CH-69 Jay youngest loving kid of family

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Suhani- I am here for you, just be calm and take a deep breath come on have a seat

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Suhani- I am here for you, just be calm and take a deep breath come on have a seat .

We both walked to take a seat and I sit infront of him not on my chair and I hand him water which he take it and drank it while I look at him and I don't know what I will do next , how I will make this thing right.

He keep the glass on desk and look at me I wipe my tears and smile a little.

Jay-Why are you crying for me?

Suhani- Jay I know we both are not that much close to eachother but I want to tell you one thing that with you I've always felt that little brother connection and honestly even I don't know how I feel that but I feel that no matter what wrong things you did I never thought of hurting you or praying that something bad happens with you .

Jay- I know you care and not only you but everyone cares for me maybe because I am the youngest and about this disease of mine I didn't tell anyone because I don't want other to suffer with me .

Suhani-God you are so wrong there how can you even think of that , no one will suffer because of you yeah but today if Dr Suzie don't remind of this boy reports than today also I wouldn't know and you will just keep this thing to yourself.

Jay- So she passed my reports to you?

Suhani-Yeah she did a week ago I guess but I so busy that I forgot about it but you tell me why did you want treatment with her only?

He smiled and look at me

Jay-I like her she is so cute and beautiful the first time I met her she really listens to me and I really get attr-

Suhani-She is into girls

I cut him off and he look at me with his moth open wide and I smile

Jay-Really? So there's no chance?

Suhani-No anyway your reports are here anyway didn't you know I work here .

Jay-If only I know that your are the director of this hospital will you really think I will be sitting here?

I glare at him and he smile

Suhani-Everyone in the family knows leaving you .

Jay- That's just a coincidence that my Ex Dr Jarvis he recommended me To this hospital.

I look at him and frowned remembering that day he also get the parcel and it's from Dr Jarvis but he lied to me his friend is a model and they are working together he seems to read my thoughts as he chuckled.

Jay-Yeah Whatever you thinking there is right Dr Jarvis is neurologist surgeon and he recommended me this hospital.

Suhani-From how long you've been suffering from brain tumor?

Jay- After I came out of prison I start getting sick and on weekends I really feel so sick that I can't leave bed one day I had blood coming out of nose and I decided to go to doctor and he told me to run all these tests than I found I am diagnosed with brain tumor and here I am so let's just say it's almost going be a year .

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