*•.•* XXIV *•.•*

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6/9/2023, 13:00pm

-this is perfect.- i said to joão while holding his hand. -isn't it?-

we were touring our new house in barcelona for the hundreth time. he recently signed for FC barcelona. i've been a madridista since forever, but no football team is gonna stop my love for my boyfriend. -i love you so much.- i said to him.

-i love you more.- he said. -don't start if you know that you're gonna lose!- i said to him. -i love you more!- i replied.

-i love you the most.- he reached for his backpocket and got on one knee. i was surprised. he showed me a beautiful diamond ring. -no way.- i covered my mouth with my hands. -will you marry me?- he asked me with a beautiful smile on his face. -YES!- i screamed and he put the ring on my finger. -it's absolutely beautiful!- i cried tears of happiness.

-a beautiful ring for a beautiful girl.- he caressed my head gently. -let's go pick out your new dress.- he took my hand and kissed me. -let's go!- i was happier than words could explain.


we were standing in a beautiful beach venue in portugal with our hands intertwined. -do you take maeve to be your partner, to live together in matrimony, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for the rest of your lives, as long as you both shall live?- the officiant asked him.

-i do.- he said and smiled at me.

the officiant repeated the same thing to me.

-i do.- my eyes were glossy with tears.

the officiant took the rings and handed them to joão. -repeat after me.- he said. -i give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment.-

joão put the ring on my finger and repeated the words of the officiant. i did the same and we stood there, looking at each other in pure adoration.

-in the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! you may now kiss the love of your life.-

joão looked at me for a second before leaning in for the best kiss of our lives. everyone started cheering and clapping. i was overjoyed. -i love you!- i told him with tears streaming down my rosy cheeks. -i love you more.- he leaned in for another kiss. i could hear my dad loudly laughing in the public.

-i will love you forever.- joão said to me. -imagine if i never went with nicole.- i giggled. joão said to me with hearts in his eyes:

-i guess it was our destiny.-

destiny - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now