*•.•* XXI *•.•*

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-my name is valéria.- she wiped away her tears. -i'm maeve.- i smiled at her. -you have a beautiful name.-

-thanks.- she nodded. -looks like the game is starting. let's go?- she took my hand. -yea, let's go.- we headed out of the toilet.

-where's your seat?- she asked me. -right.. over there!- i pointed at nicole and she saw us. she started jumping and waving at us. -who is she?- valéria laughed at nicole. -that's my best friend, nicole.-

-great, my seat is really close so i think someone wouldn't mind moving seats.- she smiled at me. we went to the seat and i introduced valéria to nicole.

-so, nicole, i met valéria in the toilet.- i said and they both started laughing. -wait, not like that!- i started laughing with them.

-anyways, valéria, i didn't tell you any of the drama that happened today with me. we'll talk after.- i told both of them. -i know a perfect place!- nicole said. -sure, let's watch the game now.- i said and we all focused on the game.

-just to be sure, you're for portugal, right?- nicole asked valéria which made her laugh. -yea, of course.- she confirmed.

half time has already passed when we settled so the score was 3:0 for portugal. soon after, there was another goal for portugal. victory was basically secured.

only three minutes after, akanji scored for switzerland and made the score 4:1. a wave of hope washed over the swiss, but that didn't last for long since ramos scored, assisted by joão again. i couldn't help but jump up and down from joy. i saw him looking around the crowd again until we locked eyes.

he smiled at me and ran off to celebrate with the rest of his teammates. he got subbed off soon after. i saw him happily running to the bench.

rafael leão added a cherry on top with a 6th goal in the last few minutes. the game was over and us three stormed out of the stadium as soon as possible to a nearby café.


-no way he did that!- valéria said loudly and nicole started wheezing. -i know!- i said back. the whole trio was wasted. -let's go back- nicole grabbed my arm. -valéria tho?- i looked at her. -where are you staying overnight?-

-ugh, i don't know, in a hotel or something.- she waved her hand. -come over, we have a mega hotel room- nicole said and started laughing. -yea, sure.- the three of us got up and unsteadily walked to the hotel.


João's POV:

i was ecstatic because of the victory. we are going to the quarter-finals! -VAMOSSS- i heard my teammates screaming and celebrating in the changing room. i smiled at maeve and completely forgot about the fight. i decided that it would be the best to stay away for a day or so.

-hey bro, what's wrong?- rafael approached me. -nothing, let's celebrate.- i went on to party for the rest of the night.

1:43 am

we stayed up and partied all night. i was completely drunk but i didn't care at the moment. i wanted to relax for a bit. in the back of my mind tho, i was still thinking about maeve and this whole baby situation. i'm afraid of her leaving me, and i think that a baby would make us last forever. i don't want the baby that badly, i want her badly.


Maeve's POV:

i woke up to see my girls passed out on the couch. i didn't wanna wake them up. i took a pill for my head and i remembered the fight. now that i really think about it, i was just yelling at him. i mean, he has to understand me if we're gonna last any longer. i couldn't resist and grabbed my phone to message him.


João 💘

*seen by João 💘*


i was petrified and regretted my decision as soon as i saw that he opened the message. i threw the phone away from me and closed my eyes until i hear a notification.


João's POV:

i noticed a notification and my heart dropped when i saw it.

Maeve ❤️🩷❤️‍🔥💖❤️

i panicked and ran to the toilet. i locked myself in a stall and stood against a wall. i was figuring out what to say.


Maeve ❤️🩷❤️‍🔥💖❤️

Maeve ❤️...

hey, i'm so sorry

Maeve ❤️...
no i'm so sorry
i shouldn't have yelled
i'm literally crying rn

no it's okay
meet me at our café

Maeve ❤️...
see you


Maeve's POV:

i quickly put on a jacket and ran out of the hotel room as fast as i could. i ran until i saw him waiting outside of the café. i fell into his arms and hugged him tightly. -i'm so sorry- i said crying.

-it's okay- he cupped my face and looked into my eyes. -i'm sorry.- he hugged me again and we didn't let go for good 5 minutes. i felt warm around my heart. -i didn't want a baby that badly.- he said which shocked me a bit.

-then what was the reason for everything?- i asked him. -i didn't wanna lose you.- he put his hand on the back of my head and leaned me onto his chest. -i'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble.- he ran his fingers through my hair. -i'm sorry for calling you a dick.- i said and he laughed.

-see you tommorow, i feel kinda sick- he told me and pecked me on the cheek. -did you drink?- i asked him seriously. -yea.- he scratched the back of his head. -yea, me too. see you tonmorow or what?- i said. -sure, bye.- he caressed my cheek and we parted ways.

turns out we will last longer than i expected.

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