The Waking Surprise

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Alisha woke up with a slight pain in her neck and a tongue licking in that area. The pain slowly eased away with each lick. She moaned and looked to see a pair of Spanish orange eyes looking at her. The little dragon's golden scales shone in the sunlight. "Anaka? Is that you?"

She lifted her head at the sound of her name and nodded. The little dragon seemed to understand her so quickly. It was almost hard to believe. Do all of Goldeous's children understand us?

Of course, we do. How else do you think we talk?

Alisha sat up, shocked and wide-eyed.

Oops, sorry. It's been a while since anyone has heard us speak. Are you okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised."

Don't worry. You have people here to help you take care of your baby, and you have someone to help train you to master my elements.

"What are you talking about, Anaka?"

"Oh, good, you're awake," replied a familiar voice behind her, making her jump. She quickly looked behind her to see Eddie in the doorway. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he cautiously walked towards her and sat down. He took her hand and rubbed it with his thumb. It felt soothing, just like her dad used to when her dad brought her home that day. Eddie took his other hand to her cheek and brushed against it. "It's going to be okay."

Alisha felt a plop in her lap. She looked down with a laugh and shook her head. Anaka was nuzzling against her lap. Eddie reached out to Anaka to pet her. She lifted her head to sniff it. She seemed cautious before rubbing against his hand and being careful not to hit him with her horns. He chuckled and shook his head.

"What?" asked Alisha. She wanted to know what Eddie was thinking.

Eddie looked at her. "Nothing. If you are feeling up for it, your mom ordered me to help you train you for what happened earlier today."

"Is that why Anaka's here?" she asked.

"Yes," he sighed and hung his head.

Why does he look like he feels bad? Did I miss something? Argh, why does my neck hurt? Alisha rubbed her neck.

"I guess I was kind of hoping that her siblings would join her in this world," she told him, petting Anaka's back and wings. "Including her mate."

"Mate?" he asked, shocked. He lifted his head toward her. She looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"Each one of her elements is matched with her mate's. Goldeous made sure that each element had a pair of two, both male and female."

"Okay, so how many elements are we dealing with from Anaka and her mate?"

"About eleven. Even though there are twelve altogether, Goldeous's brother Vivian has that last element. He has control over death, which doesn't sound all that great, but only when it's necessary. He used his powers only once in history. No one is sure if he'll use his powers again, but from the sounds of it, no one will see him until the end of time."

"How long ago did that happen?" he asked, curious.

"Maybe a few generations ago, right after the war between the dragons. A fake Vivian tried to bring all of that trouble to this world. If you want, I can tell you more about our history, but that's if you want to hear it. It's been a while since a stranger has come here and learned about our faith."

"Uh, I don't know, maybe I feel like I should know your faith since I'm staying here to help you, plus I don't think I will be going anywhere anytime soon."

"Okay, where do you want to start?"

"Well, how about the beginning. I've heard that it's always a great place to start a history lesson."

"Well, it's more of our history than any history lesson. For us, we look back on those people in history, learn from them and see how strong their faith was during those horrible times. I guess for everyone at times they seem more stories than history."

"Are you saying that your history is how life happened? But how do you know it happened the way it did, and there are not just stories that people tell you?"

"It's simple. Goldeous was there, and He created everything. He knows what happens in our everyday lives. He is the Father of Anaka, her mate, and her siblings. He is also the Father of you and me. Created in His likeness. He was the one that told us to share these events with everyone willing to listen."

"Is that all?" he asked. "Just believing that someone created everything. It almost sounds like brainwashing to me."

"It's not brainwashing. If it were not true, Anaka wouldn't be here. To everyone here, other religions and cultures are the real brainwashers. Goldeous is the way, the truth, and the life. The scrolls also tell us that no one comes to the Father except through him. We live by His word and nobody else's."

"Scrolls? How many do you have?" he asked.

Alisha smiled. "We have whole shelves full. It's like we could make a whole book from those pages. Sometimes I wonder if they were from a book that was taken apart and separated into those scrolls. If you want to read them, they're in the back of the library."

"Interesting. I'll take you up on that offer. Listen, your mom ordered me to help you today after waking up. Are you feeling up for it?"

"Actually," she began. "I feel like wanting to go to the library and to find a book to read. Let me guess, my mother gave you a tour around the castle?"

Eddie nodded. "Anything in particular that you are going to read?"

"I don't know yet," she told him. It was a lie, of course. She had a general idea of what to read.

Alisha entered the library, it seemed almost foreign to her somehow, but it has been a while since she's been in there last. It has been a year or two. "Ah, Your Highness," replied a voice coming in her direction. A middle-aged woman wearing a navy blue dress matched her eyes, her dark hair wrapped in a bun. "Are you looking for anything in particular to read today?"

"Actually, yes, I was wondering if you could grab all of the other known kingdom books that we have."

"Are you sure that you want all of them?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, no problem at all. Is there a reason why you want to reread all of those books? You've read them six times."

"I just want to check something out," she explained. "It's something about the new guest that we have; he didn't tell me where he originated. I didn't want to ask him, so I figured I'd find out for myself."

"You don't think he's dangerous, do you?" she asked, nervous.

"He seems harmless, so let's not get over our heads and worry too much." 

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