Your face, your body, it looks-"
"Ah," Eddie replied, cutting her off, his voice hoarse whisper. He held her hand, holding it to his face, as he kept smiling at her. "I guess that's my answer. I'm glad you're not hurt, m'lady. I did good, right? I did a good thing, right?"  Eddie's breathing fell short with his words. His face and body began to steam up like a steam engine overheating, on the brink of collapse. "I didn't let... it happen this... time," he said before passing out, his upper body lying over the side of her. His body then began slightly convulsing, like his heart was violently pulsing throughout his veins, as it shifted back to normal. He laid his head gently hanging off her shoulder, barely breathing, as more smoke puffed out his throat like a chimney.
She didn't know what to do. Shocked to her core by the sight of Eddie, she felt a relapse of trauma from her father's death returning, fearing for her life that he might die after what she said to him. She wasn't sure she could handle it again. What would she do? He was Chermonoan; he had to be. How else could she explain what had happened? Only two options flew through her mind: What do I do to him now? Should I save his life? Or help him die?
Suddenly a glimmer caught her eye. She noticed a small dragon tooth-shaped flip knife on his belt, shining in the light. She grabbed it, flipped the blade open, and held the knife toward his back.
She could end this right now, make it all go away. If she slayed Eddie, she'd be free of any future pain, wouldn't she? She kept thinking, what should I do? I should kill him, shouldn't I? But he saved me. How is this right? No! He's Chermonoan! It doesn't matter, does it?!? They deserve it. They made my life Hell! I should kill him! But he helped me! Why would he do that?!? What should I do!?! Do I help him, or do I kill him!?!
"I just want it all to stop!!" She shrieked into the air, her hand still holding the knife over him. What would she do? What should she do? She was so confused and angry that she couldn't think straight! Alisha wanted to make him suffer as she did all those years. It would be so easy to do it, too. On the other hand, she thought about their interactions since he met her and how he felt different.
"No," she yelled more. "Eddie is one of them! He has to be! There's no doubt about it now. I know it! He probably just pretended to be nice so he could - It has to be a trick! It must have been!" She raised the blade higher with an enraged and distraught look. Her mind clouded with sadness, but she felt her only action was obvious.
What he said earlier came back that he stopped her from ending herself and her unborn child that the rapist left her. Eddie promised to be a better father to the child. Did he feel remorseful that one of his people did this to her? Was it a trick? She wasn't sure about anything anymore. He knew.
The knife in her hand trembled.
She looked around to find Anaka. She didn't see her at first, but she felt the hold of the dagger disappear as a swoosh went by. "Anaka!"
Anaka had the knife in her teeth before she tossed it away from Alisha. Anaka looked back at her with a snarl, and smoke blew from her nostrils. Father would be upset with you, both of ours. Even though he's not a member of our chosen people, he's helping you. Revenge is not the answer to end your problems. What do you plan to do if you did accomplish killing him? Your mother asked him to help you with this bond. Do you think I like it more than those winged foxes and the other animals? I despise their culture and their choices as much as my Father. Eddie was willing to help you, yet, you are about to stab him in the back when he's done nothing wrong.
Alisha couldn't help but cry as she helped Eddie down to the ground.
You don't even know what has been going on in his kingdom. You don't even know why he left.
"Anaka, one of his people raped me, and they took my father. Am I supposed to trust him like that after what his people did to me?"
Did he do those things? Or was it another Chermonoan? Think about it, princess. Your father got justice by executing your rapist. I wasn't there, but your father sacrificed his life to keep you safe during that battle. You might not see it now, but you'll need this Chermonoan. Bigger things are coming that are going to happen; some are going to be rejoiceful, and others are not going to be pleasant.
She's right, you know, child,
a voice hollered overhead. They both looked up to see someone was watching them. It was the Raven beast from earlier! However, I would emphasize the unpleasant part of that subject if I were you, dear Hatchling.
Alisha jolted backward, which caused Eddie's practically lifeless body to fall to the ground. She didn't know whether to feel fear or confusion from this interaction. The Raven beast then plunged to the ground, between Eddie and Alisha, with Anaka darting to her side, ready to protect.
The Raven beast then gazed around, observing the mayhem that had transpired.
Hmm. If I didn't know better, I'd have assumed a meteor had struck. Quite the scene you've all caused here, isn't it, child?
"It's all my fault, my emotions took over, and I didn't know how to stop it," cried Alisha.
Hmm. Yes. Perhaps it is all your fault, isn't it? You should deserve punishment for it, what do you say? The Raven beast retorted. After all, you not only have little to no proper control over your power, let alone your emotions, but you also put danger to your environment and its inhabitants. Not to mention, you possibly caused trauma to your companion. You created a disaster that might have cost you the dear life of an innocent child, which calls for drastic disciplinary action. Would you not agree, Your Highness? He stared at Alisha as those words left his beak, watching the expression on her face, looking for a reaction. What say you then, child? What? Say? You? Hm?
Alisha had never felt guilt before, and it was what she felt. Elestelians raised their offspring to never bow before another culture, but Alisha knew she had to seek forgiveness to atone for what she did. She sat up and bent her head towards the Raven. "Do your worst. I deserve it. All I've ever felt is pain and suffering. I never asked for it, and it happened to me, time and time again."
Alisha expected tears to run down her face, but none flowed. She was better off dead than causing anyone more harm than she inflicted.
The Raven beast took a step closer toward Alisha, slowly but with stride. From the corner of his eye, he saw Anaka attempting to interfere. He flapped his wing with a strong enough breeze to keep her pinned, which aggravated her. It'd be wise as a companion for you to stand down. A companion like yourself, who once was a warrior, must learn to gauge their abilities when faced with an opponent they know they cannot beat. He then headed towards Alisha and lowered his head to Alisha to see her bow to him.
You would bow your head and admit your fault to your supposed enemy, awaiting punishment you believe you deserve. And you'd face the consequences of your foolish insecurities than follow your pride and stand your ground against a creature like me?
"Yes, I won't fight back. I'll accept anything, even death."
The Raven beast raised his head and cawed in laughter, which confused the girls. They both looked at him. What was going on? He then calmed himself down and ruffled his feathers around before responding. Haha, ahh. Apologies, child. It's just you amused me for a moment, haha. He said between chuckles as he opened his wing to pat her on the back. Your father was very right about you, young girl. You will make a good leader one day. You have the same respect and humility as your father did when he was around your age. Ahh my. Those were more exciting times, they were. He then turned around and began to walk away from her, leaving them in shock.
"Wait!" She yelled at the bird. "You knew my father!?! How? How did you know my father!?!"
The Raven beast then turned his head slightly and replied, Hmm. What's the correct answer to this? Well, you could say that he and I. Well - we were considered 'very' close with one another. Yes, very close companions indeed. He began to walk past Eddie's body and out of the hole. Before you stall me with more questions, you should care for him before his body burns out entirely. He informed her, looking back at them. He will not have time left if you delay further. Though, I trust you will take proper care of him in the future.
He then spread his wing, forming two massive gusts of wind, putting out what was left of the fire as he began to take off. I fully trust that the dear Prince will be safe in your hands, child of Elestelia. 'Til we meet again!
Alisha had many questions running through her head, but none mattered more than Eddie getting medical attention. The nurse would know how to heal him, right?
No, Alisha shook her head and looked at Anaka. She has the power of healing. She could help heal Eddie herself.
"Anaka, will you help me, please?"
What do you think? Of course, I am going to help, Anaka rolled her eyes.
"It's just that it's my fault that we are in this mess," she replied as she crawled to Eddie and held him close. She took a shaky breath and hovered her hand over his chest. Anaka rubbed against him as her scales glistened a pink color. Alisha looked back at her hand as a soft pink light radiated from it. Alisha closed her eyes as tears streamed down, and she motioned her hand over his whole body.
Alisha opened her eyes and saw his wounds heal drastically. The form she saw him in moments ago had finally disappeared, and he was back to his old self. Alisha didn't know how, but her body never felt as tired as it did. Alisha felt her eyes grow heavy, and her body fell limp as she fell back.

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