A Series of Mental Hangovers

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Queen Catalina inspected the damage that had been done to the halls, the windows and to the library. She looked at her daughter and her injuries. "Captain, call Lucinda for anyone else who may have gotten hurt in the attack and or helped fight against the monster," she ordered.

"Yes, your majesty," replied a tall strong man. He was built like an ox and had a scar from his chin curved up to his nose. He gave a cold stare toward Eddie with his green eyes. He took off his helmet, revealing his blonde hair. He turned to a soldier next to him and signaled him. The soldier nodded and made his departure through the pilling crowd. "Should we ask our guests what happened? I'm sure everyone is confused."

The queen looked at Eddie and Shoutmon. "Yes, I believe so," agreed the Queen. "So boys, care to explain what in Goldeous name happened?"

Eddie raised his hands in defense. "D-don't ask me," he stuttered. "I-I don't even know who that was! A-Alisha and I w-woke up to that thing making a ruckus in the library!"

"Well what was it doing in the library?!" She asked again, more sternly.

"H-how would I know?" Eddie answered, almost on the brink of tears as he was panicking.

The queen gave a heavy sigh to try and calm down. Clearly, angrily questioning the victims of this recent event was not the way to solve this situation. Before she could ask another question, Shoutmon, who was sitting down getting his arm and tail bandaged by a medical nurse, made his statement. "Whoever the heck it was," he began. "They were clearly here with a mission and a target in mind. And they was clearly DETERMINED to see their mission through."

The queen turned her head in Shoutmon's direction. "And how would you know that?"

"Because I was spying on these two," he answered nonchalantly, as if it was a natural thing for him to do, while he yawned from exhaustion.

Eddie gave him a shocked, yet upset, look. "Wait, you were what?!"

"Well yeah," Shoutmon replied. "I mean, what'd ya think I usually did when I'm not in your line of sight? Eating food and being a nutcase?" He then gave him an eye-squinted flat-faced expression. "Ehhh, ya know what, forget I asked that part."

"And you didn't think to just, oh I don't know, simply tell me?"

Shoutmon gave him a shrug. "Oh no, I thought about it."

"And?" asked the queen.

"I just didn't feel like it."

"Pardon me, coming through," replied Lucinda. She pushed through the crowd. She was already headed to the sounds of destruction when she ran into one of the soldiers. "All right, who's hurt?"

"Over here, Luc, Alisha is hurt badly," announced the Captain.

"All right, let me have a look," she replied and stopped to see Alisha covered in glass shards, bruises starting to form, and blood. "Oh my Goldeous, I hope that baby is alright. The last thing I wanna do is give her news that she had a miscarriage."

Lucinda knelt next to the captain of the guards, who was carrying the princess. She carefully lifted Alisha's delicate hand and everyone watched as Lucinda's healing powers circled the princess. The pink light lightly caressed her wounds and began to heal. There were still some visual signs of golden scales under her eyes and covered in blood. She looked back toward the party surrounding the princess. "Do I even want to know what happened?" she asked, wiping the blood from her cheeks. "I hope and pray the baby is okay," she reached over to the princess's womb. She closed her eyes to see the cells forming the growing fetus. It still astonished Lucinda that the fetus was in the early stages of development. She saw no sign of disruption in the development. Lucinda opened her eyes, and said, "The little one is fine for now, but if she starts to experience pain, call for me. I'm surprised the little one even survived the attack."

She then stood up and looked at everyone else. "All right, who else is hurt?"

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