Matters of the Hearts? Or not meant to be?

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Alisha looked at Eddie sadly. She wasn't sure if Eddie wanted anything to do with her or if he was in denial of his feelings for her if he had. It's probably best to just not tie herself into a misunderstanding. She turned away, avoiding anyone to see the tears welling up in her eyes. She felt her heart shatter as she rushed out of the infirmary, avoiding anyone and everyone. She couldn't hear the servants worrying. She slammed her bedroom door shut and slid down it as the tears fell from her face. She shouldn't have gotten attached to Eddie, and she was crying over a nonexistent heartbreak. What was she going to do now? Was she going to live the rest of her life avoiding him?

Alisha heard scratching at her door. "Anaka?"

Alisha, hey, are you okay? Let me in, please.

"I just want to be left alone," she told her.

Is it about Eddie?

"Why are boys so confusing?"

Do you like him?

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't even know anymore," Alisha cried harder. "I've never been in a relationship before. I don't know what to feel when I'm in love."

Have you thought about asking your mom? She loved your dad.

"I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want to get Eddie into trouble," she told her, wiping her tears. She huddled herself. She didn't want anyone to see her upset - even Eddie. If there is an opportunity that Eddie does like her, he would feel bad for upsetting her, right? Or if Eddie didn't like her, would he laugh in her face at her stupidity? Alisha massaged her head as a migraine began to form.

Anaka looked up at her companion's door. She sensed her upset as she left the infirmary. Anaka wanted to console the princess. Anaka couldn't do that with the door closed. Anaka zoomed down the hall and launched herself down the stairs flapping her wings down to the infirmary.

Anaka saw Lucinda put the second apart from the other while Eddie slouched. She landed on the first bed and jumped to the second. She nuzzled against his arm, hoping to catch his attention.

"Not now, Anaka," the prince said, brushing her nuzzle to the side. "I think I should be alone."

You're not the only one who wanted to be alone today, mister, she told him, biting his sleeve. Anaka tugged at his sleeve, trying to pull his arm. Now, come on and get your butt moving.

Eddie pulled his arm away from her mouth, his sleeve ripping as her head jolted back. Anaka then noticed she got lifted. She looked around to realize it was his tail wrapping around her tiny body. "I just said to leave me alone? So, yeah, leave me alone, please."

Anaka glared at Eddie. You humans are frustrating! She blew smoke in his face. When I was human, at least, I got taken seriously.

"Yeah, well, you're not human anymore, alright!?" She heard Eddie yell out, which caught her by surprise. She can't recall ever hearing him yell with a voice of anger. "So shut up and stay out of it! I said leave me alone, so leave me alone!" His tail swung back, then forward, flinging her back to the door. Fortunately, she opened her little wings and flapped. It prevented her from hitting the door. She landed on the floor, scratching at the tiles and snorting smoke.

Anaka sighed and rushed out the door. You should know the words you speak hurt worse than any sword wielded by any soldier. Anaka hung her head and left the infirmary, leaving Eddie alone.

He pulled in his legs and wrapped his tail around himself. Does Anaka think I don't know that? He thought to himself. Of course, I know how bad those stupid words hurt! I- I- his fox ears began to droop, pulling backward in sadness as he curled himself up more. He then took a big sigh of depression and muttered under his breath, "I'm so stupid," as he laid back down in a ball as drifted away to slumber in his tears.

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