*•.•* XI *•.•*

400 6 0

24/11/2023, 6:00am

since the unofficial beggining of our relationship, nothing special has happened. hanging out with joão, talking to nicole about everything, watching trainings and wandering around qatar has been my source of entertainment for the past few days. today was portugal's first game of this world cup.

it was at 17:00. me and nicole were eating breakfast when my phone lit up with a notification. -ooh, is it joão?- nicole asked me. -what did he text you?- she found our interactions super entertaining and fun. -i'll read it out loud. be patient.- i opened the text message.


João 💘
will you watch me today? :))
i will score just watch 🙌🏼

of course
where r u rn

João 💘
im at training 🙄 we have training two times today

too bad
see you then :))

João 💘
see you 🙋🏽


-he uses a lot of emojis- nicole laughed at her own comment. -i know, i find it cute- i found everything he did cute or attractive. -delusional ass.- she made fun of me. i flipped her off as a joke and we both laughed.

every moment of the day i spent either texting him or thinking about him. i couldn't wait for the game. (guys i'm way too lazy so i'll just skip to the game.)


it was 16:45. the stadium was quickly filling up but since me and nicole got first row tickets we arrived there earlier. i sadly didn't get a chance to see joão today but i'll see him now so it didn't matter.

both me and nicole were wearing portugal jerseys. hers had ronny on the back and mine had joão. i wanted to show support. there was nothing to worry about regarding magui. at least i like to think so.

time passed by quickly and the game started. nothing really happened in the first half. i ran to the changing rooms to see joão. i saw him sitting on one of the benches with his head down. i walked up to him worried about him. -hey, what's wrong?- i sat next to him and wrapped my hands around him.

-i'm worried about losing. nothing happened in the first half and i'm scared about everything.- he sounded very distressed. i let him lean his head on my shoulder as i held his hands. -don't worry now, you'll win for sure. i mean, you guys have ronaldo, and.. you are a great player!- i couldn't think of anyone else other than ronaldo. he noticed that and laughed at me.

-i believe in you.- i hugged him. it was time for the other half to start. i had to get back to my seat. -i love you!- i told him as i ran back to my seat. he waved at me. i was worried about him. he looked and sounded really distressed so i hoped that portugal will win.

the score stayed 0:0 until ronaldo got a penalty. the whole stadium was quiet, waiting for ronaldo to change the score, or not. thankfully, he scored and changed the score in portugal's favour. the stadium cheered and celebrated.

less than 10 minutes after, ghana scored. the score was equalized again. i saw joão's face expression when ayew scored. he looked dissapointed.

a few substitutions were made and some players were benched. 5 minutes later, portugal were getting close to the goal. i saw fernandes pass to joão and a miracle happened. joão scored.

he happily ran and celebrated with his teammates. then he ran to the part of the stadium where i was, pointed to me and made a heart with his hands. i was so proud of him. leão scored again just 2 minutes after. the portugese fans were happy and celebrating.

the game went on normally and then joão got subbed. -nicole, i'll be right back.- i told her. -tell me what he said!- she yelled out to me because she knew why i was going. i saw joão walking towards the changing room and i ran towards him.

-hey!- i hugged him from behind. -oh,hey!- he got startled by my appearance. he turned around and when he realized it was me, he hugged me tightly. -did you see? i scored!- he was excited. -i saw everything.-

we stayed hugged for a minute. -i'm so proud- i looked him in the eyes. -thanks for coming here.- he moved a strand of hair out of my face. we were interrupted by the commentator announcing a goal for ghana.

-huh?- he looked confused. we went out for a minute to see what has happened. bukari scored the second goal for ghana. he went on to celebrate, and he did the siuuu. i couldn't contain my laughter, and it was the same for joão. we burst out laughing at ronaldo's reaction.

-don't worry, i bet the score will stay 2:3.- i reassured him. -i hope.- he caressed my arms. -you can go watch the game until the end, i'm going to change.- he told me. i quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek before i ran off back to my seat. -what did he say?- nicole was impatient, as always.

i told her everything and she started freaking out like a fangirl. -i can't wait for you guys to get married, i would be the maid of honour and- i cut her off before she could start speaking nonsense. -and you tell me i'm the delusional one.- i made fun of her.

-everyone is a bit delusional sometimes.- she shrugged. i guess she was right. the game soon ended in a predictable 2:3 for portugal. the portuguese players celebrated in the changing room. me and nicole walked into the changing room. joão saw me and he walked towards me.

he hugged and kissed me in front of nicole. to say that she was happy was an understatement. she started snapping a thousand pictures of us. i noticed and covered the camera. -send me them!- i told her. -here- she sent 18 pictures. i checked each one and there was one that i really liked so i set it as my wallpaper. me and joão continued talking and nicole went to talk to others. -when's your next game?- i asked joão. -on the 28th.- he smiled. -will you watch me?-

-you know i will.- i kissed him and ran my fingers through his hair.

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