*•.•* XIV *•.•*

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maeve's pov:

he was nervous about the game so i tried my best to comfort him. i held his hand. -don't worryyyy, you will win for sure.- todays game was against uruguay. i hoped that portugal would win for joão's sake. i hated seeing him sad.

it was currently 6:45 am. -i have training in like 15 minutes.- joão looked annoyed. -anything to win, i guess.- he came up to me and kissed me before he went to get ready. -i have to get ready, you don't have to hurry.-

-i'm not hurrying.- i took a bite of my cookie and he laughed at me. -okay, just saying. i didn't want it to seem like i was forcing you out.- he told me as he entered his bathroom.

i finished my meal and waited for him to finish so that i could use the bathroom. after 5 minutes, he was done so i could take the bathroom. it didn't take me long to get ready. it was exactly 5 to 7. -let's go?- he asked me

-you can go, i'll come when i leave my bag in my hotel room.- he nodded and we exited his room. i went to drop off my stuff. -hey!- i loudly announced my arrival to nicole. -girl why are you yelling?- she asked me.

-don't know. wanna watch the training with me?- i offered her -it starts at 7.-

-right now is 7, but sure.- she stood up from the couch and i left my bag on the floor. we arrived at the stadium, greeted everyone and watched them train for today's game.

-what do you think magui is doing right now?- nicole asked me. -i don't know, probably messing around with other guys or something.-


magui's POV:

i'm on the airplane to qatar and i'm kinda scared but i'm determined to show joão what he dumped. i really couldn't wait to see the look on his face. i may even find someone to go with. you know, to make him more jealous.

i hope that i'll be on time. i already bought tickets for the game and i paid a place to sleep. i thought about what i was gonna wear to piss joão and his new bitch off. something revealing... nevermind, we're in qatar. i'll figure something by the time the game starts.


maeve's POV:

it was currently 19:25. the game should start in less than an hour. me and nicole started to get ready since we needed to arrive early. we didn't wanna push through the crowd to get to the first row seats. i decided to wear leather pants and joão's jersey which he signed. nicole wore ronaldo's jersey and denim shorts.

we arrived at the stadium 15 minutes before the beggining of the game. since nicole worled for the portugal squad, we get to go in their changing room. when we entered we saw all the players prepping. i walked up to joão. he was sitting down with his face buried into his hands. -hey, what's wrong?- i put my hand on his back. he looked up at me.

-nothing, you already know i'm nervous- he sighed. -you'll get them, i bet that you guys will win.- i encouraged him. -thank you so much.- he hugged me. -no problem.- i let him rest his head on my shoulder. there was 5 minutes left before the game started so me and nicole returned to our seats. we saw the players come out and the national anthems were played.

i heard the whistle which meant that the game has started. nothing really happened for the first half. i went to the changing room to check on joão.

magui's POV:

i arrived just on time. the game begun and i couldn't have been more uninterested. just out of spite, i decided to wear a portugal jersey with RONALDO'S name on the back, not joão's.

i looked around the field and i saw joão. i kept my eyes on him the whole time. he kept glancing at one specific person in the crowd that he probably didn't even recognize me. i looked at the person he kept glancing at. it was a girl, around our age. i'm a little ashamed to admit this, but she was good looking.

i mean, not as pretty as me in my opinion, but she was a solid girl. when the first half was over, i saw her go to the changing room. the girl next to her, who was supposedly her friend, stayed seated and checked her phone. i wanted to see if they would recognize me.

this was kinda bizzare, but i asked a random hot guy to pretend that we're together. -but, why?- he was confused. he had a funny scouse accent. -i'll explain later, please cooperate.- i grabbed him by the hand and he suprisingly didn't protest. we went to the first row seats and somehow no one said anything.

i tried doing anything to be noticed. "accidentally" dropping stuff, flirting with the scouser, yada yada.. nothing. i felt like it would be ok to explain to the guy what is happening.


-oooh, so that's what's happening. okay, under one condition.- he demanded something. -sure, anything.- i really wanted them to see me.

-you'll sleep with me after.- he told me. -sure.- i didn't mind since, like i said before, he was quite handsome. -the second half is starting- he said. i saw the mysterious girl return to her seat.


maeve's POV:

-trust me, everything is gonna be okay.- i comforted joão. the commentator announced the second half was starting. -good luck, love you.- i pecked him on the cheek and sent him off. i returned back to my seat. -is everything ok?- nicole asked me. -yea, everything's- i stopped. i saw a familiar face in the crowd.

it was margarida with some guy.

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