*•.•* VIII *•.•*

534 7 3

-let's kiss.-

i was a completely different person when drunk. we were both drunk so there was absolutely no filter. -kiss?- he asked. -did you not hear me?- i ask him.

⚠️ smut warning ⚠️

-if you say so- he shrugged and walked up close to me. he grabbed my face and kissed me. i shivered when he grabbed my face. he did it so roughly, but at the same time so gently and caringly.

we wrapped his hands around my waist and i started roaming his body with my hands. i unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt. he then bit my lip and grabbed my ass. i felt a wave of exictement rush through me when i felt his hands on me.

he pulled away from the kiss and then took me by the hand. -where are we going??- i laughed as he pushed through the crowd. -to my hotel room.- he looked at me and smirked.


we arrived at his hotel room. he quickly unlocked the door to let us in and then locked it behind us again. he picked me up and began kissing me again. i wrapped my legs around him as he carried us to his bed.

he placed me on his bed as he continued kissing me. he stopped once again to unbutton and remove his shirt which revealed his abs. god, he looked so hot.

as he was removing his shirt, i took off my dress which only left me in my underwear in front of him. -you're beautiful.- he whispered to me as he started kissing my neck. he took off my bra with one hand. -you have experience?- i giggled. -shush.- he threw the bra across the room.

i felt his hands on my breasts. i closed my eyes and bit my lip. he gently ran his fingers along my stomach and down to my inner thighs which made me sigh. -you like it?- he looked at me. -please..- i whimpered.

-please what?- he kept his hand on my inner thigh, only his thumb running along the seams of my panties. i mumbled only gibberish. that was the only thing i could say at that moment.

the tension was too much to handle. i had no more patience. i pulled down my panties and started kissing him again. while we made out, i felt one of his fingers inside of me. i gasped when i felt him. i looked him into the eyes.

-you like that, don't you?- i heard his raspy voice said as i felt another finger inside me. -mhm- i was close but then he pulled out. he reached for the back pocket of his pants. he pulled out a small plastic wrapper.

i just laid there and looked at him. he looked so beautiful. he tore the packet with his teeth and unzipped his pants. he was only left in his boxers. -are you sure?- i asked him. -only if you want it.- he leaned into me and dragged his finger along my bottom lip. (BOTTOM LIP ON YOUR FACE 🥰💘)

-do it.- i told him and pulled down his boxers. his lenght stood up straight against his stomach. he put the rubber on and laid me down. he ran his fingers through my hair and then i felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.

i let out a soft moan. with a few more thrusts, the sharp pain disappeared. he kept thrusting into me. i was already a whimpering mess. i felt thing get slower and sloppier as we both reached our climax.

he pulled out and collapsed next to me. i turned on my side to look at him. i ran my fingers through his messy hair. -what was this?- i kept playing with his hair. -i don't know.- he giggled at me and picked up his underwear from the floor. he put on that and grey sweatpants.

⚠️ end of smut ⚠️

-look- he said as he grabbed my underwear from the floor. he put it on the bed along with his t-shirt and some shorts. -get comfortable.-
i got dressed and he covered us with a blanket. -i love you.- he said as he wrapped his hands around me. i was too tired to answer so i pretended that i was asleep. although, him saying that made my heart skip a beat. i stayed calm.


10:00 am

i woke up with a throbbing headache. i didn't remeber anything from yesterday. when i regained my conciousness, i realized i was lying in someone else's bed. i panicked for a secomd, but then i saw joão sleeping with his back turned to me.

i didn't wanna wake him up, so i got up and i folded away my and his clothes into two piles. i suddenly heard a voice -morning.- i turned around to see him smiling at me. -come back- he said, patting the space next to him. i laid back next to him as he wrapped his hands around me. -are you still drunk?- i laughed at him.

-no, are you?- he asked. i honestly didn't know since all of this felt like a dream. i checked my phone to see it was 10am. -joão, it's 10am.- i showed him the time on my phone. -yea, so what?- he laughed. -nevermind.- i checked my notifications and nicole literally blew up my phone.



calm down.
i just stayed at joão's hotel room.


-are you going now?- joão asked me. -i mean, i can message nicole that i will stay.- i honestly didn't wanna go. i would rather stay here with him. -do you have ibuprofen? my head is killing me.- i hate headaches.

-i think i have. let me check.- he got up and checked the drawers. he had it, thank god. just when he handed me a glass of water and the pill, my phone started blowing up again.


calm down.
i just stayed at joão's hotel room.

i thought someone kidnapped you bitch you better tell me the next time you go somewhere
so did you hook up or what???
is it big 🫢

i cant believe you


i turned off my phone when joão came
up to me again. he got back into bed and covered us with a blanket. -is your head okay now?- he asked me and started playing with my hair.

-yea, i'll be fine. can we watch something?- i liked the sudden attention he was giving me. i'm glad that he broke things off with magui. does he even remember doing that? i didn't wanna ask him.

-what do you wanna watch?- he handed me the TV remote. i turned on young sheldon since i loved that show. -what's that?- he asked me. i turned around to look at him -you never watched young sheldon?-

-no? what's it about?- i started explaining the characters and the storyline of the show until he knew everything. he interrupted me -okay, okay, i think i get everything now.- we continued watching the show until 11.

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