The Battle Vision

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Warning: mentions of violence, blood

 Alisha noticed Eddie was unsteady after they confessed their feelings to her mother. She managed to hold him steady and rest him in a chair. She could only fathom how hard it was for Eddie to stand there, but she was happy he stuck through his confession. Alisha caressed his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Good job, Eddie. You managed not to faint."

Eddie hummed in response as he pulled her close. "I thought my knees were going to give out." He sighed in relief as he rested his head on her shoulder. "I thought your mother was going to bite my head off."

"I'm sure she only meant well to protect me," reassured Alisha as she rubbed his back. "I'm the only one she has left. I feel bad that I withheld my father's return. If only I knew how. I'm sure it will bring her a smile and tears of joy." Alisha ran her fingers through Eddie's hair. "We shouldn't let the food go to waste."

Eddie nodded.

They shared their lunch in peace. They never had a care in the world as the servants and a few onlookers watched the royals eat.

The royal couple spent the rest of the afternoon together, walking through the halls and sharing stories of their childhood. Well, Alisha's childhood, anyway, and admiring the flowers in the garden. Alisha enjoyed the time she spent with Eddie that afternoon. She usually admired her roses alone, but now it felt even more than that Eddie was here to admire them with her. So much so that when she turned around to meet his eyes, she saw him covered in thorns and needles, holding a small bouquet of roses, each a different color. The poor Prince had tried to make a romantic gesture to her but had foolishly fallen into the bushes of prickers and thorns, now a walking pin cushion. Alisha couldn't help but giggle at his appearance, gently taking the small bouquet and holding them close to herself. She then plucked a few thorns off his cheek to kiss him softly, which made him "fox out," as she called his transformation (the one in which his tail and ears would poof up out of nowhere).

As the day went by, the afternoon became evening, and they sat together watching the sunset. The view from the garden was magnificent. They could see the birds flying across the horizon in the distance, the deer leaping over the hills as they returned to the forests, and the wind blowing through the grass as they watched the sun sink lower in the sky.

They returned to the castle and walked to the princess' bedroom door. "Well," Eddie said softly, trying not to sound too loud and wake anyone still awake in the halls. "Um, aside from the confrontation with your mother... I would say today was pretty fun, don't you think, princess?"

Alisha smiled. "I couldn't agree more, Eddie." The moonlight glistened through the nearby windows, illuminating their presence in the halls. "I suppose we should call it a night, then? I'll see you in the morning."

Alisha couldn't deny the fun she had with Eddie. If only the day could last longer. Being in Eddie's arms felt forbidden, but it felt too good to be true. Would a kiss goodnight be alright? It was their first night together as an official couple. "H-hey, um," she heard Eddie stutter. She turned back to see him fidgeting as he gently touched her hand. "D-do um, well... would it be okay if I... kissed you goodnight, by any chance?"

This made Alisha blush. He took the words right out of her mouth. She chuckled a bit as she approached him, bringing her fingers to his cheek, gently turning his head, and giving him a small peck, which made Eddie shiver and blush even more. He felt his cheek was on fire from merely feeling her lips.

Alisha grinned and chuckled more, then leaned in and whispered, "Maybe next time I'll give you a real kiss," as she put a finger to his lips. "You know, when you're not all jittery and flustered, hehe."

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