Scriptures & Legends

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Alisha could see the scared and concerned look on Eddie's face, as he stared down at the picture of Cholonaumura. She held him tightly, trying to comfort him and bring his mind back to sanity. "Eddie," she whispered. "It's okay. It's just a picture. I-it doesn't mean anything, right?"

She felt him take a deep breath in, feeling his chest rise as he inhaled. She could feel his arms fidget and shiver, as he gripped the book in his hands. He then, stiffly but surely, began to close the book, the picture of his Familiar disappearing from his vision. He then turned his body around, somewhat forcing a smile on her to calm her nerves. "Right, Princess," he answered, "I-it's nothing to worry over. Doesn't mean a thing at all."

He brought his hands to her waist and helped her stand up as he rose to his feet, ready to move on.

However, Alisha stayed clung to his waist, holding him closer. "Hey," She said, looking up at him. "Are you really okay?"

He looked back down at her with a more genuine and soft smile this time. "Yes, Sweetheart," he said to her. "I promise I'm fine. Just a little tired of reading now. Guess my eyes are a little strained from reading in this light, er, lack thereof, hehe."

Alisha couldn't help but blush. Did he just call her 'sweetheart'? Did he just give her her first romantic nickname? She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and excited from this, despite what just happened.

Before she could respond in any way, a loud crash was heard. They both looked in the direction they had come from not too long ago and raced their way down the aisles of books and transcripts. They turned around the next corner to see a shower of pages flying through the air and masses of stacked books and mantels tipping and dropping to the floor, as Shoutmon and Anaka began jumping/flying from case to case, practically barking like dogs at each other while Rilys tried to recover the missing and flying papers all around. It was like a wild zoo had taken over the library.

You are so childish and imbecilic, rude and rambunctious, and ignorantly delinquent! Anaka yelled out, jumping over books and candle-lit cages.

"Flacka flacka, flacka flacka, flack dacka, yehahahaha!!!" Shoutmon simply squawked out, laughing and chuckling like a deranged goblin that overdosed on children's candy.

"Come on, you guys," Rilys tried to yell out as he strained his body, twisting and jumping for the falling papers. "Have some decency, this is a library!"

Alisha brought her fingers to her mouth and began to inhale. Then, she let out a whistle so loud, it felt as if it would blow out their eardrums. Shoutmon fell to the ground, dropping like a heavy ball of lead, practically spazzing out from the high-pitch tone Alisha had reached. He began to twist and contort in agony from the sound, grunting and squeaking in pain.

"Da, tatatatata, stop it, please," he cried out, his eyes straining themselves to not roll into his head from the pain. "I can't take it anymore!"

It's too much! Anaka shrieked out.

Rilys pressed his paper-filled fists into his ears as he whimpered out, "For the love of Cholo, make it stop! My head's about to burst!"

After what felt like an eternity of torment for them, Alisha brought down her fingers, letting the library go silent once more. Shoutmon, Anaka, and Rilys, all began falling to their knees, or onto their backs. Their bodies felt limp from what felt like an endless wave of assaults on their minds. Shoutmon felt so discombobulated, he couldn't even lift his arms to push himself off his own back and sit up. Anaka couldn't even fly properly anymore, for each time she tried, she just plopped to the ground like a stone. As for Rilys, well, he couldn't even fall in general. He was just in what seemed like a perpetual loop of swaying and wobbling, similar to that of being on a ship.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" Alisha yelled out. "This is not the place to be doing this kind of stuff, you know?!"

Shoutmon and Anaka pointed at each other, still in a daze, and whined out, "He/She started it!"

"Uuugh," Rilys moaned, finally holding himself still again. "You both need to stop, honestly."

"Hmph, whateva," Shoutmon scoffed, "It was getting boring just lazing around here, anyway."

He then turned around, fluttering papers left and right with his tail, as he huffed and sauntered off across the tables, and towards one of the doors. "I'm heading back to da kitchen now, and fuel up from this childish roughhousing." His eyes darted in Anaka's direction as he said this, watching her fume with anger and annoyance at his remark.

"See ya, losas," he cheered out, as he closed a door behind him, followed by a clattering of noises and shattering sounds of glass. He then opened the door back up, still trying to act cool, and opened the other door, softly muttering. "Eh, hehe, closet door. Really gotta label these rooms, ya know."

Anaka simply shook her head, groaning annoyedly. Ooooh, the more I interact with him, the more I can't tell whether I should tolerate him, or just hate him. She then turned to Rilys. How do you put up with this all day long? How have you not yet cracked and tried to pop his head off his shoulders?

Rilys just shrugged. "Meh, who says I haven't tried?" he answered. "Plus, at this point, it's kind of grown on me."

You can't be serious.

"Eh, just you wait, you'll get used to it. Eventually, you come to realize that this is just how he expresses himself. It's how you know he cares."

Anaka simply laughed. Ha! Yeah right. Him, caring? Like this?

"Oh you'd be surprised," Eddie interjected. "Sure, he's quite a hard shell to crack. But once you get past that, he's not that bad a guy."

Alisha walked forward, picking up scriptures and scrolls with Rilys, before standing back up and walking towards the door. "He does have the right idea, though," she said, carrying some of the scrolls with her. "We probably should get something to eat now. Who knows how many hours we've been in here."

"I agree," Rilys responded. "Plus, it's easier to read ancient writing and admire historic pictures when you have a nice piping meal next to you, hehe."

As Alisha opened the door and everyone followed her out, Eddie couldn't help but look back behind him, eyeing the blue and silver book. The pictures of Cholonaumura, and the texts that followed it, still concerned him and sent shivers down his spine.

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