A Cage of Your Own Making

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Eddie opened his eyes, or so it seemed to him, to see another black, smokey void. He looked around and started to get angry. "Aaaah! Come on!" He whined. "Not this crap again!"

And again, he wasn't alone. He could hear the sound of chains dragging behind him and turned around to see the giant black fox staring at him, angry and tired.

"Back again, I see. This foolish routine of yours is getting tiresome. Now, release me! Grant me my freedom!"

"Not you again!" Eddie cried out. "Why is it always like this?! I don't know what you expect of me, but I'm not freeing you! Even if I knew how I would never free you from your prison! You're better off in this cage of yours!"

The fox let out a laugh, almost sarcastic. "You think this is 'my' cage!" He cackled, glaring one eye down at the prince. "Ha! Foolish child! This cage may have contained me, but for me, this cage isn't!"

What? Eddie thought. Then suddenly, the void began to pick up wind, fueling the black smoke surrounding them. "What does that even mean!?" He yelled. "In case you forgot, 'you're' the one chained up!"

"I may be chained, but I am no more than just an inmate." The fox replied. "You may try to deny it, but you know the truth deep down." The wind picked up more, almost lifting the prince into what must've been the air around them. "YOU are the prisoner, child! You built this cage with your mind! I am, but a victim of YOU'RE transpiring!"

As the fox cried in a howl, Eddie fell on the ground, metal poles sprouting from below, surrounding him. They formed a small cube around him, sealing his containment. He tried to pull at them, hoping it would yank them out, but to no avail. Flames began to surround the cage as chains shot from each pole, tying and wrapping around every part of his body, pulling him every which way. "No!" He cried in pain, trying to yank and tug at the chains, hoping to free himself. "Urgh! It's not fair! Make it stop! I said to stop! Stop it!"

He felt as though the cage was shrinking. As he looked up, he realized it was. He was now looking up at the fox from what visual space he had left in his cage, watching the fox grow bigger. As he cried and yelled, the fox kept simply staring down. The poor prince began to cry and beg. "Please, help me!" He cried tears down his face, but the fox turned away from his gaze, which upset him. "Please, stop this! I hate you! You hear me! Hate you! Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate! I hate you, Cholonaumura!"

As his screams filled the black void, he could feel himself falling, plummeting down, seemingly endlessly. Then, a pink flash, and everything went blank.

Eddie heard someone talking, but their voices seemed muffled. The voices grew quiet, and then a girl started humming a gentle tune. He felt fingers running through his hair. Eddie opened his eyes to see a blue sky above.

"Where am I?" Eddie quietly asked.

"Don't be scared, your Highness. You're safe here," replied the humming voice.

Eddie looked up to see Alisha, wearing white robes and glowing white. Eddie sat up and looked around to see he was lying on a cloud high in the sky. He saw something fly past him with great speed. Eddie looked up to see a gold dragon.

Eddie rubbed his eyes. "Did I hit my head or something? You look like the princess," he told the girl. He rubbed his head. "I must still be dreaming."

The girl chuckled. "I may have the same name as your princess, but I assure you. I'm not your princess. I'm from a more advanced world than this one. I belong to Goldeous."

The gold dragon appeared behind the girl and batted his wings. The dragon lowered his head against the girl's shoulder. She kissed him, and the dragon flew away.

"It's safe to say that Elestelia and Chermono have something in common," the girl replied.

Eddie looked at her, confused. "You?"

The girl smiled and nodded. "I was here during the beginning of creation. I gifted your kingdom with your spirit animals."

"You must be ancient, and you look so young."

"I'm not worried about it. I do miss my friends, and," she caressed his cheek. "You look like my Eddie," her eyes filled with sadness. She sighed as she dropped her hand. "If only."

Eddie watched the world fade and grow dark again.

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