The Meeting

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Alisha pushed Steffan to his limit across the prairie to the woods that surrounded her kingdom of Elestelia. A marble castle that rose from the ground a few generations ago after the battle of the dragons. It was unbelievable to think that there were two Vivians, and yet one lives and breathes while the other stalks the land after he dies at the battle. Only the evil Vivian was not the only one. Vivian's brother, Goldeous, fought for the Village people when the village was the only town alive on the island. It said then afterward that Vivian's death touch revived his brother, and Vivian's scales lightened from black to gray, and his red eyes changed to seafoam. It was a change no one was expecting.

Entering the woods' trail, she dismounted and pulled Steffan's reins to guide him. "Hello, sir, can you hear me?" she called out. "Hello?"

All was quiet except for the bird's songs and the gentle wind.

His throat was dry, he tried swallowing the moisture in his mouth, but it was not enough to quench his thirst. He heard a voice calling out to him.

"Over here," he whispered, he wanted whoever was out here to come to his aid right away, but his thirst prevented him from calling any louder. "I am over here."

"Hello?" called the voice again, but louder this time. The voice sounded like it belonged to a woman. How did someone know that he was out here, injured? "Sir, if you can hear me, then please try to direct me so I can find you."


If only he could call out to her. He moved his ankle and cringed, knowing it was stiff but not as much pain as he was last night. He hoped that it was not broken or else. He was unsure if he could live for weeks on end, waiting for his ankle to heal. He would be lucky to be let off with an almost healed sprain. Moving his ankle in various ways to loosen the stiffness, he cried in pain.

"Agh!" cried a voice ahead amidst the quietness. Following the sounds of pain, she came to the part of the trail that widened and sloped. Alisha released Steffan's reign and climbed down the hill. She gripped the pouch tightly; she looked around the area finding the young man awake and alert, moving his ankle.

"Hey, take it easy," she told him, running to his side. She sat by his side. Her nerves trembled just sitting by him. "You do not want to injure it more than you have."

Their brown eyes locked as she set the satchel aside. "Now, do not move."

He nodded and remained perfectly still.

She looked away from his eyes and focused on examining his ankle. Alisha reached out toward him with trembling hands, carefully grabbing his ankle. She could feel every bone and muscle, swollen and bruised. Surprisingly, she discovered nothing was broken or fractured. Thinking back in her vision, it had told her that he was in great pain. She expected him to be in worse pain than this despite his condition.

"Well, we should be thankful that nothing broke, but there is still some swelling. You might have a sprain, but that is my input. We will have to get you checked with the nurse for her opinion."

He nodded.

Thinking back in her vision, she recalled that he never stopped to get a drink during his chase last night. "Wait here."

He followed her with his eyes until she vanished from his sight. Where is she going? Who is she? Did she know that I was out here? If so, how?

In the short span of meeting the young woman, he could tell that she was cautious about his well-being. The young woman had nothing to worry about as soon as he left. As soon as his ankle healed, he wanted to get away from home. He also wanted to get away from this kingdom he entered.

Somewhere in this world, he would find a place for himself. There would be a place where people would use him for his skills.

Hearing footsteps, he turned and saw her coming back with a canteen in her hands.

"Here," she replied, handing him the canteen. As soon as he grabbed it, his fingers were on top of hers. "Uh."

Their eyes fastened on each other. The stranger blinked for several moments, studying her brown eyes. They appeared to quake with fear, and she seemed tense. Why is she afraid of me? I'm not dangerous.

"I hope that this water quenches your thirst," she told him. He knew that it would.

How did she know that I was thirsty?

He smiled and nodded as she gave him the canteen.

Unscrewing the lid, he saw her moving down toward his ankle and started digging through the pouch. Drinking from the canteen, she pulled out gauze and a couple of wooden supporting planks. Aligning the planks next to his ankle, she began wrapping the gauze with gentle care.

"Thank you."

She looked at him and smiled faintly. "You're welcome."

He glanced down at the splint she made. It was not too snug or too loose.

It was odd how her splint did not match her purple dress. Her apparel was exceedingly elegant for a nurse, peasant, or maid to wear. Is she a royal?

"Are you ready?"

He nodded, screwing the lid back on the canteen and giving it back to her.

"I will be right back," she told him as she took the canteen with her. He followed her with his eyes once more, and she disappeared again.

Eventually, he knew that he would have to get up onto his feet with or without her help. Turning over to a crawling position, he set his left foot in front of him and placed his hand on the big oak tree to steady himself.

"Oh, take it easy, will you?" the girl cried, running to him. "It will not do you any good if you injure your ankle any further."

She took his other arm over her shoulder and gripped his waist tightly.

He was unsure if he should let her help him walk. "It is all right. I am stronger than I look."

Putting his trust in her, he pushed himself up and gently set his right foot on the ground. He exhaled in relief, knowing that it did not hurt and he would have a roof over his head for a short time.

Alisha clicked her tongue, which grabbed Steffans' attention. Alisha clicked her tongue again and made her horse come to her. "Good boy, Steffan," she looked at the man. "All right, hop on."

He held out a hand toward her horse, and he sniffed it in acceptance. Petting the horse's face and nostrils, he smiled.

Whomever this man is, he has been around horses before. She studied his blue tunic. His tunic looked extremely fine for anyone to wear, except those in the royal family. Is he a member of royal blood? If so, which kingdom?

While slightly limping to Steffan's saddle, he also petted his neck.

The stranger mounted into the saddle, and he held out his hand to her. Alisha cautiously took it; she could feel how strong and gentle it was. She looked up into his eyes, and with that one look. Alisha wondered what kind of adventures he went on. Wait, why am I suddenly interested in this individual that could be anyone in this world. He could be a wolf in sheep's clothing for all I know. I can not trust anyone that I meet.

Alisha snapped back into focus; she mounted the side-saddle and gasped, frozen.

She glanced down to her waist; she saw his arm wrapped around it. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Just making sure you do not fall off."

"I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself, thank you." She hoped that he would let go of her waist, but sadly, he did not. 

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