*•.•* III *•.•*

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as soon as i woke up, i saw nicole putting on her shoes. -the fuck are you doing so early?- i was confused. -i'm going for a quick jog to see what's up here.- she said as she tied up her hair into a pony.

-don't get lost now, i'm going back to sleep.- i gestured her out as i closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. -don't sleep for too long, as soon as i come back we are going for breakfast.- she said as she exited the room.

i tried to fall back asleep but i couldn't. i guess i wasn't that tired so i got up and got ready. for today's outfit i picked a white tee and some denim shorts. i put my hair in a bun and did some natural make-up. while waiting for nicole, i unpacked my bag.


nicole's POV:

i wanted to see around qatar so i went for a quick jog. it was quite early but there were still some people walking around or something.

everything was beautifully decorated for the world cup. it was all so colorful and happy. i was mesmerized by the beauty of my surroundings that i didn't even notice the man walking past me. i realized who it was when he came up to me.

-hey, what's your name? are you maeve's friend by any chance?- it was joão. i intentionally left maeve to go sit with a coworker so i could see what she would do. i didn't expect that he would sit next to her.

-umm, hey.? my name is nicole. i am her friend, why?- i asked him. -nothing, we got along pretty well yesterday and i was wondering where she was now.- he was smiling. if that isn't a crush, i don't know what is.

-well, she's sleeping right now. come with me, i was gonna go back anyways.- i offered him. i want them to get together so bad, i'm actually not even jealous since he's not really my type.

-it would be nice, thank you!- he thanked me and we headed towards the hotel room.


joão's POV:

i woke up pretty early and i wanted to walk for a bit around qatar before training. i couldn't get maeve out of my head ever since i saw her at the airport. it feels so wrong since i have a girlfriend, but magui is so distant these past few months. maeve is special.

i walked around aimlessly looking at my surroundings. everything was going okay until i recognized a girl walking. it was maeve's friend. she was with her at the airport yesterday. -fuck it, i have nothing to lose.- i mumbled to myself as i approached her.

-hey, what's your name? are you maeve's friend by any chance?- i sounded like such a creep but there was no going back now. -umm, hey.? my name is nicole. i am her friend, why?- she furrowed her eyebrows.

fucking hell, she seems creeped out. i hope she doesn't think bad of me. -nothing, we got along pretty well yesterday and i was wondering where she was now.- okay, calm down joão, you got this.

-well, she's sleeping right now. come with me, i was gonna go back anyways.- oh thank god! -it would be nice, thank you!- i instantly took the offer. i really hope maeve isn't gonna be weirded out.


your (maeve's) POV:

i unpacked all of my stuff. since i had nothing to do, i planned some outfits with the pieces of clothing i had. just as i was putting together my outfits, i heard the door open.

-hey maeve, we're here!- we're here..? who did she bring here? did she already find herself a man? -what do you mean by we- i didn't even get to finish my sentence when i saw him. i think i instantly turned red since they started giggling at me.

-oh my god, hey! i didn't expect you here!- i was truly surprised by him appearing in our hotel room. he just awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of his head. -snap out of it guys, let's get breakfast.- nicole suggested and we immediately agreed.

we got there and found ourselves a table. the waitress took our orders and while waiting for the food i noticed a few of his teammates sitting a few tables away. it didn't take them a long time to notice him sitting with us.

-oooh, joão found himself a replacement for margarida!- they started laughing and stomping their feet. who the fuck is margarida?

joão immediately told them off. -bro, come on!- he looked kinda pissed. -oooh, who's margarida?- nicole questioned him in a teasing tone. i could only be quiet in that moment. i know me and joão were nothing, but i wanted him for myself.

he went quiet for a moment before he said -well, margarida, or magui, is my girlfriend.-
my heart dropped. it felt like i just got rejected in front of the whole world. he didn't look really happy about it either. only nicole and his teammates looked amused.

-oh, girlfriend?- i tried to not sound offended, but i was really dissapointed. -okay! is she here?- i tried to sound as kind as possible.

-well, she kinda didn't wanna come. she says it's a waste of her time.- he looked like he was on the verge of tears. just as he said that the waitress came with our food. as soon as she put our plates down and went away, he said:

-please, excuse me.- he quickly stood up from the table and went somewhere. nicole made a shocked face and she told me -go follow him bitch, what are you sitting here for?- she was right. -please, excuse me.- i told her as i stood up from the table.

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