The Panic Attack

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Eddie wasn't expecting anything from Alisha as he held her. All he wanted to do was make her feel better after their accident. Suddenly Eddie noticed her looking light-headed, slowly moving side to side like a sleepwalking child. He could tell something was wrong.

"A-Alisha?" He said, concerned. The next thing he knew, she fell head-first to the ground, unconscious. "Alisha! Alisha? Princess, wake up, please!" He gently shook her side, hoping something would happen, but no luck. He didn't know what was happening or what to do. He began to panic.

No, no, no, no, no. Please, no. Please be okay. Eddie thought to himself. Is this my fault? Did I do something wrong? Am I to blame? What if she doesn't wake up? No, she has to be okay! His ears began to ring like a siren was going off in his head. He couldn't stand feeling all this pressure, but he didn't know what to do, what he could do.

He picked her up gently, looking around the room for something or anything he could use to help her. Eddie placed Alisha on her side of the bed. He looked around the room more.
Eddie saw a blanket in the corner of the room and grabbed it. He then laid it across her body. Maybe she needed to stay warm or something.

Gaah, this is stupid. You're so stupid! Think of something useful! He couldn't help but feel useless like he always had. Eddie felt tears fall down his face as he stared at her body, then he did the only thing he should do. Eddie sat on the side of the bed and lay next to her. He ensured he was a good enough distance from her so she wouldn't feel scared when she woke up. Eddie rested his hand on her side, patting her arm as comfort.

"I'm sorry," he said to her unconscious body. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, honest. You're probably the only person I've met since I got here who's treated me like a real person. I don't know what's wrong, but please wake up. I'd hate myself forever, knowing I may have done something fatally horrible to you."

He rested there, waiting for her to wake up. His eyes slowly drooped down, and he drifted into a slumber by her side.

"Eddie," moaned Alisha. "Where are you?"

Eddie opened his eyes slowly, a little groggy. How long had he slept? He looked out the window to see the morning sunlight had turned into darkness.

Did no one come to check on us? He thought, still half asleep, as though he could return to his dreams. He felt Alisha's body shifting around and moaning in her slumber.

"Alisha," he whispered, looking at her with sleepy eyes. "A-are you alright?"

"Wait, I'm coming. Where are you?" Alisha mumbled again.

"Hey, I'm here, Alisha," Eddie told her.

"No matter what, I'll always be there for you," she whispered.

Eddie felt his cheeks flush.

Did she mean that?

"I... I'll be here for you too, Princess. I'm right here for you."

He felt like he should do something, but what? He wanted to hold her, to rest her head on his shoulder, but could he? Would she let him? Would she be okay with it when she woke up?

No. Eddie thought. No, I shouldn't. I don't deserve to. Still half asleep, he simply reached his hand out to her, brushing her hair to the side of her face. He could feel himself blushing more as he gazed at her face while she still whispered and moaned in her sleep.

"Y-you're beautiful, Alisha," he blurted out.

He shook his head. Damn! Did I just say that out loud? What am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking like that, especially toward her. What if she's just sleep-talking, and it doesn't mean anything? He laid himself back down and turned away from her. I'm just tired, is all. Maybe I should go back to sleep. That'll set my head back on straight.

He slowly let himself drift away again, softly saying without his realization, "But what if I want it to mean something?" and fell back to sleep by her side.

Alisha turned from side to side, and he noticed her face scrunched up in disgust. "Stay away from me," she whined. "Eddie."

Eddie's eyes shot open again, with fear this time. Did she just say what he thought she did? "A-Alisha. Are you okay?" He stuttered.

"Eddie!" she screamed, and she shot up awake. She held herself as she continued to cry and tremble.

"Are you okay, princess?" asked Eddie.

He saw her turn to him as she wiped her tears. She nodded, "yeah, just a nightmare," she told him. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and curled next to him. Eddie blushed at her curl towards him, and he didn't know what else to say.

"A-are you sure, princess," he asked Alisha again, trying not to touch her. "It looked like you might have another panic attack in your sleep. Did something happen?"

Alisha sighed. "I should tell you. I don't want to worry you," she told him. "You know I told you I have visions of people who need help?" She looked up to see him nod. "The vision wasn't like any vision I ever had. My visions were always distant and never personal, but this one was."

Eddie was wondering what she would say next. If this is her first personal dream, Alisha saying his name would make sense. But what else could that mean? He then lowered his head to her level.

"H-how... how personal was your dream," he asked her. He sounded nervous and worried. "I-if you don't mind my asking."

"Our people were at war, and I could hear you calling out for me. Only it felt like you were getting farther away. I tried following the sound of your voice, but then I heard him," her voice creaked as she tried not to cry again. "I tried running away, but he chased me. All I could do was call for you." Alisha trembled as she clung to Eddie. She felt helpless in his hold but safe, somehow. Eddie couldn't help but feel bad for her. Without realizing it, he wrapped his arm around her in a cuddling embrace. He then held her cheek in his other hand, wiping the tear from her face with his thumb.

"Hey," he said. "Hey, hey, i-it's okay. It's okay, i-it was just a dream. A dream can't hurt you. I won't let it."

Alisha sniffed. "Promise?"

"I-I promise." He answered as he stared into her eyes. "I'll do the best I can. After all, I made you a promise before, didn't I?"

Alisha smiled before nuzzling into Eddie and wrapping an arm around his chest. She pulled the blanket around them as she fell asleep peacefully. As Alisha slumbered, Eddie couldn't help but feel flustered. Seeing this woman, this princess, holding him so close as she slept, feeling so safe, it felt almost too good to be true. Without thinking, he nuzzled her head slightly and hoped she was fully asleep, giving her a peck on the forehead. Then, he blushed more.

Damn it, he thought. What am I thinking? I shouldn't be doing that.

"I-I wish you good night, sweet princess," he said to her sleeping face. "Please have better dreams than the ones that harm your mind." He then nuzzled her head and slowly felt himself falling back to sleep.

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