*•.•* IX *•.•*

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it was 11am. -i think it would be a good idea for me to go to my hotel room.- i told him. he looked a bit dissapointed, but he agreed. -i have training anyways.- he shrugged. -it's at 14, if you wanna watch me.-

-sure!- i accepted. i took off his clothes and put my dress and heels back on. i looked like complete trash. i couldn't wait to take a shower. -bye!- i hugged him and exited his hotel room. he waved at me and i waved back.

as soon as i entered my hotel room, nicole was waiting for me. -why the fuck didn't you answer me?! i had a million heart attacks!- she also looked rough. i rolled my eyes at her and pushed her out of the way. -okay, sorry for yelling, i was just so stressed.-

-thanks.- i told her as i was taking off my heels. -sooo, what happened at his place?- she started smirking at me. i explained everything. -WHAAAAT- her jaw was on the floor. -THAT IS AWESOMEEE- she was clapping. i kinda felt proud of myself.

-when's the training again?- she asked. -it's at 14. i'm showering first!- i rushed into the bathroom. -fuck you!- i heard outside of the door. i laughed at her response and hopped in the shower. it was a well needed refresh from last night. when i got out of the shower, i did my skincare and brushed my teeth. i got out of the bathroom and let nicole shower.

it was now 12. i decided to pick an outfit for the day. i choose a white cropped top and black tennis shorts. it was hot outside so the outfit was perfect for the weather. nicole was soon done with her shower too, and we decided to get breakfast. we went to a breakfast restaurant and took our seats. the waiter took orders and the food quickly arrived.

we ate and decided to walk for a bit. when we were walking we saw a footbal merch store. we went in and there were a bunch of jerseys from a bunch of different countires. we bought portugal jerseys in lisbon but they were the home jerseys. we each bought one away jersey.

it was already 13:40 and we decided to show up to the stadium a bit earlier. when we walked in, there were some players but i didn't see joão anywhere. we introduced ourselves to everyone and explained why we're here.

-oh, you were the girl that was with joão yesterday! and i already know your friend- one guy pointed out as he smiled. i was embarrased but i said -yea,we're good friends.-
nicole laughed at my response. -good friends- nicole whispered to me, mocking me. i just pushed her. when everyone but that guy started warming up, i asked him a question -when's joão coming?-

-he should be here soon.- he stopped for a second -wait, i didn't even introduce myself, i'm rafael, nicole already knows.- he smiled at nicole. so he was the guy nicole was with yesterday. -there are free bences there, you are free to sit there.- he pointed to the benches in the stadium. -thanks!- i told him.

just as i thanked him, i saw joão walking in. -hey! you're here!- he happily ran up to me and he kissed and hugged me. -yea, nicole's also here!- i told
him as i hugged him back. he pulled away from the hug and greeted everyone else normally.

-can you hold my bag?- he shoved the bag into my arms and ran away to warm up. i just laughed at him and we went to sit on the bench.

-you two should be a couple, i mean he broke off thing with magui?- once again, nicole is "discreetly" begging me to make a move on him. -you two also had s- i stopped her before she could stop talking.

-i know everything. i'm just scared that he's gonna leave me quickly after using me.- i was paranoid for no good reason. if he stayed loyal to a cheating bitch, he would stay loyal to me, right? -please stop speaking bullshit. he's head over heels. and so are you.- she poked me.

-can we stop talking about me and joão's realtionship, please?- i asked her. she just shrugged -i'm just telling the truth.- after that, we continued to watch them pass around the ball and mess around.


training was over and joão came up to me -how did i do?- he asked with a cute smile on his face. his dimples showed. -you did great!- i emcouraged him. -thanks.- he took the bag next to me and took my hand. i was once again surprised by his action but i just played along with it.

when i turned around to look at nicole, she was smiling at me and taking pictures of us again. -hey, stop!- i said, laughing and covering my face with my hand. -i will never stop taking pictures!- she yelled as she ran closer to us to take some 0,5x pictures. -you still owe me the pictures from yesterday's game!- i yelled at nicole as she giggled and continued taking pictures.

she saw that i wasn't really amused. -okay, okay, i'm sending them now.- she sent 24 pictures. as i scrolled through them, joão stopped me. -look, this one is cute.- he pointed at the phone. i inspected the image. he was covering me with his jacket in the stadium and he was looking at me. he seemed mesmerized as he was looking at me. i looked back at him -i'll send all of the pictures to you-.

i sent all of the 24 pictures of us to him. i saw him download all of the pictures and put the one he pointed out as his wallpaper. -is it good?- he asked me as he showed me his new lockscreen. -beautiful- i said as i held up my thumb.

-guys, snap out of it. let's go maeve.- nicole looked kinda annoyed as she grabbed my arm. i didn't wanna do anything so i just blew a kiss to joão. he sent one back and waved at me.

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