*•.•* XV *•.•*

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it was margarida with some guy.

-nicole, turn around.- she looked concerned by me suddenly stopping, so she turned around immediately.

when she saw what i saw, she quickly turned around. -what. the. fuck.- she was shocked. -what the fuck do i do? i don't want her to ruin joão's mood and make him mess up everything!- i panicked. it wasn't about me. i couldn't give less fucks for her. it was about joão for me. how was he gonna react?

-listen, just calm down and pretend she isn't there. he probably isn't gonna notice her.- nicole quickly came up with a plan. we continued cheering portugal on.

magui's POV:

i saw the girl's face turn white when she saw me. it was satisfying seeing her friend turn around with the same reaction. i just needed joão's reaction now. -everything goes according to plan- i hummed quietly. i was so happy. -mhm?- the scouser turned around to look at me. -nothing.- i caressed his arm.

maeve's POV:

i couldn't even watch on the game normally. i only thought about magui in the crowd and i hoped that joão wouldn't see the bitch.

i tried to focus on the game. thank god, on the 54th minute ronaldo almost scored a header. fernandes was rightfully credited for the goal after. i saw joão's face muscles relax as he celebrated with his teammates. he looked way more relaxed now. i hoped that it stayed that way.

some substitutions were made and nothing much happened. on the 77th minute, joão got a yellow. soon after that, he was subbed. he was walking towards the changing room. i decided to calmly leave to not alert magui.

-hey- i walked behind him. -hey- he looked kinda dissapointed, but he sounded okay. -are you sad?- i asked him, grabbing his two hands and holding them in mine. -no, not really. i'm kinda dissapointed that i didn't score, but we'll win surely.- he smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

we were talking and we heard the crowd start screaming. -what's that?- i was confused by the sudden noise. we went to see what was happening and we saw that portugal had a penalty. thankfully, fernandes was accurate and scored another goal for portugal.

-let's go!- he jumped out of happiness and picked me up. -wow, calm down!- he put me down. -sorry.- he moved the hair out of my face. there was a few seconds left to the game and it was over.

it ended in 2:0 for portugal. the team celebrated in the changing room. fernandes walked up to me and joão. -congratulations!- i congratulated bruno. -thank you.- he nodded at me and him and joão began talking about something.

everything was okay until i saw magui approaching the changing room with her boyfriend..? -joão, joão, look.- i tapped him on his shoulder and pointed towards the two approaching.

-what the fuck?- he looked angry. -wait here.- he put his hand on my lower back and kissed me before he went up to them.

joão's POV:

-okay, now how did you get in here?- i asked her. -we sneaked in, just wanted to see who you replaced me with.- she side hugged the man next to her with a smug look on her face.

-look, it's none of your business. did we seperate?- i asked her. -yea, but- i cut her off.

-so now you have no business in my relationships, and i have no business in yours. goodbye.- i turned around on my heel and went back to maeve. -hey, what happened?- she asked me.

without a word, i leaned in and started making out with her in front of magui and her new boyfriend. i wrapped my hands around maeve's waist and her hands got tangled in my hair.

i peeked to see the look on her face. to say that magui was pissed was an understatement. she scoffed and ran off, her boyfriend chasing after her. -hey, where are ya going?- he had a dumb scouse accent. i pulled away from the kiss.

maeve looked flabbergasted. -what was that about?- she was flustered. -just to make her leave us alone.- i brushed the hairs out of her face and carresed her cheek.

magui's POV:

i couldn't believe what i was seeing. my ex boyfriend and a random girl tangled up in a kiss. i was pissed. i spent a bunch of money to get dissapointed, and now i have to sleep with some random fucking guy. -hey, where are ya going?- the scouser ran after me. -listen dude, i will give you what you want, just leave me alone after that.- i've had enough.

-listen, you don't need to do anything. let's just not talk to each other ever again.- he gave me a deal. -okay. goodbye and thank you.- i greeted him and stormed out of the stadium. at least i didn't have to do that. i guess i'll go back home. i immediately went on my phone and bought a plane ticket to portugal for tommorow.

maeve's POV:

me and nicole were back in our hotel room. -that was absolutely mad.- she told me. -i know, at least she probably won't bother us anymore.-

-us?- she looked confused. -me and joão.- i told her. -oh, okay.- it was quite late so i went to bed.


29/11/2023, 8:00am

i was eating breakfast when i heard a notification from my phone. i scoffed and got up to grab my phone. my frustration quickly dissapeared when i saw who messaged me.


João 💘

why r u messaging me so early

João 💘
i don't know
im bored
theres no training today 😁


João 💘
i wanted to ask u something
i never showed you magui
how did you know it was her walking in? 🤨




i kinda stalked her on ig
dont be mad plz

João 💘
no no im not mad
i was just curious


João 💘
see u later today?


João 💘


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