*•.•* VI *•.•*

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i honestly didn't know what to expect from him since what happened earlier. i hoped it wasn't bad news.

i told nicole i would be right back and i rushed to the exit of the stadium. i had 5 minutes left. i exited and saw joão standing there. i don't know if that was just me, but he stood out from the others so i instantly spotted him.

-hi! why did you need me alone? it's literally 5 minutes until everyting starts!- i asked him because i was truly curious. -hey, calm down, it's nothing bad. i just wanted to see you alone after the..- he didn't finish the sentence as he was obviously flustered over.

-yea, i know. let's go then?- i smiled at him. we started going towards the entrance but i was clearly so interested in the conversation that i didn't notice a lady walking towards me. beforw i could bump into her, joão gently grabbed me by the waist and moved me closer to him. i apologized to the lady -oh my god, i am so sorry!- thankfully, she was a normal human being -no problem dear.-

i sighed a sigh of relief when she responded, but then i noticed his hands still holding my waist. i didn't know what to do without making it awkward, so i just pretended that i had to tie my shoe. when he noticed, he waited for me. -was the conversation that interesting that you didn't notice the woman walking towards us?- he said to me in a teasing manner.

-you made it interesting so that you could hold me like that.- i returned while he just laughed scratching his head awkwardly. -well, i- i didn't let him finish his sentence because i got up, took him by the hand and hurried to the entrance. -they aren't gonna wait for us to arrive to start.- i told him as he picked up
his pace.


we walked towards nicole and she immedately commented -you two are inseperable!- no shit sherlock. -shut it- i told her as i took the seat next to her. no one was sitting on the other side next to my seat, and assuming no one was gonna sit there joão sat next to me.

after watching for some time, a cold breeze started blowing. it was kinda chilly so i started shivering. nicole noticed and told me -told you to bring at least a thin jacket, but you're clearly stubborn enough to not bring one.- i rolled my eyes at her response and joão noticed the drama.

-are you cold?- he asked me with a smile. i instantly warmed up seeing his beautiful smile, and i nodded. i kinda knew what to expect, but my heart was still beating really fast when he covered me with his jacket. -here- he said while adjusting the jacket on me.

nicole watched us and snapped at least 15 pictures of us before i noticed. -hey!- i said as i covered the phone camera. she laughed while joão looked kinda embarrased. i just enjoyed in the warmth of his jacket. the jacket itself didn't really help, but it being his definitely helped. -you will send me those pictures, okay?- i demanded nicole to send me the pictures. -okay, damn.- she agreed 🥰


after some time of having fun and listening to music, it was time for the football to start. the players came out and the match started. just after 5 minutes, ecuador scored but VAR checked and the goal was cancelled.

on the 16th minute, ecuador scored again. it was already obvious that ecuador was gonna win this game. on the 31st minute they scored again and it was soon halftime.

-i'll be right back, i have to touch up my makeup.- i said to nicole and joão. jumping up and down, cheering and singing really made me sweat so i had to make sure my makeup looked okay.

i quickly fixed up my eyebrows and lashes, put on some mascara and blush and i was somewhat presentable again. i walked out of the bathroom and back to my seat. -hey, i'm back!- i smiled at the both as i sat down between them.

-hey, apparently there will be a party with the portugal team and stuff, it's gonna be in the hotel bar, an hour after this ends. wanna come?- joão offered us. i really want to go spend time with him.

-sure!- before nicole could even say a word, i accepted his offer. nicole laughed at me because of how fast i accepted. -you're so down bad!- she pushed me playfully. -if you... nevermind.- i wanted to say that it would be different if she fell for joão, but thank god nothing slipped out.

she snickered and left me alone as the game was slowly starting again. -sorry about that, but we'll both come.- i smiled at joão. -great!- he answered me and pushed the one strand of hair in my face behind my ear. i truly felt butterflies at that moment.

the game continued and nothing really happened for the second half. all i could think about was joão and what was gonna happen at the party.


joão's POV:

-sorry about that, but we'll both come.- maeve smiled at me. her smile was beautiful, i was mesmerised. i noticed a strand of hair in her face. -great!- i answered her as i gently moved the stray hair out of her face. i could see her slowly turning red as she had that beautiful smile on her face.

i couldn't wait to see what she would wear to the party. the whole time the only thing i could think about was her. i love magui, but when i look at maeve and her beautiful face, i wish she was mine. i kinda forget about magui.

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