*•.•* XIX *•.•*

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-i'm so sorry for earlier.- he opened his hands to hug me. -it's ok, i'm just so confused- i ran into his hands and wrapped my hands around him. -there's a chance you aren't even pregnant, you know that?- he closed the door and we sat on the couch. -i know, but there's still a chance i am.-

-did you do research anywhere?- he asked me. -did you?- i answered back. -sorry.- he quickly said and shut up. -i did. i think it's still too early for a test.- i sighed. -you could still try. i'm not going to buy it tho, imagine the scandal it would cause if someone saw me..-

-i'll ask nicole.- i grabbed my phone and started messaging nicole


nic 💋

if you love me you would buy me a test

nic 💋
are you literally a mind reader
i just headed to buy a couple tests
wild stuff

nic 💋are you literally a mind readeri just headed to buy a couple testswild stuff

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*You liked the message*

buy 4 tests ill pay u back
seen by nic 💋


i was in the bathroom, taking a pregnancy test. unbelieveable. -okay, i'll leave it here.- i put it on the counter and went out. -now we wait.- i told him and crossed my arms. -if it's a boy, he can be joão junior- he grinned at me. -ew, don't say that ever again.- i rolled my eyes.

after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the five minutes of waiting for results were over. i went to get the test. "NEGATIVE" it read on the test.

-oh thank god.- the relief that the results caused me was great. -do one more, these things can be inaccurate.- he advised me. -it's like you are hoping that i'm pregnant.- i told him as i grabbed another test. -maybe- he told me as i closed the bathroom door.



-see?- i sighed out of relief. -maybe in a few years- he told me. i rolled my eyes at his comment. -well, now that that's done, i have to take a shower. bye!- i headed to my hotel room to take a shower. -see you later!- i heard him say as i closed the door to his room.

words couldn't express how thankful i was. as i walked back to my room, i heard a notification on my phone.


João 💘

João 💘
just to be sure yk take a test tommorow also

i hate you
*João 💘 liked the message*


i threw my phone on the couch and went to take a well deserved shower. nicole wasn't there for some reason but i didn't think much about it.


clean and happy me threw herself on the couch and fell asleep for a solid hour. i woke up to nicole sitting next to me on the couch. -hey, what time is it?- i asked her. -it's half past twelve.- she showed me the time on her phone.

-where even were you?- i got up to get myself a glass of water. -i got you the tests and went back to the mall for shopping. by the way, i'm assuming the test was negative since you're so calm.-

-yea, thank god, but joão is literally so annoying, he keeps on talking about the baby- i complained. -imagine if i left you in portugal- she mumbled to herself, but i could hear her.

-at least i'm not pregnant.- i shrugged. -i feel kinda bad, i'll call him.- nicole nodded as i grabbed my phone and called him.


João 💘

i knew it.

literally shut up, i'm talking now.
i'm sorry for being so mean
but i'm just so nervous.

it's okay, come over

ok, bye


i walked back to his hotel room for the 100th time today. i could only knock once before he quickly opened the door. -hey- he smiled at me.

-hi- i went in. -next time, listen to lil wayne, please.- i told him. -i don't get this whole lil wayne thing, what do you mean?- he asked me, furrowing his eyebrows. -in one of his songs or something he said... nevermind, i'll show you on tiktok.- i opened tiktok and showed him the video. -that's basically it.- i told him and put my phone on the table.

-how did he even come up with that?- he laughed awkwardly. there was a few seconds of awkward silence before i spoke up. -nevermind, when's your next game?-

-i don't know, in like two days or something. wanna watch something?- he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. -yea, i guess.- i sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. -all of this could've turned out so differently.- i sighed, still stressed. -it didn't though. i mean, the other option wouldn't be the end of the world.-

-just be quiet.- i groaned.



guys at the time im writing this joão joined barça 🫣 my madridista heart is kinda crying but still happy for him. remember to vote plz 🤞🏼 not a lot of chapters left to this.

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