Just, breath... AIR

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[3rd Person Pov]

Izuku sucks in his breath, not being able to feel Katsuki beside him in the bed. Upon realization he lifts himself up on all fours and frantically flails his arms on the sheets, depending on his sense of touch to find Katsuki since he can't see in the pitch dark.

He takes deep breaths when he feels humidity start surrounding his eyes, a sign that he's going to burst out in tears soon.

"Kacchan.. Kacchan please where are you?" Izuku shakily cries out, not being able to do anything but just stand there as he lets big drops fall out his eyes.

"Please don't leave me alone... not again.."

[Bakugou Pov]

I need to hurry up, I have a gut feeling that Izuku woke up and thats not good if I'm not with him.

As I'm trying to quickly chug my water I hear a voice come from behind me, "Yo Bakubro! What you doing up so late?" It's dunce face.

I wipe the access water off my mouth with my wrist and growl at him, "Shut up I'm not dealing with your shit right now." I harshly rub past his shoulder making him nervously flash a smile followed by a chuckle.

"Ok dude.. nice chatting with ya." He mutters out, his enthusiasm shriveling away with each passing second.

I roll my eyes and run the rest of the way back to my dorm once I'm out of Pikachuu's sight. I silently pray that Izuku hadn't woken up and that my gut feeling was wrong, even though its always right. Theres always a first for everything though.

I finally make it to my floor and bolt into my dorm, my eyes widening when I see Izuku having a panic attack. I swiftly close my door and make my way to the bed.

"Hey Izuku, calm down.. I'm here, I'm right here." I softly coo, not speaking in my usual agitated voice in order to not freak him out any more.

I gently lower myself onto the edge of the bed and wait for him to take it in, not making any sudden movements until he himself shows me it's okay to.

Izuku was curled into himself on his side, he lifted his head up a bit when he heard my voice and upon seeing me, more hidden tears gushed out his eyes.

"Kacchan— Kacchan!" He cried out as he lifted himself on an elbow and lightly grabbed my arm, pulling me down onto the bed with him. I quickly adjusted my twisted posture so that I would be facing him and sighed out as I wrapped my arms around his trembling body.

I felt as he pulled his body closer to mine and wrapped his own arms around me, burying his face into my chest causing my top to quickly soak with salty water.

"Shhh.. its fine.. I'm here and alive," I whisper into his ear, although technically its his hair, but he seems to still be able to receive the message as his ragged breathing starts to slow down back to normal.

I feel as he turns his head and lets his ear fall onto my chest as he silently mumbles out, "Don't leave me again... please."

"Of course not idiot." I respond under my breath to a unresponsive greenette, hiding my own face in his fluff.

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