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DISCLAIMER: i don't know how to bake, these ingredients and measures are random!! 💀💀


-flour... and sugar... i think that's all!- we found everything we needed for simple cookies. i pulled out a random bowl and we started pouring out the ingredients. -here it says two eggs, 250g of flour, 100g of sugar.. you read it, i'll mix- i told him and i handed him my phone with the recipe.

he read out the ingredients and i poured the stuff in. i poured a little too much flour. -crap- i spilled a little out of the bowl. he saw the chance and he took it. he smeared his hand in the spilt flour and left a mark on my pants. specifically my ass. he was laughing and i was wiping the flour away from my behind. i also smeared my hand in the flour and before he could realize, he had a bunch of flour in his hair. -hey!- we were both dying of laughter now.

we messed around some more before getting back to the baking. an hour passed and the cookies were somehow done. -let's try them- i took one and bit into it, but they were still hot. i noticed that they were hot but i didn't spit it out. i took a big sip of water and i choked on the water and cookies out of panic. he was just laughing at me and it didn't help. after some time, i finally got back to normal. -fucking hell.- he was laughing at me the whole time.

-let them cool down- he pushed the cookies away from us. -you're saying that just now- i gave him an applause and i took my bag with me. -i'll do my skincare, be right back.- i emtered his bathroom and got ready for bed. when i came back from the bathroom, he was covering the cookies with melted chocolate. -what are you doing now?- i approached the table to see what he was doing closely.

-i melted some chocolate to cover the cookies.- he smiled at me. -damn, it's already half to ten.- i looked at the clock. -can you finish this while i change?- he handed me the icing bag with chocolate inside of it. the icing bag was a ziplock bag with a hole in the corner.

he changed quickly, and i was done with the cookies. i let them dry. -we'll eat them tommorow?- i asked him. -sure. come here- he laid down in the bed and left a spot next to him.

i badly wanted to ask him about our relationship, but i resisted the urge to not stress him out before the game. i laid down next to him. -it's still pretty early for sleep, let's watch something.- he grabbed the tv remote and turned on young sheldon. -is this the show that you like?-

-you remembered- i was honestly surprised. we watched for a while before we both dozed off to sleep.


28/11/2023, 6:00am

joão's POV:

i woke up pretty early since i had to get ready for training. i tried my best to wiggle out of bed to not wake up maeve. i placed a pillow next to her.

we had a lot of fun making cookies. i pulled oit two mugs and i warmed up some milk. i wanted to make us chocolate milk. i was making the chocolate milk in the kitchen when i heard her wake up. she walked up to the table. -morning- she sat down by the table. -morning, how did you sleep?- she looked kinda rough but she was still beautiful. -it was ok, is this for me?- she took one mug.

-yea, but be careful, it's hot.- she took one cookie from the pile. -they actually aren't that bad.- she was happy. -really?- i took one to try. she was right. i expected something much worse to be honest.

-the game is today, huh?- she asked me as she crunched on the dry cookies. -yea, i hope that we win.- i was nervous. -don't worryyyy, you will win for sure.- she took my hand. -i hope so.-


magui's POV (🫢):

it had been a few days since he broke up with me. i am literally so mad at him. what made me even more mad was that he was seen with another girl. how did he get over me so quickly?

i didn't cheat on his in a long time. i just don't understand why he would end things in such a cruel way. i figured that it was time for revenge.

i booked a ticket to qatar. if i calculated everything correctly, i would land an hour before his game today. my plan was that i would appear at that game and show him what he rejected. he will probably regret it so badly and reject the new girl.

i smiled thinking about my revenge. i just packed my bags and it was time to go the airport. i called my friend to tell her everything. i didn't tell anyone about my plans until now.


hey, what's up?

listen up.
*the whole plan*
what do you think?

are you fucking crazy?
how do you think that will work?

trust me, i planned everyting out and it will work a hundered percent.

i mean, you do you, but i wouldn't do that.


she just hung up on me. what a bitch. i though that friends were there to support you. whatever, i had more important things to focus on now. i took my luggage and headed to the airport.



what do we think so far?? 🧏🏻‍♀️ i wanted to stir up a little dramaa so that it isn't boring 🤭 please remember to vote if you like this!

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