*•.•* II *•.•*

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3:30 am

it was a day before the world cup opening ceremony and i had to get up early to get ready and meet up with nicole to go to the airport. i packed all of the clothes i had bought a month before and i put on some sweatpants and a hoodie. to look a bit more normal i let my hair down and did some natural make-up.

it was now 4:20 am and i was driving me and nicole to the Lisbon Airport. -feels unreal, doesn't it?- she asked me. -yea, really. i feel like it's gonna be so much fun tho! maybe we will find some cute dudes there- i suggested, making her laugh.

-oh please don't start!- she laughed. -but honestly, footballers are so hot aren't they?- as soon as i said that, she started laughing even more.


we soon came to the airport. we showed our tickets and an employee escorted us to the private jet. i felt kinda nervous, but nicole reassured me that everything was gonna be okay. when we came there, every player was waiting with their earbuds in.

the coach was talking about something, but my eyes were fixated on the cute player near me. he had beautiful brown locks and brown eyes. all of a sudden, he looked away from his phone and we locked eyes. we stood like that for a solid 3 seconds before he awkwardly waved at me. i waved back and turned around to face nicole. i mouthed while discreetly pointing at him -he waved at me!!- she nodded, holding in her laughter. -maeve, you're acting like a child.- i shushed her and turned back around.

he was looking at the coach while he talked about something. soon, all of the people that needed to be there came and we could board the plane. nicole smirked at me and before i could do anything, she went to sit with another friend, im guessing from work.

i was kinda dissapointed, but that feeling was soon gone since that guy came up to me. -hey, i don't have anyone to sit with. can i?- he said, gesturing to the seat next to mine. oh my lord. i was panicked and i think it was visible since he started snickering. -sure, sit!- i told him as i patted the seat next to me.

he sat down and introduced himself to me. -i'm joão. what's your name?- i told him my name and we hit it off instantly.

-i had such a hard time waking up. i'm really not used to it.- i told him. -well, i had to get used to it since i started playing football professionally.- he smiled. he was so beautiful. his dimples showed when he smiled.

-it's a long flight, 8 hours. you can sleep.- he suggested. i acknowledged it and we continued to chat for a bit more until nicole sent me a message:


nic 💋

nic 💋
how's it going with your future boyfriend? 😏😏😏

why did you leave me?? i mean im not complaining but still 🧏🏻‍♀️🧏🏻‍♀️

nic 💋
i wanted to see what would happen i didnt expect that he would sit next to you
bye bye 😏💋💋


i'm kinda glad that nicole sat with her coworker. i put down my phone. -i'm gonna sleep now if you don't mind. wake me up if there's gonna be food.- i leaned onto the window and closed my eyes. -okay.- he smiled at me and put his headphones back in.


after what felt like 5 minutes of sleeping, i woke up to find myself leaning my head on his shoulder. i panicked for a second, but i managed to stay calm and pretend to sleep. just when i did that, he lightly tapped my shoulder to "wake me up".

-the food is here maeve, wake up.- i looked at him as he smiled at me. i probably turned scarlet at that moment. i chose my food and quickly gobbled up whatever was on my plate.

-damn, you are really hungry.- he laughed at me. i couldn't help but laugh too. -how long did i sleep?- i asked him. i didn't expect anything more than 30 minutes.

-2 hours! i couldn't do that if i wanted to. you must be really tired!- i was surprised by his response. -5 hours to go then!- i smiled at him.


for the rest of the trip we talked, laughed, slept, ate and listened to music. once we finally landed in Doha, i took off his airpod. -thanks for letting me listen to music with you!- i thanked him and slowly got up like the rest did.

outside of the airplane there was a bus that waited for us. -ugh, we have to travel even more?- i groaned. nicole told me -it's not for long, only a 5 minute drive to the hotel. we don't even have to pick up our stuff, the staff are responsible for that!-

-that's neat. will you sit next to me now?- i asked her. -gotta go!- she smirked at me as she saw joão approaching.

-mind if i sit next to you again?- he smiled at me. -of course i don't, sit!- i would gladly let him sit. we talked some more before we arrived at the hotel.

-looks like we're here!- he pointed at the hotel. it was so big,beautiful (😏) and it was decorated nicely. -this is nice!- i was in shock. i was gonna be staying here? i'm a lucky woman.

the staff or whatever took our bags and we each got a hotel room that we shared with someone. of course, i shared my hotel room with nicole. we didn't even unpack since it was late in Qatar. we went straight to sleep since we had so much to do tommorow. i fell asleep thinking about joão. he acted so nicely towards me and he gave me good vibes. i think i fell for him.

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