CH-40 Running up that hill

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Sometimes when you love someone very much, you have to go through every tear, every heartache and every pain

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Sometimes when you love someone very much, you have to go through every tear, every heartache and every pain. Because in the end, it's not just how you love but how
much you hold on. I know from the Starting when for the first time I get to know that Teresa is alive and this will effect mine and Jimin relationship, I knew from the Starting that at some point we are going to get through so many things and I couldn't do anything to stop it but just watch things .

I look at sky as rain is still falling on me and I drenched in rain but I don't care I guess today sky is also crying with me, the ocean down there doesn't look quite but it more looks like that it's holding so much tonight I chuckled lightly at the realisation that our body is a part of nature and if we nature's favourite human get sad it also get sad with us .

But I start feeling so stupid of myself now I shouldn't have left like that , I know very well that Jimin loves me to death and I believe him , I believe his love but damn that 1% of insecurity is there which is making all the believe and trust just go in vein .

I know that Love was never meant to be easy, people fight, people make mistakes, people walk out and then run back, but when it comes to love, there is no limit to what you would do for one another. To protect, to
provide, to profess. It's a lot harder to stay together then to fall apart, but with your
love for one another being unconditional will make it worth every second.

I just need time to clear my head and I didn't even realise where I am right now all I know I am standing on some mountain cliff and the only thing I am thinking about is Jimin And Teresa and how life suddenly take turn for us . I don't know from how long I've been standing on this cliff getting all drenched in rain .

I shut my eyes close and take a deep breath is this the end of our love story ? Was our journey finishes here ? I don't know my mind is just too blank to even think all I know that I loved him and I am always gonna love him , even if it's mean we won't be together now . Am I overthinking too much ? Maybe or maybe not because all the things seems to fade away from life suddenly it seems all dull without him and it has no meaning.

Shall I go back to him ? He must be worried about me , he must be finding me . But than again he is the only one who send me away , he told me to leave even tho now I go back I don't know if he want to ever seen again or n-

Suddenly my thoughts were interupted when a big hand around my wrist pull me back from the cliff and I stable back Looking at the person who did this and I know that touch very well I look at him who is holding me close to him . He is here , infront of me all drenched like me his eyes are dark as ocean itself, his jaw clenched but his touch is soft and what he said next taken me aback .

Jimin- I swear to god Suhani , you better Know how to fly because if you fall , I am coming with you .

He cupped my right cheek and look into my eyes he thought I am gonna jump off the cliff I take a deep breath.

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