A Dark Horizon

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Warning: violence and blood

Little did they know that as they all sat around enjoying their afternoon meal, behind a tiny window on the upper walls was perched an odd-looking raven of sorts. It seemed to just be staring through the glass, eyeing the people sitting and eating, especially the young prince. It simply cawed, stretching out its wings and preparing to take flight. As the bird took off, it did what seemed to be the most bizarre thing to ever witness.

In a flash, the raven's body creaked and popped, morphing and twisting into a raptor/wyvern-like creature, roughly the size of a wolf. Its wings enlarged with claws, its head sprouting a third eye, followed by fangs sprouting in its beak. With but a single flap of its wings, it blitzed through the sky at what seemed like the speed of light, streaming through the skies at rapid speed, until it arrived at a massive castle. As it reached the peak of one of its spires, the raven morphed back, shrinking and changing colors, until you couldn't even recognize it as any type of bird.

It landed on the forearm of a man in armor, waddling across his arm sideways, as it squawked. The armored man grazed the bird's head gently, then gazed into its eyes. "You've returned, my partner," The man spoke gruffly. "Now, tell me what you've seen. Let me enter your mind."

The man placed his forehead against the bird's, and a flash of light between them began to glow, and a rush of energy flowed into the man, as he viewed all of the sights the bird had witnessed on its travels. Until he saw its memory of a Meade hall, with royalty in tow. Including a young man with a familiar face. The man's eyes widened, as he ended the connection with the bird. "You did good work, my companion," the man replied. "Now, rest, take your time. You'll need it for now."

The man then made his way down the spire, through the halls, to a throne room. Pushing the doors open, we entered with a man, presumably a high-ranking man, beating in the face of a mere servant girl. The man was dressed fancily, dawned in a light and dark shade of blue and black across his chest. His hair was a tar black, his skin a darker shade of white, his eyes cold blue and deranged-looking. "You worthless! Pathetic! Ignorant! Harlet!" The man screeched as he landed each punch on the poor defenseless girl. Blood spattered on the ground as he beat and pushed her into the ground, then mounted her continuing to land blow after blow, leaving not even a moment's pause for her to breathe. "Pathetic! Pathetic! Absolutely WORTHLESS!!!" He stood back up, grabbing the servant girl by the hair, yanking her head up, causing her to squeal in pain. As he clenched her hair in his fist, a cold wind circled her body. Ice began to form and move down her hair.

Then, with her head still in his grasp, he began to spin around, pulling her with him, before letting go and flinging her into a pillar at ramming speed. You could hear the loud THUNK! of her head as she made an impact with the pillar, ice shattering, and her head cracked, leaving her crying and moaning in pain from the torture the man had wrought upon her. With heavy angry breathing, the man hollered more at her. "Next time... I say... to roast the GOOD meat... YOU ROAST!! THE GODDAMN GOOD MEAT! AND WHEN I SAY TO POLISH MY THRONE, YOU POLISH MY FUCKING THRONE, YOU WORTHLESS SLIME!! NOT JUST PAT AND RUB, I MEAN CLEAN IT!" As he yelled at her, he formed a lance-like shard of ice and chucked it at her head, nearly hitting her. As he did, he heard the sound of the doors opening, entering the armored man. He knelt in front of the young man, bowing. "My Lord, Vorrono," he spoke. "I have news regarding your 'request'."

Indeed. This man, this monster, was the evil brother of Prince Eddie: "King" Vorrono Von Icevaowl Charlamange, second son of Rudrick Von Charlemagne, and the current acting ruler of the throne.

He took a deep breath, then charged at the poor girl he tortured, ramming his foot rapidly into her stomach, causing her to cough up blood. He then yanked her hair again, causing her head to leak more blood from her wound, and growled through clenched teeth. "Now make yourself useful for once, and GET BACK TO WORK!!! Or next time, I won't just stop beating you."

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