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it was time to meet him outside the restaurant. i walked for about 10 minutes until i arrived. i sat at the same bench and waited. it didn't take him long to arrive.

-hey!- he walked up to me. i looked up from my phone and greeted him back. -let's explore around here.- he suggested and i agreed.

-i just wanted to say that i'm extremely grateful for everything today. i don't know what to do with magui.- he told me. i know what you should do, break up! of course i couldn't say that tho.

-no worries. i'm here for you!- i smiled at him. i really hoped that things wouldn't get better between them. i know that i sound like the villain, but margarida is the one treating him like a piece of garbage. i hated seeing him so depressed about a whore.


just like on the plane, we spent great time together. i could feel us creating a stronger and bigger bond. i want him to know that he can trust me.

-look, there's a café! let's go!- he gently grabbed my hand and walked me to the café. i felt butterflies when he touched my hand. we found some seats inside the café and we got some coffee. just like that, there was 4 hours until the first world cup game.

-wow, the time went by so fast?- i asked him in disbelief. -yea, i can't believe either. well, we did a lot of stuff so no wonder so much time has passed.- he said and i agreed.

after some talking and sipping coffee, it was time for us to seperate. -how much do i owe you?- i asked him. -it's on me, don't worry.- he smiled at me. gaw dayum

we walked towards the hotel and just outside the entrance we stopped. -thanks for today, i really felt sad about everything and i'm happy now that i spent some time with you.- wow. i couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. -i'm glad! i also had a great time.-

i could feel us getting closer to each other. on the inside i panicked since i probably knew how this was gonna end. i suddenly felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and that instantly encouraged me to put my hands on his shoulders.

our faces were getting dangerously close and then, i felt his lips on mine. i felt shivers go down my spine as he put one hand on the back of my head, while he kept the other one on my waist. i felt euphoric. i craved for this moment from the second i saw him at the airport.

we pulled away from the kiss. he smiled at me and said -don't tell anyone, it's our secret- as he put his finger on my lips, shushing me. i was probably a blushing mess at this point. i could only look at his beautiful dimples when he smiled.


joão's POV:

we stopped outside of the hotel entrance. -thanks for today, i really felt sad about everything and i'm happy now that i spent some time with you.- i felt confident so i said that. she took my mind off of magui and bad memories surrounding her infidelity.

-i'm glad! i also had a great time.- phew, thank god she also liked spending time with me. in that moment, i felt her leaning closer into me. i knew exactly how this was gonna go. i thought "fuck it" and wrapped my hands around her waist. she instantly put her hands on my shoulders and i felt a wave of confidence wash over me as i leaned in and kissed her.

i put one hand on the back of her head and kept the other one wrapped around her waist. it felt so wrong, but i wanted it so badly.

i stopped to look at her and i smiled at her. i couldn't help but smile at her beautiful blushed face. -don't tell anyone, it's our secret- i put my finger on her lips as i watched her blush even more.

now, i was alone in my hotel room, replaying the beautiful moment in my head. i couldn't get her out of my mind. i decided that it would be a good time to start picking out the clothes that i was gonna wear to the game. (i'm too lazy to write his outfit so use ur imagination 💀)


maeve's POV:

we each went to our seperate hotel rooms. i walked in and nicole saw me. -what happened to you?- she said, laughing at my messed up hair and my scarlet colour. -i think you can sense what happened very well.- i said to her, smiling.

-doesn't he have a girlfriend?- i completely forgot about that roach. -we determined that she's a bitch and not good enough for him!- i was kinda mad, but it was okay since he kissed me 😜.

i decided that it would be a great idea to take an "everything" shower. i always loved these types of showers as they calmed me down. i dry brushed, oiled my hair, exfoliated, shaved, shampooed and conditioned my hair, moisturized, did skincare, did my makeup and styled my hair.

there was a bunch of stuff to do during everything showers, but i loved the complexity of it all. with an hour to spare, me and nicole got ready and went to the stadium just 10 minutes before the first game. i got dressed in my little white dress and nicole wore jeans with a white top.

we sat at our designated seats when i saw my phone light up with a message:


hey! are you at the stadium?
i am here too so i wanted to see you.

oh hey! yea im here where r u right now
im sitting with nicole

if you can i would like to see you alone
im just outside of the stadium at the main entrance

sure i'll come

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