*•.•* XII *•.•*

341 5 4

27/11/2023, 9:00am

i was eating breakfast alone in the hotel room. nicole went for a walk. i was occupied with my thoughts. how is joão gonna play tommorow? does he consider us to be anything? was it just a drunk mistake? thoughts flooded my head until i heard a notification.

i picked up my phone to see what was the deal. it was joão.


João 💘
whatcha doingg

i'm eating u?

João 💘
wanna go for a walk or something

give me 15mins ok?
meet u outside of the hotel

João 💘
see you 👋🏼


so that was planned. i texted nicole to let her know.


hey i'll go on a walk with joao so yea

nic 💋


what a long conversation. i finished up my cereal and quickly picked a cute outfit. i chose green cargo shorts and joão's jersey. i was ready. i sprayed a bit of perfume and headed out to wait for him. it didn't take long for him to come. -hey- he came up to me and hugged me (as usual).

-hey!- i hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek. -where are we going?- i asked him, holding his hand. -let's walk around for a bit.- he smiled at me, and then he noticed my shirt. -nice shirt- he turned me around so that my back is facing him. -what are you doing?- i was giggling.

he didn't say anything. i heard a cap of something popping off and then i felt a marker in my back. -hey!- i tried looking at my back.
-here, it's much prettier now.- he turned me back around and tucked my hair to one side. -where did you get the marker?- i took his marker. -don't know honestly.-

-how do you not know?- i laughed at him. -i don't know.- he took the marker back and showed it in his pocket. -listen, i wanted to talk.- this conversation quickly went from 0 to 100. i became serious. -sure, what is it?- this couldn't have been worse for my already bad thoughts.

-i'm really nervous for the game.- phew. i thought it was gonna be about our realtionship. -i'm listening..- i took his hand.

he continued yapping about the upcoming game, the coach, his nervousness yada yada. i tried comforting him as much as i could. we sat on a bench near the shore. -you shouldn't worry that much, did you even get any sleep?- i asked him, inspecting his face for any signs of no sleep.

-well, almost none.- he looked dissapointed. -can you sleep over tonight?-

-yea, sure!- i agreed -but isn't the game, like, tommorow?-

-don't worry, it's at 20:00.- he moved the hair out of my face and caressed my cheek. i think i blushed once again. we walked a bit more before returning to the hotel since he had training. i didn't go this time since i felt that it was time me and nicole spent some time together.

when i entered the room, she was already there. -heyy, how was it?- she made tea. -good, i'll sleep over at his tonight.- she gave me a thumbs up and we chatted over random stuff.

-i'll take a nap if you don't mind.- she laid back on the couch and fell asleep quickly. i decided to pack my bag.

i chose a medium sized bag since i didn't need that much stuff. i packed pyjamas, skincare and shower stuff. after i packed my stuff, i decided to take a nap too. i fell asleep for about 15 minutes before i woke up again. i was extremely bored so i decided to check on nicole. she was still asleep so i decided to go watch joão.


i arrived at the stadium, and he was running around with the ball. he didn't notice me right away. it took him about a minute to realize i was there. -hey!- he pointed at me and started running towards me.

he came up to me and hugged me tightly. -calm down, we saw each other less than an hour ago.- i patted him on the back. -i don't care- he took the ball into his hands. -why did you decide to come here in the end?-

-do you not want me here?- i began messing with him. -no, of course i want you here, i'm just asking.-

-i'm just kidding, nicole is sleeping so i came here.- i sat down on the bench. i saw his teammates looking at us. -joão, come here!- one of his teammates yelled out to him. -i have to go- he ran off. he was so funny to me. at that moment, a thought came to mind.

we haven't discussed the status of our relationship. i know, we already did it and we're basically acting like we're a couple, but we haven't made anything official.


it was already 19:00. me and nicole were sitting on the couch when i recieved a message:


João 💘
you can come here now

k 🤭


-i'm going now.- i told nicole as i picked up my bag. -cool, don't get pregnant- she was teasing me. i rolled my eyes at her and closed the door.

i knocked at his door, and he opened almost immediately. -come in- he guided me in. i put down my bag. -what do we do now?- he asked me, sitting down on the couch. i saw uno cards on the table. -let's play uno!- i pointed at the cards on the table. -sure- he took the cards from the table and shuffled them.


after a lot of rounds, we were bored again. -i'm already sick of this game, you won 4 times in a row!- he threw the cards on the table and i laughed at him. -okay, we'll do something else.- i collected all the cards and put them back into the box. -hey, i have an idea! let's bake something.- i suggested. -let me see if i have the ingredients.

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