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6/12/2022, 12:00 pm

portugal is playing today. they are playing against switzerland and joão is currently at training. there's not much to do in qatar these days except for going to the games. portugal is doing amazing this year and i hope that they get a chance to win a world cup.

me and nicole were watching something on the tv when i got an idea. -maybe i should take another test, just in case.- i told her -we have one left, don't we?-

-i bet joão told you that. there's one in there.- she pointed to the bathroom. -ok, be right back.- i ran to the bathroom. i knew for sure that i wasn't pregnant, but since i had one more test, why not take it?


"NEGATIVE" i smiled looking at the results. -no baby for me!- i said as i walked out of the bathroom. -good.- she smiled at me holding a spoonful and a jar of nutella. -want some?- she asked me. -no, just stay like this.- i told her as i pulled out my phone. -why?- she asked. before she could move, i took a picture. -hey!?- she yelled. -it's funny, i'll send it to you.-

-i mean, it is kinda funny.- she laughed at the picture i sent her. -it's my new wallpaper now.- i told her as i set the picture as the wallpaper on my phone. -don't share it anywhere tho.- she said seriously. -okay- i rolled my eyes.

i sat down on the couch and i decided to check if he was still at training.


João 💘

are you still training ? 🩷

João 💘
i'm walking back right now, why

no reason
well theres a reason
wanna go for a quick walk before the game

João 💘
sure, see you in 15 mins
bye 😊



-hey- i heard joão whisper behind me. -fuck- i flinched. -why are you sneaking up behind me?- i asked him as he laughed. -no reason- he was mocking me. -shut up, let's go.- i grabbed his hand and started walking in a random direction.

-so, what's up? what do you wanna talk about?- he asked me. -i took another test earlier.- i looked at him and saw his eyes light up. -and..?- he asked excitedly.

-well thank god, it's negative.- i told him and saw the excitement fade from his face. -oh.- he said quietly. -well, i was kinda hoping that- i interrupted him. -wait a damn minute.- i laughed and tugged my hand out of his. -i already told you i do not want to have a kid yet.- i pushed him away from me.

-so you don't trust me?- he asked. -i'm second guessing my decisions right now!- i screamed. -we've only been together for like, a month!- i crossed my arms. -so what, you don't want s family?- he scoffed.

-you dick.- i muttered through my teeth. -i told you a million times, not yet!- i turned around and stormed away from him. -wait, maeve- i heard him yell behind me but i didn't budge.
tears started streaming down my face as i ran away from him.


-such a fucking asshole.- i yelled while shutting the doors behind me. -hey, what's wrong?- nicole ran up to me and hugged me. -he is so fucking dumb, does he not get me?- i cried into her shoulder while she pat my back. -tell me everything.- she sat us down on the couch.


-oh no he did not- she said, furrowing her eyebrows. -he did tho!- tears started flowing again. -are we still going to the game?- she asked me.

-yea, i'm cheering for my country, not for him.- i wiped my tears away.

19:30 pm

the stadium was slowly filling up with people as the game was beggining soon. unlike every other time, i didn't talk to joão before the game. -why aren't you talking to joão?- nicole asked me. -you know everything, isn't it obvious?-

-i thought that maybe y'all would make up and make out, you kno-

-stop.- i interrupted her. -maybe all of this wasn't meant to be.- i sighed. -i should've left the second i found out he already had a girlfriend.- i crossed my arms.

-that was a cheating bitch. he is so clearly in love with you.- she put her hand on my shoulder. -forget it, the game is starting.- i pointed at the football players coming out onto the field. -we'll talk later.- she told me.

the game started and soon enough, portugal got a goal. in the 17th minute ramos scored, assisted by joão. i noticed joão looking around the crowd. thank god, he didn't notice me yet. i need some time away from him.

in the 33rd minute, pepe scored another goal for portugal. it was looking good for portugal so far. the fans and the players were both happy, except for joão. i could see him faking a smile.

they played for a bit more before halftime. i decided to take a bathroom break. -i'll be right back.- i told nicole. -where are you going?- she asked me, raising one eyebrow like The Rock.

-calm down, i'm just going to the toilet.- i got up and headed to the toilet. suprisingly, it was empty. i grabbed my lipgloss and put some on my lips. i was looking at myself in the mirror when i heard a sob in one of the stalls.

i stopped looking at myself and went quiet to focus on the noise in the stall. -are you alright? do you need help?- i quietly said and the sobbing stopped. the stall opened and a beautiful redhead walked out, mascara smeared around her eyes.

-hi.- she said, rubbing one eye with her hand. -what happened?- i asked, handing her a tissue. -it's kinda complicated, you probably wouldn't wanna hear the- i interrupted her.

-it's alright, tell me.- i leaned on the counter and she started talking.

-i came to qatar for the world cup, i've been watching football since, like forever.- her breathing calmed down. -i was literally so exicted to come here, i bought ticket as soon as i found out that the world cup would be here.- she giggled and made me smile.

-i just found out that my boyfriend of 6 years cheated on me while i was away.- i saw her holding back tears. -are you sure that's the case?- i handed her another paper tissue.

-yea, i'm positive. the girl he cheated with sent me a dm and apologized.- she started sobbing again. -well, at least the girl apologized.- i hugged her.

-what's your name?-

destiny - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now