Thoughts Of The Lonely Fox

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As Eddie began to run water for his bath, he couldn't help but think about the mess that had occurred today. Shoutmon and Rilys caused a commotion to the looks of the servants in the castle. Even in his new form, his head was all a jumble. He sat in the bath, allowing the water to rise in temperature. It soon became quite hot, but it felt nice to a person like him. He glanced at his reflection in the water, his ears now Fox-like, twitching on his head. He reached for them, gently touching them. The ears' soft fur felt like a pillow.

You look cute like this, is what he heard the princess say to him. He could imagine himself lying on the grass, his head on her lap as she played with his ears. His tail hung overhead and tickled her ears as she smiled. You look adorable, Eddie. He would hear her say as she leaned into his face.

Suddenly he punched himself in the head as he yelped in panic at such a thought.

No, no, no! He thought to himself as he smacked his head. None of that! Shame on you!

Eddie shook his head, stopping his romantic thoughts and making his face red. Or was that the water? Whichever the case, it made him fluster, so much so he could feel his body burn as if it was on fire. He opened his eyes to see the entire room had become like a steam room. Was this his doing? But how? He was never able to do this before. He suddenly shot up and stepped out of the tub, looking for the door and hoping for clear air.

He slipped and tumbled head-first right through the door, hitting the bedpost of what was once the former king's bed. "Owww," he moaned in pain, reaching for his ears. Except his ears were no longer on his head. He looked behind him to see his tail had disappeared as well. "Yes," he exclaimed. "No more weirdo-looking freak form thingamajig, haha!" Eddie felt like he should feel as happy as he was acting, but for some reason, he didn't. He couldn't help but wonder how Alisha would feel about his achievement. Would she still think Eddie was cute? He smacked himself again, trying to keep his head straight. "No, no, stop it," he said to himself. "Why should I care if she thought I was cute? No, I, um, err, gah! Why is having these kinds of feelings so hard?!?"

He went to grab his clothes but thought, Oh yeah, they're a little messy. Hmm, what am I supposed to wear now? He looked at the closet. Perhaps the king had an outfit of some kind that was his size.

He hesitated to open the wardrobe at first, but then he said, "Please don't be too mad at me, princess. And sorry in advance, former king, sir." and opened the doors to find an appropriate outfit.

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