*•.•* XVIII *•.•*

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he leaned me onto the wall and i felt his presence behind me. i held my breath as he slid down my lace panties. his hands crawled up to my waist and he tightly gripped my waist as i felt a familiar pain in my lower abdomen.

i bit my lip. god forbid we make any sound louder than a whisper. -fuck- he groaned behind me. -shhh- i said in a shaky voice, shushing him. -what, are you scared of anyone hearing us?- he thrush deeper into me which ulitmately made me moan. -stop- i said in a whiny voice.

-no one would notice anything, they're all fucking drunk out of their minds- he kept up his pace behind me. he was groaning and breathing heavily. -you don't really want me to stop, do you?- i felt one of his hands sliding up to my neck, and then i felt the pressure on my throat. i was gasping for air. i liked that.

he suddenly stopped. he removed his hand from my neck and pulled out. he turned me around quickly -you wanted me to stop?- he glared at me. without a word, i pushed him to the wall and got on my knees. i continued to do what i intended while he kept his hands on my head. -shit- he groaned and grabbed my hair.

my hair was tangled between his fingers. i felt his dick start throbbing as he came. he blurted out something unintelligible. i swallowed and got up from my knees. -fuck.- he said as his hand slid down my body. i felt two fingers inside of me. he kept glaring at me while i bit my lip and held my breath. -don't stop- i cried out as i reached my climax. he pulled out his fingers and kissed me. -let's get out of here.-

⚠️ end of smut ⚠️

he took my hand and unlocked the stall. luckily, we saw no one. -wait. let me wash my hands- i stopped at the basin and turned on the water. -ugh, fine- he rolled his eyes and also washed his hands. -are you done?- he asked me.

-yea- i dried off my hands and he smiled at me. he took my hand and guided me through the crowd. we got out of the bar and stood outside for a minute. -where do we go?- he asked me, scratching the back of his head. -we're going to my room.- i told him and he nodded.


we arrived to the hotel and i managed to unlock the door. -i bet we looked like dumbasses walking here- he started giggling. that made me laugh too. without taking off my makeup or even changing, i jumped into my bed and he laid next to me. i wrapped my hands around him and fell asleep.

4/12/2022, 10:27am

i felt a pair of hands brushing through my hair which woke me up. it was joão. i guess he felt me moving around since i heard him say -good morning.-

it wasn't a good morning since my head was killing me and i didn't remember anything. -what time is it?- i asked, stretching my hand to the bedside table to grab my phone. -it's half past 10- he kept running his fingers through my hair. -last night was wild- he laughed to himself.

-i don't remember anything- i got up and sat on the edge on the bed, holding my head. -i remember some moments- he crossed his hands. -like?- i was curious to find out the "wild" details that happened yesterday. the only thing that i'm sure about is that i drank way too much since i don't remember anything.

-soo basically, we...- he started talking and i was horrified by the things he was saying. -in the fucking stall?- i put my head in my hands. -yea, i guess- he shrugged.

-at least tell me you wore protection- i looked up at him and he went pale. -FUCK- i yelled out, tears forming in my eyes. -i pulled out before.. you know- he covered his mouth with his hand. -my life is over!- i started crying. -i'm only 22 years old.- i looked at him with teary eyes.

-i don't know about you, but i'm feeling 22- he started singing "22" by taylor swift and it pissed me off. -it's not time for jokes, i'm leaving- i got up and started walking to the door of the room. -where are you going?- he asked me with a smug look on his face. -to my hotel room!- i yelled back at him and realised that i was standing in my hotel room.

-GET OUT!- i yelled at him. he laughed as he ran out of the room. i slammed the door behind him and went to the living room to find nicole passed out on the couch. i decided to leave her and take medicine for my head. i sat down on the couch to process everything that just happened in the span of 10 minutes.

-fuck- i mumbled to myself as i slowly realized the seriousness of the situation. i frantically started googling away my concerns.



"how long does it take for an egg to be fertilized?"
"am i pregnant"
"what does a pregnancy test do"
"pregnancy symptoms"
"top 100 unique baby names"


just as i was doing my research on google, nicole woke up -oh, hey!- she was surprised -what are you doing?- she smiled at me. -nothing special- i tried to not look suspicious, but she knows me well. -are you sure? tell me-

-i may be.. BUT just may be.. pregnant- when i said that, i couldn't control my tears and started crying again. -oh my shit- she furrowed her eyebrows. -surely not, you're kidding?- she asked me. -i'm not!- i said, still crying. -what about lil wayne? safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex- i interrupted her -i wasn't thinking about lil wayne, so wasn't he!-

-cause you don't want that late text, that "i think i'm late" text.- she finished the quote and i got up from my seat. -i'm not in the mood for jokes, sorry- i stormed out of the door to find joão. i went to his hotel room and started knocking on his door. he opened and his eyes widened when he saw me.

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