*•.•* XVII *•.•*

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i ran up to him. no words said, he just hugged me, put his head on my shoulder and started crying. -hey, it's alright, this is just the first loss.- i pat his head. he looked up at me -i know, but it's just so dissapointing.- his eyebrows furrowed.

-you are still passing the group stage, i think- i tried comforting him. -probably...thank you.- he kissed me and picked him bag up. nicole was by the side scrolling on her phone. -let's go- she tapped my shoulder. -i'll go now. love you- i gave joão a kiss before me and nicole went back to the hotel.


-what a night!- nicole threw herself on the couch. -hand me the blanket- she pointed at a sherpa blanket. -isn't it too hot?- i asked her, but still handed her the blanket. -it's more for comfort to be honest.- she covered herself witb the blanket. i just shrugged. -can i shower first?- i asked her

-like you don't always go first.- she didn't look up from her phone. -alright!- i went to the bathroom.


i was laying in bed struggling to sleep. i didn't wanna bother joão since he had a bad day but i couldn't resist talking to him. i picked my phone up and texted him.

João 💘

hey ru alright ❣️
lets talk


the message stood unread for 37 minutes before he saw the message and texted back. i thought that he ignored the messages on purpose. wouldn't blame him.


João 💘
sorry i didnt see the message immediately
im alright, we passed the group stage 💞

omg thats great whens the next game

João 💘
on the 6th i think
imagine we win
what would you do if portugal won

wtf is tgat question
i would celebrate ig

João 💘
nothing for me 🤨


João 💘
seen at 23:57


i've seen enough. i decided that it was time for sleep. just as i was about to doze off, a notification woke me up.


João 💘
*João 💘 deleted the message.*
im sorry
i was just kidding

i'll think about it
*João 💘 liked the message*

João 💘
btw i forgor to say yk the bar thingy that usually happens after games n stuff
well theres one tommorow plz go with me 🤝🏼

at what time

João 💘
20:30 🤑

see u then

João 💘
good night love you

night ❤️


i had sudden plans for tommorow. i couldn't wait for tommorow. i didn't wanna wake up nicole to tell her. i finally went to sleep.

3/12/2022, 19:50

-what do i wear?- i scoured through my closet feeling frustrated. -need help?- nicole walked into my room hearing my complaints. -you know what to wear?- i asked her. -yea, you clearly don't. let me help you.-

we went through all of my options until i found one dress i was feeling that night. it was a beautiful bodycon square neck dress. just like basically everything else, it looked beautiful on me. 😜

joão's POV:

i couldn't wait to see maeve. i want to see what dress she will look beautiful in today. not like she would look ugly in anything in my opinion.

i got dressed and i arrived there exactly on time. i sat down next to some of my friends. we talked about the previous games and about the upcoming game against switzerland. i suppose we got lost in the conversation because i didn't notice the time. it was almost 10 and she didn't arrive yet. i was kinda worried that she wouldn't come but i brushed off the thought.

maeve's POV:

-fuck.-i read our texts from yesterday. -what is it?- nicole asked me. -were like almost half an hour late. it started at half to ten.- i made a grimace. nicole facepalmed. -let's go now then.


we arrived where we needed to be. i pulled out my phone to text joão.


João 💘

i'm here 🫣

João 💘
omg i thought you wouldn't come
*You liked the message*


-ha, come- i smiled at the message. -you're so immature sometimes.- nicole glanced at me. -let's go already!- she took my hand and pulled me through the crowd to the bar. i noticed joão sitting with some friends so i waved to nicole because i would be with him. -remember what lil wayne said!- she told me before i stormed off.

-and i'm immature.- i mumbled to myself. -hey!- he noticed me and immedaitely got up from his seat to hug me. -you are finally here, want a drink?- he asked me, looking me up and down.

-no, i came to the bar to look at the drinks.- i said sarcastically. -alright, order whatever you want.- he put his hands on my hips and guided me to the bar. i ordered a cocktail and we sat down alone at a table. i knew exactly where this was leading, but i wanted it to happen. that's why i didn't stop him from drinking one more shot, i also didn't resist from drinking maybe a tad bit too much.

we were both drunk and out of our minds. i decided to get up and dance. "wild thoughts" by dj khaled was playing and i was feeling it. (tell em to bring out the whole ocean 💯)

-wait for me- joão got up after me and put his hands on my waist. -this dress looks beautiful, by the way- he looked at the dress -i really like this colour- his hands started roaming my body. -i reckoned you'd like it- i smiled at him.

⚠️ smut warning ⚠️

one thing led to another, and there we were, locking ourselves in an empty bathroom stall. this was a situation that i knew i would regret in the future, but i still acted upon it. -fuck- i groaned as i pulled up my dress to my stomach. honestly, i wasn't thinking much about what lil wayne said. neither was he.

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