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maeve's POV:

the game was soon over. we greeted joão and arrived to our hotel room. as i was taking off my shoes, i heard nicole say -you guys are actually so funny, you have to make a move on him now.- she laughed.

-you already know the whole situation. we're just friends.- i wished we weren't just "friends". i felt angry just hearing about magui. -since when do friends make out?- she asked, she knew exactly what she was doing.

-heat of the moment!- i yelled at her as she laughed at me. i plopped down on the bed and checked my phone. -won't you choose your outfit?- she asked me as she scoured her part of the closet. -i know exactly what i'm gonna wear.- i had a beautiful white silk dress in mind. -ooh, fancy- nicole tried to imitate a british accent, but failed horrendously which made us both laugh.

-just kidding. what are you thinking of?- she asked me as she was folding her clothes. -sooo, i packed an adorable white silky dress, and i wanted to pair it with pearl heels.- her face lit up when i told her my idea. -you will literally be a walking goddess, you haaave to make a move on joão. please- she was practically on her knees begging me.

-i'll try.- she started jumping up and down of excitement. -how about i try to rizz up a guy?- she asked. -you are hot, you could pull anyone you want.- i told her. -we'll see, i guess- she said.


an hour later, and we were both glowing and stunning. i had my white dress with my heels and i let my hair down. nicole, on the other hand, was dressed in a completely black glittery dress which suited her perfectly. she had the chunky prada heels. we were too beautiful, so we had to have a photoshoot.

we arrived at the bar, and it was full of people. we looked around for joão, but nicole saw a cute guy by the side of the bar so i was left alone. -good luck!- she waved at me. i blew her a kiss as i continued searching for joão.

i looked all around, but then i went to the main bar where i saw him. he looked absolutely hot. he had a black button up and black pants with his fluffy hair. ughh. i stared at him for a while before he noticed me. i saw his eyebrows suddenly rise which made me laugh.


joão's POV:

i was talking to some teammates at the bar, waiting for maeve to arrive. i couldn't wait to see her. i dressed nicely to try and impress her.
i looked around the crowd of people dancing, when i saw a familiar face. she was drop-dead gorgeous. i saw a small smile creep up onto her face. she looked beautiful.

she started laughing. was it something i did, or? it didn't matter now, it was time to come up to her. i stood up from the bar stool to walk up to her. when i came close to her, i complimented her. -hi, you're actually here! you look beautiful.- she hugged me. -thank you! so do you.- she liked my outfit 😎

-want a drink?- i asked her. -sure!- she agreed. i gently took her by the waist and walked her to the bar. she ordered a daiquiri. when my teammates saw me talking to her, they asked me -arent you already in a relationship?- of course they had to ruin the moment. -we don't talk about her.- they looked at each other while i focused on the beautiful girl in front of me.

-sooo, how are things with magui now?- she looked kinda dissapointed. i didn't wanna see her sad, and this whole magui thing has been torturing me for a while. -you know what, i think it's time.- i told her. -time for what?- maeve looked confused.

-it's time to end things with magui.- her face instantly lit up with shock. -are you sure you wanna do it over the phone?- she asked me. i gestured her to be quiet as i called magui. i put her on speaker so she could clearly hear the music behind me.




hey! i wanted to tell you something.

what is it? be quick, i'm busy

we're over.

come again?

we're over margarida. i know you probably have a man over right now.

well, for your information, no i don't! and you probably found yourself a qatari whore there and you think you can pull anyone now!


i laughed at the phone as i hung up. -well, that's one way to end things.- i told her as she smiled. -i'm proud of you.- she made me blush.


maeve's POV:

he laughed as he hung up on magui. -well, that's one way to end things.- i was so incredibly happy, but i couldn't really show it since i think it would be innapropriate. the only appropriate thing i though of saying was -i'm proud of you.- he smiled and his dimples showed. it was kinda obvious that he had something to drink.

i decided to drink too since it was a long day. his surprise arrival, some marriage counseling, hanging out with him all day, the game, getting ready for the hundreth time and now the party. only two days in qatar and i've already been almost everywhere.

drink after drink dissapeared with joão and the whole time we were laughing, flirting and cracking jokes. suddenly, "girls just wanna have fun" by cindy lauper came on. -hey, that's my favourite song, let's go!!- i quickly jumped up from my seat and grabbed his hand. there was a bunch of people on the dance floor, but we pushed our way into the crowd. we danced and had fun until the song ended.

-phew, that was definitely something.- i told him as i laughed. he couldn't even answer because he was laughing so hard. -hey, i have an idea!- i told him. my idea was definitely... something. -yes?- he looked at me, smiling.

-let's kiss.-

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