The Tailor

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Back in Elestelia, the royal couple were walking together through the halls to a private room on the second floor. Alisha had requested some papers earlier after hearing the tailor's arrival. She started jotting down ideas all throughout lunch and she couldn't help but be watched. She constantly looked out of the corner of her eyes to see Eddie blushing and trying to look away. Shoutmon was constantly chuckling.

"Hmm," Alisha hummed to herself.

"Is something wrong, Alisha?" asked Eddie.

"Oh, I'm just trying to remember the games and activities that were hosted a decade ago," answered Alisha, shyly. "They were more weapon themed games for the adults, so I was mostly watching them."

"Mmm, sound like my kind of games," Shoutmon exclaimed. "Can't wait to see what you people call 'fun'."

They then stopped at a big, multi-colored door, about ten feet in width. It was made of a mix of wood and stones, followed by what seemed like bedazzled gemstones and markings. Shoutmon's expression said it all, if expressions could speak. His face seemed flat and dull as he stared at the door. "That's.... quite the door ya got there, ya know," he said, with less than little enthusiasm.

Alisha just chuckled. "Y-yeah, our tailor can be, well, a bit eccentric."

"A bit?" Shoutmon asked, giving her the same blank stare.

Just then, the doors open, collapsing into themselves as they opened a path in, revealing ribbons and fabric of all colors and styles as they entered.

"Okay," Alisha admitted. "A lot eccentric. But, that's what makes them the best."

"Oh really?" Shoutmon asked.

"Damn right, for sure," said a voice.

Then, a burst of what appeared to be confetti and bubbles began to pop and blow around them, followed by a giant roll of fabric unfurling overhead, down to them. From the fabric, rolled out a figure in dazzling colors, like that of a chameleon. They stood five-foot-tall with tannish red skin, his hair designed wildly: one half braided, dyed pink and yellow, and the other half tied into two ponytails and dyed with frosted purple tips.

He was dressed in a mix of overalls and fishnet sleeves, made of a material that made it, as previously mentioned, appear to change color like a chameleon.

"'ello, 'ello, 'ello, my guys," the figure announced, taking a bow. "Name's Bartholomew Gregory Roberts, at your service, hehe. But you may call me Barty."

"Barty, huh," Shoutmon said blankly. "That's what y'all be going with, eh?"

Barty raised a hand to Shoutmon's face as he retorted. "Fool, don't be hatin' just 'cause I'm good at what I do."

This made Shoutmon feel taken aback. "Oh Hell naw, you did not just play me like a hater," He said, walking up to them. "I am no hater, pal. Nu-uh. I-if anything, I'm more of a... um, uhh–"

"Mhm, leavin' them speechless, as usual. That's what I thought."


Eddie cleared his throat, trying to break up the "square-up" the two were trying to have, as he caught Barty's attention. "Um, so, you're the master tailor?" he asked, which definitely caught Barty's attention.

"Who, me?" they said, wide-eyed and chuckling. "Haha, oh no, not me. That would be my big boss, Master Goldfrey."

This puzzled even Alisha. "I'm sorry," she said. "Goldfrey?"

"Well, okay," Barty answered. "Technically he prefers the name 'Goldy', something about how he was named the 'Golden Age' master of fashion, or something-or-other, but not everybody really catches on to it."

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