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-please excuse me- i told her as i stood up from the table. i quickly ran in his direction to try and find him.

i saw him walking out of the restaurant and sitting on a nearby bench. i walked towards the bench to see him holding back tears. as soon as he saw me, he stood up. -look, i'm so sorry for whatever that just was, but i'm just so depressed about my whole relationship. magui is so distant now.-

i guess i was feeling really bold, so i just pulled him into a hug. i could tell he was surprised, but he just gave into the hug and wrapped his hands around me. i was also surprised by his action. -let's go back.- i told him as i gently patted him on his back. he looked at me, nodded and smiled. i could tell by the look in his eyes that mentioning his "girlfriend" hurt him badly.


joão's POV:

i couldn't bear the embarrasment of breaking down in front of maeve, so i excused myself to "the bathroom".

i ran out of the restaurant to the nearest bench outside. i sat down and i tried to control my emotions. just when i calmed down a little bit, i saw maeve come out of the restaurant and i stood up immedaitely.

-look, i'm so sorry for whatever that just was, but i'm just so depressed about my whole relationship.i really was depressed. magui is so distant now.- i missed magui. everything was okay with us for a few months before she started seeing other guys.

to my shock, maeve pulled me into a tight hug without a word. i think that she could tell that i was surprised, but i still tried to play it off and i hugged her back. it felt like she perfectly fit into my arms. it felt comforting.

-let's go back.- i heard her say as she patted me on the back. we went back into the restaurant.


maeve's POV:

as soon as nicole saw us coming back inside, she winked at me and flashed me a smile. we sat down and ate. the whole time, it was quiet and no one knew what to talk about. nicole broke the silence excusing herself to the bathroom, leaving me and joão alone.

-listen, if you ever need to talk about your problems, i'm here for you.- i told him. -thank you. can i get your number?- he quietly asked me. oh shit. he asked me for my number. -sure, here.- i gave him my phone. he smiled and typed in his phone number. nicole returned and we finished eating.


-see you later!- i told joão as he walked to his hotel room. he smiled and waved at me. -so, what did you guys do outside?- nicole asked me as soon as we entered our hotel room.

-oh shut it, i just comforted him for a little.- i told her in a pissed off tone. -oooh, you comforted him??- she started laughing at me. -just kidding. i feel kinda bad for him.-

she KINDA feels bad for him? i feel extremely bad for him. i felt even more sorry for myself, since now all i could do was comfort him about his shitty relationship.

-kinda? don't you see how his mood instantly changed when this whore magui was mentioned?- i told her. -i'll check her instagram real quick.- i told nicole as i typed "magui" into the instagram search bar.

-is that her profile?- nicole said pointing at a profile picture of a blondie. -let me see.- i clicked onto the profile, but there were no signs of joão. that was, until i clicked on one of her posts. the comments were flooded with joão.


Free Félix

no felix no follow

you to pretty to be acting like this 😣

Prime felix incoming...


-she's for the streets. look at her posting pictures with other guys like she doesn't have a boyfriend.- nicole told me as we read the comments together. i couldn't even say anything.

we checked every one of her posts and they were all full with comments of joão, even tho she almost never posted him. -it's such a waste of beauty.- nicole told me. i nodded in agreement.

one thing that concerned me was that things were gonna work out between them. i know that i'm supposed to be there for joão as a supportive friend, but i just fill with jealousy and rage whenever i see a pic of them together. i want joão for myself. if i were his girlfriend, i would treat him way better.

i tried to get my mind off of those negative thoughts, so i asked nicole -when's the opening ceremony?-

-it's at 18:00.- with a bunch of time to spare until the ceremony, just to be sure in my choices, i decided to pick an outfit now. it was hot in qatar, so i picked a cute white summer dress and paired it with my white converse.

while picking my outfit, i heard my phone ring. i ran to pick up, when i saw that joão was calling me. i instantly answered.




hey! what's up?

nothing. i was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk around here?

sure! when?

ill see you at the same restaurant at 8.

sure! see you!

thanks. bye


our conversation was extremely dry but it didn't matter since i was gonna see him. he sounded really sad. he talked in the same tone since what happened today at breakfast.

i chose to wear the same thing i wore the whole time, a white shirt and denim shorts. i braided my hair into two braids and i put on my converse. it was time to meet up with him outside the restaurant.

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