Food & Books

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It was morning, and Alisha had woken up from her pleasant dreams. She looked up to see Eddie still sleeping peacefully. The night's events played in her mind as Alisha saw Eddie's arms still wrapped around her. A blush caressed her cheeks as she climbed along his chest to kiss his cheek. Alisha brushed some of her morning hair from her face and nuzzled against him. She could hear him moan and fidget under the covers. Suddenly, Eddie turned over on his side, pulling Alisha into his body and cuddling her even more. Alisha smiled as she chuckled.

"Mmmrr, mm," she heard him grumble in his sleep. "Mmm, hun bun."

He then planted a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead, which caught her off guard.

Alisha blushed, "Should I kiss the sleeping prince awake?" she asked herself. "Mm, yes, yes, I should." Alisha carefully turned over to lie on his chest. She kissed Eddie's cheek again. "Baby? Darling? Is my sweet prince charming going to rise with the sun? Or are we going to stay in bed all day?"

Suddenly, poof! As she kissed him, his body expelled a puff of smoke like before, and with it, his ears and tail appeared once more. Alisha couldn't help but adore his cute little ears twitching. She took one ear in her fingers and gently rubbed them. They must've felt sensitive to Eddie because he began to moan and shake his head, followed by his eyes opening groggily. "Mmm? Huh, what... I do, I do, why wouldn't I?" he mumbled and muttered as he yawned awake. Still groggy, he turned his head to see Alisha. He must've thought he was still dreaming because he leaned in close to her face and nuzzled her nose with his gently, causing her to blush more. "Mmm, so cute," he whispered. "Aren't you, my widdle hun bun? Hehehe."

Does he think he's still dreaming? Alisha thought to herself. Awww, he's so damn cute!

Alisha nuzzled his nose and kissed his soft lips, wrapping her arms around him. "Are we fully awake now?"

Eddie's eyes looked fully open and awake. Eddie's face changed from sleepy to confused to realization and embarrassment. "Uhhhhh," he squeaked. His face turned red as he covered himself with his hands, trying to hide his embarrassed expression. "Please tell me all that was still just a dream."

"Aww, are we embarrassed, hun bun? You're too cute," chuckled Alisha.

Eddie realized right then and there that everything he had said had happened. The words "hun bun" left Alisha's mouth, and Eddie felt a surge of heat flow through his body, making him flustered and groan. "Mmmm ahhh, nooo," he whined. "So it wasn't all a dream, augh. So embarrassing."

"Hey, you were the one who's a big cuddle bug. I'm not going to complain. I think it's cute," she reassured him as she kissed his cheek again. "Come on, do you want breakfast or not?" she giggled as she grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him out of bed. "I'll race you."

Alisha's sudden change in behavior caught him off guard for an early morning. Where did she get that unexpected burst of energy? The princess hates running. Why does she want to race against him? Is he still dreaming?

"Alisha, are you feeling okay?" asked Eddie.

Alisha turned around to look at him, confused but still smiling and giggling. "Of course I am, silly," she answered him. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"W-well, it's just that, for a girl who hates to run around, you seem, what's the word? Zoomish, I think?"

With that, Alisha skipped back to the bed and stood before Eddie, taking her finger and booking him gently on the nose before reaching for one of his fox ears.

"Hmhm, silly boy," she replied. "I'm just happy today. I wanna spend the whole day with you." She then gave him a little pouty lip. "Don't you want to spend all day with me?"

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