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-guys, snap out of it. let's go maeve.- nicole looked kinda annoyed as she grabbed my arm. i didn't wanna do anything so i just blew a kiss to joão. he sent one back and waved at me.

i smiled at him and turned back around to nicole. -now, why did you do this?- i complained. -you two are literally so annoying! does he even remember breaking up with the bitch?- she asked me which made me remember her again. -i'm way too afraid to ask him.- i told her. -i have an idea..- she told me as we walked towards the hotel.


-it's currently 15:30. tell him that you're gonna meet up in an hour, and ask him about the roach.- nicole presented a simple solution to my problems. -cool.- that's probably the best idea surrounding this situation. i opened messages and started typing.



hey, want to go out in 30 mins?

sure, see you outside of the hotel :)


he responded almost immedaitely. it's almost like he waited for my message. i decided to start getting ready. since i was sweaty because of the hot weather, i showered and changed my clothes. i chose to wear a white tank top with denim shorts. it was already 15:55 so i sprayed some perfume and headed out. nicole yelled -good luck!- as i closed the door.

i was approaching the place where we were supposed to meet and he was already there. -hey- he said with a smile on his face. his dimples suited him perfectly. -hey, can i ask you something?- i was really nervous. -sure, what's up?- now, he also looked concerned.

-do you maybe... remember breaking up with magui?- i asked carefully. i didn't wanna ruin our relationship with my desperate questions.

he could probably tell i was nervous. -i do, why?- he asked. i stayed quiet for a moment until i blurted out something: -i don't even know why i'm asking you all of this, i'm just afraid that you regretted dumping her because of me- everything spilled out like word vomit.

-i wanted to break up with her for a long time now, i just didn't know how to. don't blame yourself.- he said as he looked into my eyes caringly. -you made me realize how badly she acted towards me.-i noticed we were leaning closer into each other.

i experienced déjà-vu. i felt my face getting hotter as he got closer. at this point, i was already desperate and impatient so i connected our lips. he wrapped his hands around my waist as my hands got tangled in his beautiful brown hair.

i pulled away from the kiss to catch my breath. -i love you.- i heard his voice say those three words. my heart dropped to my stomach as i heard him say that. i know, he said that just yesterday, but now we were looking directly into each other. -really?- i asked him, still in disbelief.

-i do, ever since we talked at the airport.- at that point, i probably became red like a tomato if i wasn't already. he kissed me once again. -let's go get coffee or something.- he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. -sure- i interlocked our hands and we started walking towards the nearest café.

we sat down for coffe and talked about all of our interactions so far, and laughed at the dumbest moments. i still couldn't believe everything. -hey, what's your contact name for me?- he asked. -i don't know, you choose- i told him as i opened the contacts app and handed him my phone.

i saw him scrolling and carefully inspecting every emoji before he decided on : João 💘
-why this exact heart?- i asked him, intrigued by his choice. -no reason.- he warmly smiled at me.


joão's POV:

-i wanted to break up with her for a long time now, i just didn't know how to. don't blame yourself.- i told her, in an attempt to comfort her. i felt like this was the perfect time to confess. -you made me realize how badly she acted towards me.- i felt us getting closer to each other.

i didn't wanna make a move, but she did. in a matter of seconds, i felt her lips on mine. my hands instinctively reached for her waist and i felt her hands on the back of my head. she pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath. in that moment, i couldn't resist the urge to tell her -i love you.-

i saw her eyes widen a bit when she heard that. -really?- she looked happy. -i do, ever since we talked at the airport.- she became red. we looked at each other for a while. i admired every inch of her face. i leaned to kiss her once again and then suggested coffee.

-let's go get coffee or something.- she took my hand and we went to the café. we talked about us for a while before i remembered something. -hey, what's your contact name for me?- i was curious.

-i don't know, you choose.- she handed me her phone. i choose a pink heart with an arrow. -why this exact heart?- she giggled at my choice. -no reason.- there really was no reason. it just reminded me of her.

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