*•.•* XXIII *•.•*

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last time we see this hotel room.- nicole said before she locked the doors. -stop!- i slapped her arm. before leaving for good, she gave the hotel room key back to the hotel and we snapped a few pictures.

-are you sitting with me or joão?- she asked me. -you know damn well.- i told her and pointed to her colleague friend. -you are weird as fuck.- she jokingly said before sitting down at her seat.

-sit!- i saw joão pass by and i grabbed him by his arm. -here you are.- he sat down and kissed me. -well, this trip was cut short.- he shrugged. -it was the most beautiful trip ever.- i leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.


after traveling by bus and by plane for the whole day, we were landing in portugal. -i literally have no idea how turbulence didn't wake you up.- joão laughed at me. -we're here, get up!- he told me. -calm down.- i told him. everyone was slowly getting out of the plane.

when i got out, the cold portuguese air hit me. -woah, it's cold- i shivered. -yea, isn't it?- joão said behind me. we were standing in the airport waiting for our luggage. -well, that is it.- nicole came up to me and said. -yea, this whole thing is unreal.- i replied.

we eventually got all of our luggage and it was time to go home. -can't believe i left my car here for a month.- i laughed as me and nicole were approaching my car. -calm down, no one touched it.- she said. -you never know!- i said making her scoff.


-well, that's it.- i said to nicole as i parked outside her house. -thank you so much.- she said as she got out and opened the trunk of my car. -need help?- i asked her from inside the car. -no need, i can manage!- she took her suitcase and bags.

-see you tommorow or what?- she asked me. -sure, i HAVE to shower.- i groaned. -bye then, i guess!- she closed the doors of my car and she waved to me as i slowly backed out of her front yard.

-i guess it's just me now.- i said to myself as i drove home. suddenly, my phone started ringing. it was joão.


João 💘


hi, what's up?

nothing, just wanted to
hear if you came home.

yea, i'm driving right now.
how are we gonna work
long distance now?

who said that we will be long distance?

what do you mean now?

well, you could kinda move in
with me,i have a surprise.

are you kidding?!

no, i'm for real
are you mad?

well, i'll think it through and call you tommorow.
i'm so tired right now.

okay, please tell me tommorow

yea yea, i just pulled into my driveway.
good night.

night, love you.


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