Chapter 22

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The Japanese justice system was stricter than America's and for good reason.

While misuse of quirks was common in other parts of the world it wasn't tolerated in Japan. Sure, other countries still had laws against it but they weren't taken to heart unless brought up in court.

So the charges that Katsuki's kidnappers would facing went from a life sentence to death penalty as soon as the body modification was revealed.

He felt sick to his stomach when he and Izuku got interviewed by Tsukauchi. They were stable enough to give their statements and spill everything that they knew in order to put the villains behind bars.

Izuku leaked their location and what he observed while infiltrating the base, Katsuki although blunt told them what they did to him the days he was gone.

And if the faces shared across the room said anything he wished he didn't give as much detail as he did.

Injections, pills, dirty talk, it didn't seem like much until he was ordered to tell them everything, from what they said to what they made him take.

The idiot Chiyo was stupid enough to reveal everything that he was doing while he was doing it, and although Katsuki didn't know what the words the old man had told him he was injecting him with the police seemed to know.

They whispered to each other before calling in a doctor, and off Katsuki went. More medicine more diagnosis and more tests.

Post-traumatic stress and depersonalization. He wasn't even aware of the latter till he was told he had it.

He knew he wasn't perfectly fine but being slapped with such issues seemed surreal.

Sure, he accepted that he wasn't going to be completely fine, but he theorized he wouldn't be that butthurt!

Worse yet now everyone knew what they did to him, the modifications and quirk trigger.

When he was visited by his blond friend he expected a joke out of it, prepared himself to hear it. The lack of dark humor that day felt worse.

He could practically feel the pity and sorrow leaking from every person that visited after.

He was glad he was saved, oddly enough.

Izuku was able to give them the address to their base and in the current moment that he was eating his curry they were sending in teams of heroes and armed police forces.

It made him feel relaxed knowing that the fuck heads wouldn't be able to mess with anybody else's life or body.

Sure they probably already fled the area but now police had better understanding of the Yakuza group.

His phone dinged beside him and he picked it up with a sigh.

Tsukauchi: As expected the base was left barren but we do have a special someone that was abandoned. If you're willing to we do wish to have you two talk, from what we know he seems to be honest with you.

Sure but where? I'm supposed to stay hospitalized for three more days. :Katsuki

Tsukauchi: Staff room on floor three. Is five minutes enough for you?

Yeah. I'm on my way. :Katsuki

Chowing down the last of his curry he ignored the gut feeling that something was wrong. He wanted to hurl over the food he finished eating but forced it back down.

He contemplated over changing into clothing attire but shrugged it off to the conclusion that it was probably going to just be a quick interrogation.

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