The grand (more or less) Search and Rescue

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Meanwhile, mere moments before Alisha spoke with her mother in the forest, a pack of wolves began running through the grass fields. Their prey: what looked like a small gorilla in a jacket and nap hath. What he was doing there was anyone's guess, but it was certainly not to be chased after by wolves. "Help! Help! help!!" The gorilla cried out in fear. "I don't wanna be at a wolf's steak buffet!"

As the wolves began to close in on him, a ball of fire slammed into one of their heads, making the poor wolf spin in the air. A blur of red sped by the pack and stood in front of the gorilla creature. It stood around three, maybe four feet tall, with a red tail and a scaley body. It held a staff with what looked like a speaker at the end of it. It glared at the wolves with an intensity like none other.

"Oh, thank goodness, Shoutmon," said the gorilla with glee. "Just in time. I thought I was going to become kibble!!!"

The creature called Shoutmon groaned in annoyance and looked at the wolves walking closer. With a smirk, he then said, "Seems you lack discipline. Time to take you dogs to obedience school." With a twirl of his staff, he leaped into the air, ready to strike. His rod stabbed into the ground, lifting a large chunk of the earth with it as the creature hurled himself into the pack.

"Have a taste of my Rock'n'Roller Technique!!!" He shouted as he swung, sending mounds of solid dirt toward the wolves in a storm. The wolf appeared to be the Alpha scattered away from the pack to engage the little gorilla creature. That is until he felt a touch on his tail.

"For an alpha, ya ain't that smart, are ya," Shoutmon remarked. "A true leader stays by his people," he then started swinging the wolf along with the other five wolves in the pack by their tails. "You'll need each other's company to break your fall! Have fun flying, wingless mutts!!" He rapidly spun around, eventually letting go of them and sending them flying far away from him and the gorilla. "Hahh, that should do it!"

"Haha. Thank goodness you came with me," said the gorilla. "If you hadn't been here, well, I think I might've been--" Before the gorilla could finish the sentence, Shoutmon whacked him in his face with what looked like the speaker part of his staff. "Ahhh! What the– ow! What was that for?!?"

"THAT was for freaking out and screaming like a wild beast, you idiot!" Shoutmon yelled. "If you weren't being a moron, we wouldn't have had to deal with those wolves!!"

"Excuse me?!? If anything, they attacked because you woke them up with your shouting! Can't you do anything quietly!?"

"Uh, hello?!? My name is 'Shout'morolouda for a reason!! I shout things. Why do you think that brat calls me Shoutmon!?! If I were quiet, they would've named me Whispermon, but they didn't! Now stop whining and get to walking, Rilys. We need to find him!"

"Ok, ok, fine, just stop hitting me!"

It was uncertain who they were and what they were doing, but they eventually came upon an open field.

"Whoaa," The gorilla creature named Rilys exclaimed. "Look at all this beautiful flora! I think these are some forms of subspecies that are not even in our books back home. These flowers are amazing!"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure," Shoutmon said, snorting at some flowers. "Seems like a nice dull place for a fancy rich folk brunch if you ask me. Oh, look at me. I'm a little penny-hoarding rich brat with no care in the world because I can always pay others to care for me!!"

As he walked around, mocking who knows who or what, Rilys just looked at him. "It's pretty clear you have issues that go deeper than my degree allows me to get into." He retorted, but then something caught his eye. "Hey, Shoutmon, look over here."

"Ugh, what, another pretty flower or something stupid like that," he groaned, mocking Rilys.

"No, this. A fallen tree."

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