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"Fuck youuuuu." Bakugou groaned as Midoriya chuckled.

The blonde adjusted himself into the couch as the greenette rolled his eyes and looked up at Priscilla.

"Progress and its only the third session. You two seem to have it going on huh?" Priscilla observed with a smile.

Izuku nodded and Katsuki clicked his tongue.

"Y'know we haven't even talked much bout your relationship together." Priscilla skeptically added.

"What is there to know?" Katsuki spat out unamused.

Priscilla gave a weak chuckle and said, "No I mean we haven't talked about.. well.. y'know. Your past relationship. Your relationship together back then?"

Izuku visibly tensed at the memory and thought causing Priscilla to immediately get the message.

"Ah- sorry if you two aren't ready yet you shouldn't feel forced to tell." She sincerely apologized. "We can talk about a lighter topic if you want?"

Katsuki glanced at Izuku in worry although of course he didn't show it. Izuku didn't notice his stare and just rubbed the back of his neck.

"Izuku breathe." Katsuki soothed. "I'm sorry for being a shitty person but it wont happen ever again."

"Midoriya, you two are here to grow along side each other to be able to face the obstacles and challenges you've went through." She smiled at them, "You may have a rough past but at least you have your future to make up for it."


Izuku and Katsuki got through with the session. Izuku decided that it was okay to talk about their past and it would be an understatement to say Rae wasn't surprised.

Katsuki had been quiet most if the time, shocked to hear Izuku's side of the story.

He really was a dick.

If any other person were to hear the way Izuku explained it they would have been traumatized themselves by just hearing it.

So why the fuck does Izuku still care about him? He could just leave Katsuki whenever he wants to. He could've also let him die in the field. But he didn't.


Izuku noticed how upset Katsuki was, and since he's not a mind reader he assumed Katsuki just didn't like the way he described him during the session.

"Kacchan, I dont think you're what I called you back there. You've changed you know!" Izuku exclaimed with a weak smile.

Somehow what he said clicked together to what Bakugou was actually thinking.

"I was a big ass jerk." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku took it the wrong way because of what he thought Katsuki was thinking about.

"No! I didnt mean it!" Izuku rambled, "I was just describing how I felt back then and I don't mean your a jerk anymore because you've changed and-"

Katsuki was gone. He had ran ahead into an alley way, feeling to overwhelmed by a wave of emotion to be able to talk.

Would Izuku had left him to die in the field if it wasn't for his kind and forgiving heart? Without Izuku he would be dead. Is Izuku only acting weak in front of him out of pity?

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